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JOB INTERVIEW. FIRST MEETING SOMEONE ➤ When first meeting someone…. ➤ What do you ask them ? ➤ With a partner think of three things you ask someone with.

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Presentation on theme: "JOB INTERVIEW. FIRST MEETING SOMEONE ➤ When first meeting someone…. ➤ What do you ask them ? ➤ With a partner think of three things you ask someone with."— Presentation transcript:


2 FIRST MEETING SOMEONE ➤ When first meeting someone…. ➤ What do you ask them ? ➤ With a partner think of three things you ask someone with first meeting them

3 JOB INTERVIEWS ➤ Today we’re talking about job interviews

4 VOCABULARY 1.employer 2.versatile 3.experience 4.applicant 5.qualification 6.employment 7.proficiency 8.field 9.references 10.application 11.employ A)Someone who owns a business or employs people B)having many skills C)form or paper which indicates interest in a particular place of employment or position within a company D)to hire someone to do a job E)someone who can comment on your personal character, work ethic, or past work experiences F)a particular kind of commercial enterprise G)Can do something well H)someone who applies to a job I)a requirement J)The accumulation of knowledge or skill that results from direct participation in events or activities K)The occupation for which you are paid


6 ➤ See job posting ➤ Write cover letter ➤ Format resume ➤ Apply to position ➤ Get a phone call from interviewer ➤ Have interview ➤ Maybe have more interviews

7 THE INTERVIEW - BEGINNING ➤ Interviewer ➤ Interviewee

8 THE INTERVIEW - BEGINNING ➤ Interviewer ➤ Interviewee ➤ When first meeting the interviewer you will most likely engage in small talk. ➤ What are some phrases used in small talk?

9 THE INTERVIEW - BEGINNING ➤ The most common small talk phrases at this point are: ➤ How are you doing today? ➤ Did you find the place ok? ➤ Why are these phrases used?

10 THE INTERVIEW - BEGINNING ➤ The most common small talk phrases at this point are: ➤ How are you doing today? ➤ Did you find the place ok ➤ Why are these phrases used? ➤ To break the ice / To build report

11 THE INTERVIEW - BEGINNING ➤ Once sitting down with the interviewer, the interviewer will ask you a question. What is it?

12 THE INTERVIEW - BEGINNING ➤ Once sitting down with the interviewer, the interviewer will ask you a question. What is it? ➤ Tell me about yourself.

13 THE INTERVIEW - BEGINNING ➤ Tell your partner “Tell me about yourself.” ➤ Write down the topics that your partner told you.

14 THE INTERVIEW - BEGINNING ➤ Tell your partner “Tell me about yourself.” ➤ Write down the topics that your partner told you. ➤ Let’s share(board)


16 ➤ Interviewer : “Tell me about yourself” ➤ Interviewee: “I'm happily married and originally from Denver," she began. "My husband was transferred here three months ago, and I've been getting us settled in our new home. I'm now ready to go back to work. I've worked in a variety of jobs, usually customer service-related. I'm looking for a company that offers growth opportunities.” ➤ What’s wrong with what the interviewer said?

17 TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF ➤ What are some good things to say? ➤ What are some bad things to say?

18 TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF ➤ What are some good things to say? ➤ Strengths you have that are pertinent to this job (experiences, traits, skills, etc.) ➤ Education ➤ Past experiences ➤ Proven success ➤ Current situation ➤ What are some bad things to say? ➤ Bad things about previous company ➤ Marriage ➤ Children ➤ Disabilities ➤ Religion ➤ Politics

19 TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF ➤ Make sure to: ➤ Talk about your strengths ➤ Talk about your experience ➤ Talk about your current situation

20 TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF ➤ Make sure to: ➤ Talk about your strengths ➤ Knowledge-based skills: (computer skills, languages, degrees, training and technical ability) ➤ Transferable skills: Your portable skills that you take from job to job (e.g., communication and people skills, analytical problem solving and planning skills) ➤ Personal traits: Your unique qualities (e.g., dependable, flexible, friendly, hard working, expressive, formal, punctual and being a team player).

21 KNOWLEDGE BASED SKILLS ➤ Knowledge-based skills: (computer skills, languages, degrees, training and technical ability): ➤ I can use ________ ➤ I am good at using _______ ➤ I am proficient with _______ ➤ Can you think of any more?

22 TRANSFERABLE SKILLS ➤ Transferable skills: Your portable skills that you take from job to job (e.g., communication and people skills, analytical problem solving and planning skills) ➤ I can ________ ➤ I am good at _______ ➤ I am proficient at _______

23 PERSONAL TRAITS ➤ Personal traits: Your unique qualities (e.g., dependable, flexible, friendly, hard working, formal, punctual and being a team player). ➤ I am _____ ➤ I am a _____ person ➤ People tell me I am ______ ➤ My previous position required me to be a _____ person. Being ______ allowed me to _____-

24 TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF ➤ Make sure to: ➤ Talk about your experience

25 TALKING ABOUT PREVIOUS EXPERIENCES ➤ How do we talk about previous experiences? ➤ (Hint: we’ve had a lesson covering this)

26 TALKING ABOUT PREVIOUS EXPERIENCES ➤ How do we talk about previous experiences? ➤ I have ______ ➤ I have been doing _____ ➤ I have ______ before ➤ I past verb.

27 TALKING ABOUT PREVIOUS EXPERIENCES ➤ How do we talk about previous experiences? ➤ I have worked in the technology field for the last fiveyears ➤ I have been doing accounting in my current position for two years ➤ I have worked in an office environment before. ➤ I worked as a doctor.

28 TALKING ABOUT PREVIOUS EXPERIENCES ➤ Tips: ➤ Give specific numbers or examples: ➤ I increased sales. ➤ I did a great job. ➤ My coworkers said I was nice. ➤ I really helped the company

29 TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF ➤ Make sure to: ➤ Talk about your current situation

30 TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF ➤ Talk about your current situation ➤ What are you currently doing? ➤ Examples: ➤ I am currently looking for a position in the technology industry that will allow be to go from a jr developer to a sr developer. ➤ I am looking for job where I can use my sales skills on a daily basis. ➤ Can you think of any more?


32 WHY DO YOU WANT TO WORK HERE? ➤ Try to say something so the interviewer knows that you know about the company. ➤ I know you company makes excellent movies and I want to be a part of that process. ➤ Try to say something so the interviewer feels good about working for the company. ➤ Your hospital saves lives every day. I think that’s amazing and I want to help.

33 WHY DO YOU WANT TO WORK HERE? ➤ Other good answers: ➤ "I've known several colleagues over the years who have worked at your company, and they have all said great things.” ➤ "I was excited to see on your website that you feature employees talking about how great it is to work for your company. “ ➤ "Your company is known for making great products that help people do X. But on top of that, I know of your company's leadership role in our community through your support of X, Y and Z events or causes. “

34 WHY D YOU WANT TO WORK HERE ? ➤ Hints: ➤ Show the interviewer that you know about the company. ➤ The more you know about the company, the better.


36 WHY DID YOU LEAVE YOUR LAST JOB? / WHY ARE YOU LEAVING YOUR CURRENT JOB? ➤ Never say anything bad about your current / last company? ➤ Why?

37 WHY DID YOU LEAVE YOUR LAST JOB? / WHY ARE YOU LEAVING YOUR CURRENT JOB? ➤ Good examples: ➤ I am looking to work for a bigger company that has more opportunities to grow. ➤ I am looking to work for a smaller company where there is a strong sense of teamwork.


39 ➤ Give specific numbers or examples ➤ Relate your last job to the job your are interviewing for ➤ Examples: ➤ I worked as an accountant in my last job where I worked in a team of five other hardworking accountants. ➤ I was a lawyer at my previous job. Although I wasn’t an accountant, I worked with finance law and accounting law.


41 WHAT ARE YOUR STRENGTHS? ➤ Give an answer ➤ Give example

42 WHAT ARE YOUR STRENGTHS? ➤ “I think one of my greatest strengths is as a problem solver. I have the ability to see a situation from different perspectives and I can get my work done even in the face of difficult obstacles. I also feel that my communication skills are top notch. I feel just as comfortable presenting to senior executives as I do mediating a conflict between junior team members. I worked as a programmer in the past so I have that perspective of a developer and I think that they respect me for that.”


44 WHAT IS YOUR GREATEST WEAKNESS? ➤ What is your greatest weakness? ➤ If I called your current/previous manager, what would he/she say that you need to work on? ➤ Tell me about a development goal that you have set. ➤ If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? ➤ What do you most want to improve in the next year?

45 WHAT IS YOUR GREATEST WEAKNESS? ➤ Don’t cite a weakness related to any of the required skills or desired qualities. If you’re an accountant, don’t talk about hating math or lack of attention to detail. If you’re in sales, don’t confess to being too reserved or lacking persistence. ➤ Select a weakness that is relatively minor and “fixable.”

46 WHAT IS YOUR GREATEST WEAKNESS? ➤ Tell your weakness ➤ Tell what you are doing to fix it

47 WHAT IS YOUR GREATEST WEAKNESS? - EXAMPLE 1 ➤ “I think one area I could work on is my delegation skills. I am always so concerned about everything being done right and on time that I can get stuck in that mentality of “If you want it done right, do it yourself.” Unfortunately, that’s not always possible and I’ve realized that I can slow things down if I am too controlling. ➤ I learned this recently when given the opportunity to manage the department’s summer interns. I had never managed direct reports before, so this was a hugely educational experience in many different ways. It definitely taught me how to delegate and my manager noticed the difference in my management style at the end of the summer. I know that I can benefit from additional development in this area, so I signed up for a management skills training course and am always looking for opportunities to manage projects for our group.”

48 WHAT IS YOUR GREATEST WEAKNESS? - EXAMPLE 2 ➤ “Sometimes I can be a bit too honest when I provide feedback to coworkers. My personality is naturally very straightforward and to the point, and most of my colleagues really value that, but I have learned that there are times on the job when more diplomacy is required. ➤ I took a training class on conflict management and it really opened my eyes to the need to communicate differently with different people. So now I am much better at providing constructive feedback, even if it doesn’t always come naturally.”


50 ➤ This question will change depending on the job you are applying for, but sometimes some jobs will have the same question, such as: ➤ Tell me about a time when you had more work than you could do in the amount of time you had to do it.

51 TELL ME ABOUT A TIME WHEN… ➤ When answering this question make sure to say: ➤ What was going wrong, such that you had to act ➤ What you did, and ➤ Why that was a good solution. ➤ Question: ➤ Tell me about a time when you had more work than you could do in the amount of time you had to do it.


53 WHAT SALARY DID YOU HAVE IN MIND? ➤ Make sure to be informed about what a market-rate salary for the job and your qualifications is: ➤ Example: ➤ I have done research on and for this position and my experience I expect a salary of $


55 WHAT QUESTIONS DO YOU HAVE FOR ME ➤ Do you have any questions. ➤ Always ask questions. ➤ Don’t ask questions about the company that you should know

56 WHAT QUESTIONS DO YOU HAVE FOR ME ➤ Examples ➤ “Can you tell me how you came to be at the organization and why you’ve stayed?” ➤ “What new skills can I hope to learn here?” ➤ “How has this position evolved since it was created?” ➤ “If you could improve one thing about the company, what would it be?” ➤ “Is there anything I can help to clarify that would make hiring me an easy decision?”


58 ➤ One student is the interviewer ➤ One student is the interviewee ➤ Pick a company and job that both of you are familiar with ➤ Have a job interview! ➤ I will tell you when to switch interviewer / interviewee

59 QUESTIONS ➤ Tell me about yourself? ➤ Why do you wan to work here? ➤ Why did you leave your last job? ➤ Tell me about your experience at your last job. ➤ What are your strengths? ➤ What is your biggest weakness? ➤ Tell me about a time when you failed at something. ➤ What salary do you have in mind? ➤ What questions do you have for me?

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