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Jeopardy Rome’s Geography The Rise of Rome The Roman Republic Vocabulary Roman Daily Life Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400.

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2 Jeopardy Rome’s Geography The Rise of Rome The Roman Republic Vocabulary Roman Daily Life Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

3 $100 Question from Rome’s Geography Rome is located in what country?

4 $100 Answer from Rome’s Geography Rome is located in Italy.

5 $200 Question from Rome’s Geography This river flows through Rome and made the Roman civilization possible.

6 $200 Answer from Rome’s Geography The Tiber River flows through Rome and made its civilization possible.

7 $300 Question from Rome’s Geography Italy is a peninsula that juts out into this body of water.

8 $300 Answer from Rome’s Geography Rome juts out into the Mediterranean Sea.

9 $400 Question from Rome’s Geography Italy looks like this, sticking out into the sea.

10 $400 Answer from Rome’s Geography Italy looks like a high-heeled boot sticking out into the sea.

11 $500 Question from Rome’s Geography Name one of the two major mountain ranges that can be found on a map of Italy.

12 $500 Answer from Rome’s Geography The two major mountain ranges that can be found on a map of Italy are the Alps and the Apennines.

13 $100 Question from The Rise of Rome These twins were thought to have been the founders of Rome.

14 $100 Answer from The Rise of Rome Romulus and Remus were twins thought to have founded Rome.

15 $200 Question from The Rise of Rome Romulus and Remus were thought to have been raised by what?

16 $200 Answer from The Rise of Rome Romulus and Remus were thought to have been raised by wolves.

17 $300 Question from The Rise of Rome As Rome grew, its army was constantly at war. These leaders were given absolute power for just six months and were expected to win wars.

18 $300 Answer from The Rise of Rome Dictators were given absolute power for just six months and were expected to win wars.

19 $400 Question from The Rise of Rome Roman society was made up of these two social groups.

20 $400 Answer from The Rise of Rome Roman society was made up of Patricians and Plebeians.

21 $500 Question from The Rise of Rome George Washington is known as the American this because he gave someone else a chance to lead even though everyone wanted him to continue ruling.

22 $500 Answer from The Rise of Rome George Washington is known as the American Cincinnatus.

23 $100 Question from The Roman Republic This group originally had the job of advising kings, but soon advised the Republic’s elected officials.

24 $100 Answer from The Roman Republic The Roman Senate had the job of advising the kings but eventually had the job of advising magistrates.

25 $200 Question from The Roman Republic Hannibal, the leader of the Carthaginian army, used this animal in battle.

26 $200 Answer from The Roman Republic Hannibal used elephants in battle.

27 $300 Question from The Roman Republic This was the place inside the city of Rome where the laws were posted, goods were traded and sold, and some gladiator battles were held.

28 $300 Answer from The Roman Republic The Forum was where the laws were posted, goods were traded and sold, and gladiator battles were held.

29 $400 Question from The Roman Republic The Romans adopted ideas about art, education, and religion from this group of conquered people.

30 $400 Answer from The Roman Republic The Romans adopted these ideas from the Greeks.

31 $500 Question from The Roman Republic The Gracchus brothers were two tribunes who died trying to do what?

32 $500 Answer from The Roman Republic The Gracchus brothers died trying to take farmland from the rich that they had acquired illegally and give it to the poor.

33 $100 Question from Vocabulary This was the language of the ancient Romans.

34 $100 Answer from Vocabulary Latin was the language of the ancient Romans.

35 $200 Question from Vocabulary The ancient Romans used this number system.

36 $200 Answer from Vocabulary The Romans used Roman numerals as their number system.

37 $300 Question from Vocabulary These were the two most powerful of the magistrates from the Roman Republic.

38 $300 Answer from Vocabulary The consuls were the two most powerful magistrates during the Roman Republic.

39 $400 Question from Vocabulary Who was Spartacus?

40 $400 Answer from Vocabulary Spartacus was a Roman slave turned gladiator who led a slave revolt.

41 $500 Question from Vocabulary This system keeps one branch of government from becoming too powerful. We have this system today as well, and it requires each branch to “check” with the other branches of government to make sure their decision to act is OK.

42 $500 Answer from Vocabulary The system that keeps any one branch of government from becoming too strong is the system of checks and balances.

43 $100 Question from Roman Daily Life This number in Roman numerals represents what number in Hindu-Arabic numerals? XIV

44 $100 Answer from Roman Daily Life XIV stands for 14.

45 $200 Question from Roman Daily Life The Romans adopted their Gods from this civilization, only changing the names of them

46 $200 Answer from Roman Daily Life The Romans adopted their gods from the Greeks but changed their names first.

47 $300 Question from Roman Daily Life How would rich Romans make sure they could finish their meals or continue eating?

48 $300 Answer from Roman Daily Life In order to make sure they could finish, they induced vomiting.

49 $400 Question from Roman Daily Life For fun, children in Rome would race these animals pulling tiny carts.

50 $400 Answer from Roman Daily Life For fun, Roman children would race mice pulling tiny carts.

51 $500 Question from Roman Daily Life This is where Romans would go to see chariot races.

52 $500 Answer from Roman Daily Life Romans would visit the Circus Maximus to view chariot races.

53 Final Jeopardy Many historians believe that the Colosseum is the most significant building to be built during Roman times. Please provide three specific reasons that historians might believe this.

54 Final Jeopardy Answer

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