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 Writing InteractionCEFR  Writing Interaction in Design-based E-learning: CEFR ePortfolio  Towards the Read-Write Web & Lifelong Learning: ePortfolio.

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2  Writing InteractionCEFR  Writing Interaction in Design-based E-learning: CEFR ePortfolio  Towards the Read-Write Web & Lifelong Learning: ePortfolio  Learning Management Systems  Online Learning Environments  Personal Learning Environments Traditional Language Classroom CAL Environments TEL Environments

3 Pedro P. Sanchez-Villalon, Manuel Ortega,, Asuncion Sanchez-Villalon Traditional Learning: Classroom for language learning Printed Materials, Audiovisual Aids. CALL: Computer-assisted instruction - LMS Digitized content to CD: tutorials, quizzes; Web (link farms) TELL Web-enhanced e-learning: OLE learning anywhere anytime – PLE - Lifelong Learning.

4 Pedro P. Sanchez-Villalon, Manuel Ortega,, Asuncion Sanchez-Villalon  Features › Accessibility to Technology: evolution of technology › Shift from organizational focus to pedagogical issues › Design in a learning environment,  appropriate  permanent  independent  Personal learning design & Lifelong Learning 1. Technology to design the learning activities 2. Interaction with the learning environment & 3. use of learning frameworks, to design their own path in their lifelong learning process.

5 Pedro P. Sanchez-Villalon, Manuel Ortega,, Asuncion Sanchez-Villalon  The strategy-, task-, skill- or competence-focused eLearning environments, based on  International, national, regional or local syllabus-designed frameworks, standards in a scaffolding way by the educational institutions (in language learning), › Common European Framework of Reference for Languages › American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Languages › Canadian Benchmarking for Languages, › Australian International Second Language Proficiency Rating  First, the teacher is to organize, then the learners themselves design their learning plans

6 Pedro P. Sanchez-Villalon, Manuel Ortega,, Asuncion Sanchez-Villalon  Descriptors of process of learning, competences and abilities involved in the acquisition and use of modern languages.  One of the first implementations was to design a common Portfolio (EPL, 2000):  The EuroPass, or European Passport of Languages, learners show their identity & achievements  Language Biography, where they can reflect on their learning process;  The Dossier, as an evidence of the learning achievements & experiences

7 Pedro P. Sanchez-Villalon, Manuel Ortega,, Asuncion Sanchez-Villalon  Technology-enhanced interactive learning scenarios ePortfolio  with easy ePortfolio edition (Language learning) EuroPass › including the EuroPass, (extended to EuroCV) BioLingua › the BioLingua or Porfolio eDossier › the eDossier (really updatable online), with the facility to upload scanned certificates and pictures, or audio and video files,  Interaction pedagogical support for the learning design, especially applicable to the integrating technology-enhanced learning environments.

8 Pedro P. Sanchez-Villalon, Manuel Ortega,, Asuncion Sanchez-Villalon  AIOLE : An Interactive Online Learning Environment: a set of resources for eLearning  Access to content in the way of Learning Management Systems, with activities designed by the tutor or copied & pasted from Web.  AWLA (A Writing e-Learning Appliance, a wiki-like tool for learning how to write by writing on the Web, individually or collaboratively)  WebWriter2.0 (a blog-like tool for tutors & for learners, for personal learning-design)

9 Pedro P. Sanchez-Villalon, Manuel Ortega,, Asuncion Sanchez-Villalon  By using official templates, AIOLE offers ePortfolio edition with the eDossier  Using technology efficiently for personal learning, learners with the Web as a social network, accessing information, publishing their achievements in ePortfolios & sharing their learning experience with others by writing about their own learning experiences and thoughts, using resources such as wikis, blogs, podcasts, on the Web 2.0 or the Read/Write Web for their lifelong learning. Global change in pedagogical foundations. Technology enhances their learning experience, in educational centres in formal learning, or outside, in informal situations, (Lifelong Learning) Learners can design their own personal learning, with plans taken from learning reference frameworks recommended by official institutions.

10 eDossier AIOLE

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