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Trapezius Origin: medial third of superior nuchal line; EOP; ligamentum nuchae, T1-T12 spinous process Insertion: spine of scapula; acromion; lateral third.

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Presentation on theme: "Trapezius Origin: medial third of superior nuchal line; EOP; ligamentum nuchae, T1-T12 spinous process Insertion: spine of scapula; acromion; lateral third."— Presentation transcript:


2 Trapezius Origin: medial third of superior nuchal line; EOP; ligamentum nuchae, T1-T12 spinous process Insertion: spine of scapula; acromion; lateral third of clavicle Action: elevate and retract pectoral girdle; superioly rotate scapula Innervation: Accessory Nerve


4 Latissimus Dorsi Origin: T7-L5 spinous process; thoracolumbar fascia; dorsal sacrum; iliac crest Insertion: floor of intertubercular groove Action: extend, adduct, medially rotate humerus Innervation: thoracodorsal nerve


6 Levator Scapulae Origin: C1-C2 transverse process; C3-C4 posterior tubercles Insertion: superior angle of scapula Action: elevate, protract pectoral girdle; inferiorly rotate scapula Innervation: C3-C4 ventral rami and dorsal scapular nerve


8 Rhomboid Major Origin: T2-T5 spinous process
Insertion: medial border of scapula Action: retract, elevate pectoral girdle; inferiorly rotate scapula Innervation: dorsal scapula nerve


10 Rhomboid Minor Origin: C7-T1 spinous process
Insertion: medial border of scapula; superior to R. Major Action: retract, elevate pectoral girdle; inferiorly rotate scapula Innervation: dorsal scapular nerve


12 Serratus Posterior Superior
Origin: C7-T3 spinous process Insertion: superior border of ribs 2-5 Action: weakly elevate ribs 2-5 Innervation: ventral rami T2-5


14 Serratus Posterior Inferior
Origin: T11-L3 spinous process Insertion: inferior border of ribs 9-12 Action: weakly depress ribs 9-12 Innervation: ventral rami T9-12


16 Teres Major Origin: posterior surface of inferior angle of scapula
Insertion: medial lip of intertubercular groove Action: extend: adduct, medially rotate humerus Innervation: lower subscapular nerve


18 Deltoid Origin: spine of scapula; acromion; lateral third of clavicle
Insertion: deltoid tuberosity Action: Ant—flex, medially rotate humerus Lat—abduct humerus Post—extend, laterally rotate humerus Innervation: axillary nerve


20 Supraspinatus Origin: supraspinous fossa Insertion: greater tubercle
Action: abduct humerus Innervation: suprascapular nerve


22 Infraspinatus Origin: Infraspinous fossa Insertion: greater tubercle
Action: laterally rotate humerus Innervation: suprascapular nerve


24 Subscapularis Origin: subscapular fossa Insertion: lesser tubercle
Action: medially rotate humerus Innervation: upper and lower subscapular nerves


26 Teres Minor Origin: posterior surface, middle lateral border of scapula Insertion: greater tubercle Action: laterally rotate humerus Innervation: axillary nerve


28 Serratus Anterior Origin: ribs 1-8 laterally
Insertion: anterior side of scapula along medial border Action: protract pectoral girdle; hold scapula to rib cage; superiorly rotate scapula Innervation: long thoracic nerve


30 Splenius Origin: spinous process of C7 to T6 and supraspinous ligament
Insertion: transverse process of cervical vertebrae and mastoid process Action: Bilaterally: extend spine Unilaterally: flex and ipsilateral rotation of cervical spine


32 Iliocostalis Origin: common tendon attached to iliac crest, posterior sacrum, spinous process of lumbar vertebrae and supraspinous ligament Insertion: ribs in thoracic region and transverse process in lumbar and cervical region Action: Bilaterally: extend spinal column Unilaterally: flex spinal column ipsilaterally; minimally rotate spine


34 Longissimus Origin: common tendon with iliocostalis
Insertion: ribs in thoracic region, transverse process in thoracic and cervical regions and onto mastoid process Action: Bilaterally: extend spinal column Unilaterally: flex spinal column ipsilaterally


36 Spinalis Origin: spinous process and supraspinous ligament in lumbar and thoracic region Insertion: spinous process in upper thoracic and cervical regions Action: same as other erector spinae


38 Semispinalis Origin: transverse process of thoracic and cervical vertebrae Insertion: spinous process 4-6 segemtns superior to origin and occipital bone between nuchal lines Action: extend and contralaterally rotate spine


40 Multifidus Origin: suprrior iliac spine, sacrum, aponeurosis of erector spinae Insertion: spinous process 2-4 segments superior to origin Action: stabilize spine during movement


42 Rotatores Origin: transverse process all along spine
Insertion: spinous process 1-2 segments superior to origin Action: mostly likely proprioceptive


44 Levator Costarum Origin: transverse process of C7-T11
Insertion: ribs inferior to vertebrae Action: assist in elevating ribs during deep respiration; lateral flexion


46 Interspinales Origin: spinous process
Insertion: superior spinous process Action: extend and rotate spine


48 Intertransversarii Origin: transverse process
Insertion: superior transverse process Action: laterally flex and stabilize spine


50 Rectus Capitis Posterior Minor
Origin: posterior tubercle of C1 Insertion: inferior nuchal line Action: extend and rotate atlanto-occipital joint


52 Rectus Capitis Posterior Major
Origin: spinous process of C2 Insertion: inferior nuchal line Action: extend and rotate atlanto-occipital joint


54 Obliquus Capitis Superior
Origin: transverse process of C1 Insertion: between nuchal lines Action: extend head and flex head to ipsilateral side


56 Obliquus Capitis Inferior
Origin: posterior tubercle of C2 Insertion: transverse process of C1 Action: extend head and flex head to ipsilateral side


58 Pectoralis Major Origin: medial third of clavicle; sternum and costal cartilage Insertion: lateral lip of intertubercular groove Action: adduct, medially rotate, flex humerus; depress/protract shoulder Innervation: medial and lateral pectoral nerves


60 Pectoralis Minor Origin: ribs 3,4,5 near costochondral junction
Insertion: coracoid process Action: deepresss and protract pectoral girdle; inferiorly rotate scapula Insertion: medial pectoral nerve


62 Subclavius Origin: 1st costal cartilage
Insertion: inferior side of clavicle Action: depress clavicle; resist lateral dislocation of clavicle Innervation: subclavius


64 Sternocleidomastoid Origin: sternum and medial third of clavicle
Insertion: mastoid process Action: rotate head to opposite side; elevate chin Innervation: accessory nerve


66 Anterior Scalene Origin: transverse process of C4-C6
Insertion: scalene tubercle of rib 1 Action: elevate rib 1; laterally flex and rotate neck Innervation: C40C6 ventral rami


68 Middle Scalene Origin: transverse process C2-C7
Insertion: superior rib 1 Action: elevate rib 1; laterally flex neck Innervation: C3-C8 ventral rami


70 Posterior Scalene Origin: transverse process C5-C7
Insertion: superior rib 2 Action: elevate rib 2; laterally flex neck Innervation: C7-C8 ventral rami


72 Omohyoid Origin: intermediate tendon held to clavicle
Insertion: inferior border of hyoid Action: depress, retract, and steady hyoid Innervation: Ansa cervicalis

73 Triangle of Auscultation
2 3 1

74 1. Superior Latissimus Dorsi
2. Medial Border of Scapula 3. Lateral Trapezius

75 Quadrangular Space 3 1 2 4

76 Quadrangular Space Contains: posterior circumflex humeral artery and axillary nerve Teres minor Teres major Surgical neck of humerus Long head of tricep

77 Triangular Space 1 3 2

78 Triangular Space Contains circumflex scapular artery Teres minor
Teres major Long head of tricep

79 1 2 3

80 Posterior Triangle of Neck
Contains cervical plexus C1-C4 Trapezius Sternocleidomastoid Middle third of clavicle Roof: investing fascia Floor: prevertebral fascia

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