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84. Chord A harmonic unit with at least 3 different tones. Day 13 – Triads and Inversions.

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Presentation on theme: "84. Chord A harmonic unit with at least 3 different tones. Day 13 – Triads and Inversions."— Presentation transcript:

1 84. Chord A harmonic unit with at least 3 different tones. Day 13 – Triads and Inversions

2 Triad = three notes stacked on top of each other in thirds. Harmony made up of stacked 3rds / triads 85. Triad 86. Tertian Harmony


4 87. Root 88. Root Position The note on which the triad is built. When the root is the lowest sounding note in the chord.


6 89. First Inversion When the 3 rd is the lowest sounding note in the chord.

7 90. Second Inversion When the 5 th is the lowest sounding note in the chord.


9 91. Triad Inversion Numbers Root = I 1 st = I 6 4 2 nd = I 6


11 Triad inversion labels: Root = NO numbers First = 6Second = 6 4

12 M3+ P5= Majorm3+ P5= minor m3+ d5= diminished M3+ A5= Augmented

13 92. Major Triad 93. Minor Triad 94. Diminished Triad 95. Augmented Triad M3+ P5m3+ P5 m3+ d5M3+ A5





18 96. Major Scale Pattern MmmMMmdim




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