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A Seminar on Industrial Training DONE AT INSTRUMENTATION LIMITED KOTA (RAJ.) SESSION :2011-2012 Submitted T0:- Submitted BY:- Mrs Madhuri Sahal Arun Patidar.

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Presentation on theme: "A Seminar on Industrial Training DONE AT INSTRUMENTATION LIMITED KOTA (RAJ.) SESSION :2011-2012 Submitted T0:- Submitted BY:- Mrs Madhuri Sahal Arun Patidar."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Seminar on Industrial Training DONE AT INSTRUMENTATION LIMITED KOTA (RAJ.) SESSION :2011-2012 Submitted T0:- Submitted BY:- Mrs Madhuri Sahal Arun Patidar Mr Gaurav Soni EC/09/94 ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION ENGG. OF ENGINEERING POORNIMA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, JAIPUR(RAJ.) 11


3 STAGE 1 33

4 It is a Central Govt. of India enterprise set up in 1964 IL makes process control instruments Corporate office at Kota (Rajasthan) ISO 9000 CERTIFIED Production range in thermal power unit is 30-500 MW International office in Malaysia, Iran. International office in Malaysia, Iran. TURN OVER:- 250 crore  INSTRUMENTATION LTD 44

5 OFFICER’S DETAIL  Mr PM Bhardwaj Director (Production) and Chairman-cum-Managing Director Instrumentation Limited, Kota  Mr S.K. Gupta Director (Finance) Instrumentation Limited, Kota  Mr Harphool Singh Director (Commercial) Instrumentation Limited, Kota  Mr Suresh Khatri Head of Traning Department, Instrumentation Limited, Kota 55

6 The Vision / Mission of the Company is to make the nation self sufficeient in the field of Process Control Industry 66

7 STAGE 2 77

8 UPS Division PCB Centre Railway Signaling Relay Telecom Technology Defence Project  Section Divided 88

9 The sections visited during my training period are  UPS Centre  Railways Signaling Relay department  Card Assembly (PCB centre) 99


11  Instrumentation Ltd is manufacturing UPS systems for the last 15 years.  UPS provides continuous power supply during failure of normal power supply.  High efficiency, conserves energy. UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SUPPLY(UPS)  11

12  Low noise, compact in size and light in weight.  Available in wide range from 10kva to 200 kva, single phase.  High reliability and excellent performance due to use of power transistors  12

13 Why UPS is Needed ?   Voltage Fluctuation   Power failure  13

14 Mains input inverter LOAD Rectifier  Basic Block diagram of UPS  14

15 TWO TYPES:-  OFF Line System  ON Line System  UPS Classification  15

16 input Rectifier inverter load Normally ON NormallyOFF  Block Diagram of Off Line UPS  16

17  Input is directly connected to the output  Inverter is not used all the time  Output will be in square wave form  Work on less than 1.5KV  Off Line UPS  17

18 input Rectifierinverter load Normally OFF NormallyON  Block Diagram of On Line UPS  18

19  In this UPS input is connected to load through Inverter  Output is in sine wave.  Constant voltage & frequency is maintained.  On Line UPS  19


21 RAILWAY SIGNALING SYSTEM  Railway Signaling Systems are basically intended or dispatch and control of trains in the fail safe manner.  IL has executed large turnkey Railway signaling jobs for Western Railway, Southern Central Railway, RITES, IRCON and NTPC etc.  21

22  What is relay?  A relay is multi switch device with multiple mating contact pairs.  The contact configuration consists of two types of contact pairs- front and back.  When a relay is energized the status of front and back contact pairs reverses.  22

23 CONT….  IL manufactures three types of relays:  LINE RELAY  TRACK RELAY  KEYLOCK RELAY  23

24 PCB CENTRE  A printed circuit board, or PCB is used to mechanically support and electrically connect electronic components using conductive pathways.  IL deals with the fabrication of the PCB’s.  24

25  PCB manufacturing process generally consists following steps:  Materials  Patterning  Chemical Etching  Lamination  Drilling  Conductor plating or coating  Solder resist  Screen printing  Testing & Assembly  Protection & Packaging  25

26  QA of PCB:  Pre Solder Inspection- o Card should not have defective components. o No component should be missing on card.  Post Solder Inspection- o Card should not have any lifted component. o No shorting and solder defect should be there.  26

27  After the PCB’s are made,they are given an identification number of ten digits as:- XX XX X X XXXX XX XX X X XXXX  First two digits show manufacturer’s code  Next two digits show the year in which PCB was made like 07,08,09 etc……..  Next single digit for month as 1 to 9 till September and then A,B,C for oct.,nov.,& dec.  Next single digit for manufacturer’s unit  Then 4 digit serial number  Thus total 9999 PCB’s can be identified by this code in particular year & month  27

28 CONCLUSION HENCE, in last I can say that taking training in such an organization provided to very beneficial for me. I learn a lot about UPS unit, PCB unit etc. I also got first hand knowledge of how an industry practically works. These all are necessary to know for an Engineering Graduate. I hope this presentation will be successful to make others understand about the various technology and process used to prepare various equipments.  28

29 I. MANUAL PROVIDED BY I.L. II. I.L. website  29

30 QUERIES  30

31  31

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