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Good practice resource for colleges Key learning points.

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1 Good practice resource for colleges Key learning points

2 Summary Finding the right work placement Job carving The role of the job coach Barriers and solutions – examples of adjustments Access to Work Progression to paid employment

3 Summary Part-time hours Positive impact of work for interns Benefits for employer Health and Safety improvements for all employees Voluntary pairing scheme Sources of information and support

4 Finding the right work placement

5 Supportive assessment process essential over several weeks Get to know the student well and build trust Assessment of individual’s skills and preferences to find a suitable placement The right placement makes for a motivated intern and engaged employer May have to try a number of employers

6 Finding the right work placement Allocate assessment and finding suitable placement to a named staff member with adequate time and training Liaise with staff from other courses also working with local employers to share knowledge of employers All college departments working with employers can identify possible placements for interns, not just SI course tutors

7 Job carving – what it is Tasks from different job roles put together to create a new job role For example large employers may find some elements of a role are incompatible with the rest of the job, but not enough hours to constitute another post When this happens in several departments or jobs the tasks can create a new job suitable for an intern Typically in councils, hospitals and organisations which are downsizing but need to retain some tasks from several job roles

8 Job carving – how to set it up Tutor must have time to get to know the organisation, liaise with HR and managers to find tasks that match intern’s skills Be able to suggest a realistic job description and to convince employer of benefits to organisation Must be able to present business case Be prepared to put employer in touch with others who have already created job carved posts

9 The role of the job coach

10 A job coach works with the employer and intern to: Set up a placement Broker job carving if appropriate Help the intern to settle in to role and workplace Set and monitor work objectives Support employer and intern’s colleagues Negotiate adjustments and equipment Provide daily support to employer and intern Prevent any problems arising Assess progress Negotiate progression to paid employment

11 Role of the job coach – systematic instruction To ensure the intern and employer are supported the job coach should undertake: Work site analysis Job analysis Task analysis Identify any simple adaptations that make the work easier for the intern to learn Break down tasks to help intern learn by simple steps Gradually spend less time with intern as they become independent in job role

12 Barriers and solutions – examples of adjustments in video

13 Heavy doors meant the intern was reliant on someone else opening them Electric doors enable her to move around the building independently like everyone else Height of desk raised so her wheelchair could fit underneath and she could use her computer Dictation software makes administrative tasks much quicker for the intern and reduces fatigue The same software is beneficial for other employees too

14 Barriers and solutions – examples of adjustments in video Assistance dog has bed and drinking bowl under the desk Tuggies fitted to internal doors so the intern’s assistance dog can open and close doors Dog toilet provided outside Evacuation procedures and training for all staff revised for intern’s safe evacuation New procedures useful for other visitors and employees Financial assistance may be available - see Access to Work

15 Access to Work Government funded scheme to support disabled employees Funds adjustments individual needs to do the job role For supported interns, traineeships, apprentices and employees Apply as soon as job offered and within 6 weeks of starting More information at

16 Access to work can pay for Travel to work costs where the worker cannot use public transport Adaptations or equipment Assistive technology Job coach to help settle into the role Support worker e.g. BSL interpreter

17 Progression to paid employment Job coach or named tutor should start to negotiate paid employment opportunity mid- way through placement If same role is not possible as paid employee after internship try other departments Identify transferable skills of intern Contact other employers Liaise with National Careers Service

18 Part-time hours Flexible work hours or work patterns may be the adjustment an individual needs to enter work e.g. Can travel outside of rush hours Can reduce impact on work of a fluctuating condition Can be a stepping stone to working full-time May be easier for an employer to create a suitable job carved job role May allow the individual to continue to receive certain benefits

19 Positive impact of work for interns ‘A whole new experience’ Gaining new skills Learning in a real work environment Developing self-confidence and self-esteem Strengthening CV and providing a reference Increased independence

20 Positive impact of work for interns Gives interns and employees a purpose in life, like everyone else Feel an equal and valued member of society Able to participate in conversations about work in the same way as others Contact with a wide range of people outside the house Take part in work social events Paid internships in particular can lead to life-changing choices – where to live, what they can do socially

21 Benefits for the employer – the business case

22 More rounded team Different way at looking at a problem and finding solutions Consulted for different areas of work e.g. development of a visitors centre Now greater staff consultation on a range of topics Awareness training has become part of everyone’s development programme Benefits for the employer – the business case

23 The adjustments introduced have benefitted everyone, not just the intern Have introduced a voluntary pairing scheme for all colleagues Improved evacuation procedures for all staff and visitors Improved door access for all Improved Health and Safety for all employees Benefits for the employer – the business case

24 Improved Health and Safety for all employees

25 e.g. visitor centre Evacuation procedures and training ‘Health and Safety is not a reason to exclude someone in a wheelchair – it is an opportunity to make evacuation procedures better for everyone’

26 Voluntary pairing scheme A type of mentoring or buddy scheme Matched an intern with a volunteer colleague To strengthen the work of both of the pair, eg intern and project manager Worked together to release project manager from admin tasks and give intern new skills Extended scheme to all employees Raised employees’ awareness of other job roles Strengthened team work

27 Sources of information and support - Preparing for Adulthood Web: Email: Phone: 020 7843 6348 Preparing for Adulthood (PfA) is funded by the Department for Education as part of delivery support for the SEN and disability reformsSEN and disability reforms Best practice and information sharing

28 Top tips for colleges setting up supported internships tips_for_colleges_setting_up_supported_internships.pdf tips_for_colleges_setting_up_supported_internships.pdf Supported internship factsheet 2016/updated-supported-internship-factshee t Sources of information and support - Preparing for Adulthood resources

29 do/supported-internships/access-to-work-fund /shipley_college_-_access_to_work_funding.pdf Sources of information and support - Access to Work

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