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Unit 11: Page 224 Latin: “sing” French: Add “H” for words Like “chant”

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1 Unit 11: Page 224 Latin: “sing” French: Add “H” for words Like “chant”

2 Cantata: musical composition (often religious), with voices accompanied by instruments

3 Incantation: use of spoken/sung verbal spells/charms OR, a formula of words used in, or as if in, a ritual

4 Cantor: an official in Jewish synagogue who sings/chants music in services

5 LINGU – Latin “tongue” and “language” French:LANGU “slip of the tongue” Lapsus linguae

6 Linguistics: the study of human speech

7 Multilingual: using/able to use several language

8 Lingua franca: a language used as a common language among people who speak different languages English often becomes the lingua franca In international business meetings: most common

9 Linguine: narrow, flat pasta

10 SPIR –Latin “breath” and “breathe”

11 Spirited: full of energy, very lively or determined

12 Dispiriting: causing a loss of hope or enthusiasm

13 Respirator: a device worn over nose to filter out dangerous substances OR device for maintain artificial respiration

14 Transpire: to happen, or to become known

15 VER – Latin “truth”

16 Verify: to prove to be true or correct OR to check the accuracy of

17 Verisimilitude: the appearance of being true or probable; the depiction of realism in art or literature

18 Veracity: truth or accuracy; the quality of being truthful or honest

19 TURB – Latin verb (turbare) “to throw into confusion or upset” disturbance

20 Turbid: thick or murky, especially with churned-up sentiment OR unclear, confused, muddled Teenagelove Teenage love can be turbid. It is often difficult to understand the feelings that are expressed by teenagers, especially when their actions don’t match their words. Turbid drinking water is unsafe!

21 Perturb: to upset, confuse, or disarrange

22 Turbulent: stirred up, agitated; stirring up unrest, violence, or disturbance

23 VOLU/VOLV: Latin verb (volvere) “to roll, wind, turn around, twist around”

24 Voluble: speaking readily and rapidly; talkative

25 Devolve: to pass (responsibility, power) from one person/group to another at a lower level of authority OR to gradually go from an advanced state to a lesser Prefix “de” down, away

26 Evolution: a process of change from a lower level to a higher level simple  complex

27 Convoluted: having a pattern of curved windings; involved, intricate

28 FAC: Latin verb (facere) “to make or do”

29 Factor: something that contributes to producing a result; ingredient

30 Facilitate: to make (something) easier; to make (something) run more smoothly

31 LUM: Latin noun (lumen) “light”

32 Luminous: producing or seeming to produce light; filled with light

33 Bioluminescent: relating to light given off by living organisms

34 Luminary: a very famous or distinguished person; one who lights the way for others to follow latin: luminaria “lamps” or “heavenly bodies” Insert famous face here An object used for decorative purposes to illuminate a pathway.

35 Mythology and History Words: Unit 11 Muse: a source of inspiration; a guiding spirit

36 Iridescent: having a flowing, rainbowlike play of color that seems to change as the light shifts

37 Mausoleum: a large tomb, aboveground with shelves for bodies; a large, gloomy building or room

38 Mentor: a trusted counselor, guide, tutor, coach

39 Narcissism: extreme self-centeredness or fascination with oneself; love or desire for one’s own body

40 Tantalize: to tease or torment by offering something desirable but keeping it out of reach King Tantalus, after killing his son and trying to feed to all the gods, is lefts in Hades with fruit hanging above his head while he is in water

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