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In President John Kennedy’s inaugural address, he pledged the United States would “pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend,

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Presentation on theme: "In President John Kennedy’s inaugural address, he pledged the United States would “pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend,"— Presentation transcript:


2 In President John Kennedy’s inaugural address, he pledged the United States would “pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival of and success of liberty.”


4 Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.

5 During the Cold War era, millions of Americans served in the military, defending freedom in wars and conflicts that were not always popular. Many were killed or wounded.

6 As a result of the service of American soldiers, the United States and its ideals of democracy and freedom ultimately prevailed in the Cold War struggle with Soviet communism

7 The Cold War made foreign policy a major issue in every presidential election during the period between 1948 and 1992 FOREIGN POLICY

8 The heavy military expenditures throughout the Cold War benefited Virginia’s economy proportionately more than any other state

9 National defense spending especially helped the economy in Hampton Roads, home to several large naval and air bases

10 National defense spending especially helped the economy in Northern Virginia, home to the Pentagon and numerous private companies that contract with the military

11 American involvement in Vietnam reflected the Cold War policy of containment of communism

12 Beginning in the 1950s and continuing into the 1960s, the communist government of North Vietnam attempted to install through force a communist government in South Vietnam. The United States helped South Vietnam resist.

13 The American military buildup in Vietnam began under President John Kennedy

14 President John Kennedy was a World War II veteran


16 President Kennedy was assassinated in 1963 in Dallas, Texas

17 The assassination of President Kennedy shook the nation’s confidence and began a period of internal strife and divisiveness, especially spurred by divisions over U.S. involvement in Vietnam

18 After Kennedy’s assassination, the buildup of American military in Vietnam was intensified under President Lyndon Johnson vietnam-war/

19 The scale of combat in Vietnam grew over the course of the 1960s https://www.youtu aoXySB-WlZE

20 American military forces repeatedly defeated the North Vietnamese forces in the field, but could not force an end to the war on favorable terms fighting a limited war

21 The country became bitterly divided on the issue of American involvement in Vietnam

22 Active opposition to Vietnam War mounted, especially on college campuses

23 After President Johnson declined to run for reelection, Richard Nixon was elected on a pledge to bring the Vietnam War to an honorable end

24 President Nixon instituted a policy of “Vietnamization,” withdrawing American troops and replacing them with South Vietnamese forces while still maintaining military aid to the South Vietnamese

25 Ultimately, Vietnamization failed when South Vietnamese troops proved unable to resist invasion by the Soviet-supplied North Vietnamese army

26 The Watergate scandal forced President Nixon to resign from office 0hZ40

27 In 1975, both North Vietnam and South Vietnam were merged together under communist control

28 Unlike veterans of World War II who returned to a grateful and supportive nation, Vietnam veterans returned often to face indifference or outright hostility from some who opposed the war

29 It was not until several years after the end of the Vietnam War that the wounds of the war began to heal in America, and Vietnam veterans were recognized and honored for their service and sacrifice

30 The communist nations of China and the Soviet Union became rivals for territory and diplomatic influence; they were no longer strong allies

31 Under President Nixon, the split between China and the Soviet Union was exploited in the 1970s

32 Jimmy Carter -Camp David Accords -Iran Hostage Crisis (Argo) h3fij0

33 President Ronald Reagan challenged the moral legitimacy of the Soviet Union kpFP_aw&index=44&list=PL8dPuuaLjXt MwmepBjTSG593eG7ObzO7s

34 President Reagan gave a speech at the Berlin Wall in which he stated, “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!”

35 Under President Reagan’s leadership, U.S. military and economic pressure on the Soviet Union increased

36 One internal problem for the Soviet Union was increasing Soviet military expenses to compete with the U.S. The Soviet economy suffered from economic inefficiency.

37 Glasnost (the Russian word for openness) was Gorbachev’s policy of encouraging freedom of expression in the Soviet Union

38 Gorbachev outlined his plans for “perestroika,” a restructuring of the Soviet economy

39 The fast-paced reforms that occurred as the Soviet Union moved quickly toward a market economy placed even greater internal pressure on the Soviet Union

40 The Gorbachev government faced rising nationalism in Soviet republics


42 June 2004

43 Post Cold war era goals Foreign Aid Humanitarian Aid Support Human rights

44 George H.W. Bush 1989-1993 Fall of communism in Eastern Europe – Reunification of Germany – Collapse of Yugoslavia – Breakup of the Soviet state Persian Gulf War – First War where American Women served in Combat role – Operation Desert Storm

45 William J. Clinton (1993-2001) – NAFTA (North Atlantic Free trade Agreement) – Full diplomatic relations with Vietnam – Lifted economic sanctions with South Africa when it ended apartheid – NATO action in former Yugoslavia George W. Bush (2001-2009) – 9/11/01 – War in Afghanistan – War in Iraq

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