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Taks Review Exit Social Studies Part II. Industrialization & Urbanization 1877,1890,1898 Terms: Great Plains Wounded Knee Grange Chisholm Trail Credit.

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Presentation on theme: "Taks Review Exit Social Studies Part II. Industrialization & Urbanization 1877,1890,1898 Terms: Great Plains Wounded Knee Grange Chisholm Trail Credit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Taks Review Exit Social Studies Part II

2 Industrialization & Urbanization 1877,1890,1898 Terms: Great Plains Wounded Knee Grange Chisholm Trail Credit Mobilier Immigration Populist Social Darwinism Transcontinental Railroad Ellis Island American Federation of Labor Melting Pot Urbanization Tenement Graft Settlement House Political Machine Patronage Civil Service Laissez-Faire People: Williams Jennings Bryan George Custer Eugene V. Debs William McKinley Thomas Alva Edison Andrew Carnegie Alexander Graham Bell Samuel Gompers John D. Rockefeller W. E. B. Du Bois Jane Addams Boss Tweed Rutherford B. Hayes James A. Garfield Wright Brothers Booker T. Washington

3 Documents 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments Compromise of 1877 Homestead Act Dawes Act Morrill Act Interstate Commerce Act Sherman Antitrust Act Chinese Exclusion Act Pendleton Act

4 Transcontinental Railroad Immigrants Ellis Island Thomas Edison-Lightbulb Alexander Graham Bell- telephone Statue of Liberty- Turn of the Century Chief Sitting Bull-Sioux Industrialization & Urbanization 1877,1890,1898 - Images

5 Clips & Videos Clips: 1800s  Invention and Industry Invention and Industry  Introduction ….. Introduction Questions: http://www.studyisland. com/ Discoveries and Innovations



8 Turn of the Century/ 1900s

9 Clips & Questions Movie Clips:1900-1945  Progressives and Programs Progressives and Programs  How We Lived at the Turn of the Century How We Lived at the Turn of the Century  America at the Turn of the Century America at the Turn of the Century Test: http://www.studyisland. com/ Movements and Reform Economic and Social Issues (1877-1898)

10 WWI 1914-1918


12 Images of WWI/1914-1918

13 1898 & WWI Clips:1900-1945  Richard Harding Davis- Richard Harding Davis-  America Joins the Ranks America Joins the Ranks Lessons: http://www.studyisland. com/ U.S. History from 1877 to the Present United States as a World Power U.S. History from 1877 to the Present

14 The Roaring Twenties



17 Clips & Questions Movie Clips:1900-1945  The Roaring Twenties The Roaring Twenties  Boom Times Boom Times  Suffrage Suffrage Test: http://www.studyisland. com/ Individuals and Issues of the 1920s

18 The Great Depression


20 Clips & Questions Clips:1900-1945  Life in the 30s Life in the 30s  Dustbowl Farmers Dustbowl Farmers Migrate to California Test: http://www.studyisland. com/ The Great Depression

21 WWII 1941-1945


23 Images for WWII /1940-1945

24 WWII Clips:1900-1945  WW II Comes to America WW II Comes to America Lessons: http://www.studyisland. com/ U.S. History from 1877 to the Present United States as a World Power World War II

25 Cold War 1950-1960+

26 1950s -1960s

27 Images 50s & 60s

28 Videos & Questions Clips:50s & 60s  How We Lived How We Lived  The Decade of Great Change The Decade of Great Change  Science & Technology Science & Technology  The Fight for Civil Rights The Fight for Civil Rights Questions: http://www.studyisland. com/ Cold War to Present U.S. Economics from WWII to Present Civil Rights Movement

29 “Jeopardy Games” Jeopardy # 1 (mixed/basic)Jeopardy # 1 Jeopardy #2 (mixed/heavy Great Depression)Jeopardy #2 Jeopardy #3 (mixed/ heavy Cold War)Jeopardy #3

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