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Thanks to Karen Morris, Moray who made this availale through WRONG! TRY AGAIN!

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2 Thanks to Karen Morris, Moray who made this availale through WRONG! TRY AGAIN!

3 Thanks to Karen Morris, Moray who made this availale through SORRY YOU GOT IT WRONG START AGAIN

4 Thanks to Karen Morris, Moray who made this availale through In questo quiz puoi vincere 1,000,000 di Euro rispondendo correttamente alle 16 domande poste. COMINCIA! Chi vuol essere milionario? POPOLAZIONE! ATTENZIONE: puoi chiedere AIUTO AL COMPUTER o 50 e 50

5 Thanks to Karen Morris, Moray who made this availale through Domanda 1 Domanda 2 Domanda 3 Domanda 4 Domanda 5 Domanda 6 Domanda 7 Domanda 8 Domanda 9 Domanda 10 Domanda 11 Domanda 12 Domanda 13 Domanda 14 Domanda 15 Domanda 16 AVANTI DEVI ARRIVARE ALLA FINE! PRONTO? € 250000 € 125000 € 64000 € 32000 € 16000 € 8000 € 4000 € 2000 € 1000 € 800 € 500 € 300 € 200 €100 € 500000 € 1 MILLION

6 Thanks to Karen Morris, Moray who made this availale through Così vuoi diventare milionario. Per cominciare eccoti la domanda iniziale che ti vale 100€. La distribuzione della popolazione è dove essa…? muoredorme vive lavora AB DC

7 Thanks to Karen Morris, Moray who made this availale through Ben fatto. Ora hai 100€. Se rispondi anche alla prossima domanda avrai 200€. Quindi, concentrati bene! If you are not too sure about the answer you may ask the computer. I posti in cui vivono molte persone sono detti … popolati ScarsamenteAltamente DensamenteLargamente B D A C ASK

8 Thanks to Karen Morris, Moray who made this availale through Excellent. You now have £200. What would you do with all that money? Don’t waste your efforts so far by getting this easy one wrong!! Get it right and you will have £300. Population density is a measurement of…? 1000 people per km People per km 2 Cats per house Rats within 1m of your house B D A C

9 Thanks to Karen Morris, Moray who made this availale through OK. You got it right and now you have £300. Good luck. Concentrate and earn some more! Which of these countries has the highest population in the world? If you are in doubt you can go 50-50. FranceBrazil ChinaCanada B D A C 50 - 50

10 Thanks to Karen Morris, Moray who made this availale through OK. You are not sure. Think about it because if you are wrong you will lose all of your money. Which of these countries is the most densely populated? Brazil China B C

11 Thanks to Karen Morris, Moray who made this availale through You got it. You certainly know your stuff! There are 1.2 billion people living in China. You now have £500! But you want to do better than this so go on to the next question! growingshrinking drivingdecelerating B D A C The World’s population is …. very rapidly?

12 Thanks to Karen Morris, Moray who made this availale through Well done you have £800. Things are going well for you. But don’t lose concentration or you will slip up. Get it wrong and you won’t get any money! The death rate is…? Number of coffins used per year Number of deaths per 1000 per year Number of people murdered per 1000 Number of deaths per year B D A C

13 Thanks to Karen Morris, Moray who made this availale through DTM stands for? Dermatological Transition Model Demographic Transport Model Demographic Transition Market Demographic Transition Model B D A C Yes!! You now have £1000. But that is not enough for you when you could make some more right now! So get this right.

14 Thanks to Karen Morris, Moray who made this availale through Well done. To have got that wrong would have been a bit embarrassing! So now you are worth £2000. You’ll need to win more money if you are going to live a luxurious life! The population pyramid for an MEDC country is generally …. shaped? HexagonOval SquareTriangle B D A C

15 Thanks to Karen Morris, Moray who made this availale through Yes. An oval shape. Excellent! £4000. This is where the going gets tough. If you are going to be a millionaire you should know the answer to the next one. Too many people to be supported to a satisfactory level by the resources available is known as….? OverpopulationUnderpopulation Normal Population Optimum Population B D A C

16 Thanks to Karen Morris, Moray who made this availale through That’s right. Too many people for an area will not be supported by the areas resources. Well done. You’ve got £8000. You are getting on VERY well so keep a clear head with the next one. In Stage 3 of the DTM, what is happening to the Total Population line? DecliningLow and stable Still rising High but stable B D A C

17 Thanks to Karen Morris, Moray who made this availale through It is Antarctica that is shrinking. Well done! £16000 is yours! Now you are rich. But YOU want to be richer! Get this right and you are nearly there! Which area of Brazil is the most densely populated? North WestSouth East CentralNorth East B D A C

18 Thanks to Karen Morris, Moray who made this availale through Fabulous!! Sea levels are expected to rise 1 metre in the next century. £32000! In a population pyramid, people who are elderly or young are known as what? InterdependentsNon dependants ReliantsDependants B A D C

19 Thanks to Karen Morris, Moray who made this availale through Correct and £64000 is yours! The world’s coral reefs are likely to die if the temperature of the ocean water alters significantly. A high life expectancy indicates a good healthcare system in what type of country? HSBC MEDC LEDCMUFC A B C D

20 Thanks to Karen Morris, Moray who made this availale through Excellent subject knowledge! And you have now reached £125000. Keep up the superb effort! Factors that make people move from an area are known as what? ForcePush PullLeave A B C D

21 Thanks to Karen Morris, Moray who made this availale through Superb! £250,000! Greenhouse Gases must be minimised to stop Global Warming. The government of which of the following countries used a population policy to increase its population? IndiaSingapore MalaysiaThailand A B C D

22 Thanks to Karen Morris, Moray who made this availale through Great! You are now on half a million!! One more correct answer and you are a millionaire! China’s one-child policy was introduced in which year? 19701986 19571979 A B C D

23 Thanks to Karen Morris, Moray who made this availale through EXCELLENT WORK. Congratulations! You are now an expert on POPULATION! You won a Million!

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