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Would you sail into the unknown??? *Answer yes or no and give 3 reasons to support your answer*

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Presentation on theme: "Would you sail into the unknown??? *Answer yes or no and give 3 reasons to support your answer*"— Presentation transcript:

1 Would you sail into the unknown??? *Answer yes or no and give 3 reasons to support your answer*

2 Chapter 19: An Age of Explorations and Isolation, 1400-1800 Europeans explore the East Initially people had neither the interest or ability to explore Reasons: God, Glory and Gold 1. Grow rich 2. Spread Christianity 3. New technology

3 Portugal leads the way Leader in sailing Prince Henry Bartolomeu Dias Vasco da Gama

4 Spanish Exploration Columbus Paves way for European colonization Competition with Portugal Line of demarcation Treaty of Tordesillas

5 Trading Empires in Indian Ocean Portugal- took control of the spice trade Spain-Magellan English and Dutch East India Company- direct trade with Asia The Netherlands (Dutch) company Britain and France

6 China limits European Contacts Ming Dynasty- China unites No more Mongols Expected Europeans to pay tribute Hongwu- First emperor Restored agricultural lands No Mongols past Promoted peace and prosperity Yonglo (son)- involved in expeditions Zheng He- Chinese Muslim explorer who led 7 voyages

7 Ming Relations with Foreign Countries Foreign trade Not industrialized Ideas of commerce Manchus & Qing Dynasty Life in Ming and Qing Dynasties Population explosion Favoritism of sons Traditional forms

8 Japan Returns to Isolation Violent Era Feudal system resembles Europe Toyotomi reunites Japan Haiku/Kabuki Contact with Europe Christian Missionaries Becomes self-sufficient

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