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Dr. Bea Bourne 1. 2 If you have any trouble in seminar, please call Tech Support at: 1-866-348-1196 They can assist if you get “bumped” from the seminar.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Bea Bourne 1. 2 If you have any trouble in seminar, please call Tech Support at: 1-866-348-1196 They can assist if you get “bumped” from the seminar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Bea Bourne 1

2 2 If you have any trouble in seminar, please call Tech Support at: 1-866-348-1196 They can assist if you get “bumped” from the seminar room or experience other difficulties.

3  Definition of basic process of scientific inquiry  Discuss key terminology  Questions 3

4  Define: ◦ Concepts and Constructs ◦ Operational definition ◦ Hypothesis ◦ Theory ◦ Model 4

5 5 Observations are our perceptions of realty while facts are those things we believe are true. But what is a concept? Concepts are abstract ideas generalized from particular facts. What is a construct? A specific type of concept that exists at higher levels of abstraction and are invented for special theoretical purpose. So – basically a construct is a concept we are going to use for a specified purpose.

6  Some phenomena exist only in the human mind – but we can only infer its existence from people’s behavior.  What is a constitutive definition of a construct?  It defines those concepts using other concepts and constructs. 6

7 7 Operational definition puts empirical meaning to constitutive definitions and specify the procedures by which the concepts will be measured or manipulated.

8 8 As a note – operational definitions are what we use the most in the research I am accustomed to reviewing. For example, a construct is “job satisfaction”. A constitutive definition might be defining that in terms of happiness. Its operational definition (how it would be measured) might be “how much time an employee spends at work” or “how much time and employee spends searching for a new job” or “how many people the employee recommends to apply for a job at the company”.

9  Statements of the relationship between two or more variables that carry clear implications for testing the stated relationship.  Can you state a hypothesis that is related to your business? Examples: ◦ More varieties of coffee offered in the store will increase sales. ◦ More seating areas will increase dine-in customer satisfaction.  The key components are – a stated relationship – that can be tested. 9

10  An interrelated set of statements of relationship whose purpose is to explain or predict. (Many proven hypotheses put together can lead to a theory) A theory also gives us a framework for translating the situation into a real problem.  Use job satisfaction to illustrate a theory development  Can you name a theory?  Theory of relativity? Energy and matter are conserved and can be converted to one another. 10

11  A model is a formalized representation of a theory. A model can be represented using a mathematical formula or it can be a conceptual model using a diagram.  For the theory of relatively E = mc2 is the model. 11

12  Critical and analytical  Logical  Objective  Conceptual and theoretical in nature  Empirical  Systematic  All components must be present but my opinion is that “objective” is the one we as researchers may have the most problem. If you have a lot invested in a certain hypothesis – you have to guard against biasing the results in your favor. You have to also watch that you don’t “spin” it your way – that relates to ethics.  12

13  Now for the fun part. Could each of you give an example of a business research hypothesis you have seen tested in your company where you work or an example you have seen in your personal life. 13

14  You may see a hypothesis and then the testing of that hypothesis. You may also see research framed in terms of a problem statement with follow-up questions that need to be answered. It’s simply a matter of how the issue is framed.  For example our hypothesis from way back in the seminar was: More variety of coffee will increase sales at Starbuck’s  Another way this might be famed is: Problem Statement: Starbucks sales are lagging.  Research Questions that could be asked.  What are methods available to increase sales?  Will coffee variety improve sales? 14

15  I hope you enjoyed this session and the readings. These may be foreign ideas – so take the time to read them two or more times. As you get further into the course and see some examples, I think the ideas will become a bit more clear. 15

16 Part ONE of your Project Outline:  Based on your proposal, you will provide Answers to the Questions in Figure 1.4 (P.15) in a narrative format. In addition you will THEN:  (1) A description of the type of decision needed to be made by your company  (2) How those decisions are made within your company (who, how long, etc)  (3) Utilize the Plan of the Book (P.14-18) and build a process utilizing Figure 1.5 (P.17) (Outline for your Final Project)  (4) Compile your material into a MS Word Document using APA Format and Submit in the Dropbox.  Project Directions  This report should be a minimum of 2-3 pages in text length, and you should support your position with at least two credible secondary references. 16

17 17

18  I appreciate your time and attention during our 1 hour seminar today. If you have questions, feel free to contact me: and I’ll be happy to help!  See you in Class! 18

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