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SSI Manual Update 1 April 12, 2016. SSIStudent Success Initiative GoalGSoal Ensure ALL students receive instruction and support to be academically successful.

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Presentation on theme: "SSI Manual Update 1 April 12, 2016. SSIStudent Success Initiative GoalGSoal Ensure ALL students receive instruction and support to be academically successful."— Presentation transcript:

1 SSI Manual Update 1 April 12, 2016

2 SSIStudent Success Initiative GoalGSoal Ensure ALL students receive instruction and support to be academically successful in math and reading (p.2) 2

3 Core Principles of SSI p.2 ●Make public the requirement for grade promotion under TEC 28.021(d) ●Applies to mathematics and reading assessments for 5th & 8th grade ●student completes all accelerated instruction required by GPC ●GPC determines by UNANIMOUS decision that the student is likely to perform on grade level by the following year ●GPC required to consider recommendations of ○student teacher ○student grades ○state assessment scores ○any other relevant academic information 3

4 ●accelerated instruction occurs after each administration ●allows districts and charters to apply for expedited waiver ● identify the intensive instruction a student needs ●targeting this intensive instruction to the STAAR reporting categories on which the student demonstrated weakness ●ensuring that this intensive instruction is completed during the 1st six weeks of school ●documenting that the student has completed this intensive instruction ●those providing accelerated instruction MUST ○meet all state and federal requirements to teach Math and/or Reading ○paras, volunteers, and tutors cannot provide Accelerated Instruction unless they are certified instructors in that field Core Principles Continued 4

5 5 **See the sentence that starts, “Whether they are…” ALL STUDENTS IN A STAAR GRADE MUST RECEIVE INTERVENTION!

6 Students Subject to SSI (p.6) STAAR (Gen. Ed) STAAR A (Sp. Ed) STAAR A (504 and identified with dyslexia or a related disorder) STAAR Spanish STAAR L 6

7 Flowchart and Timeline (p. 8-11) This timeline is critical to staying within the legal framework of the SSI requirements. Please make a copy and place in a prominent place in your office. Also, please put these dates on your calendar so you are not caught off guard of due dates. :) 7

8 First Administration of STAAR (p.12) Receiving instruction above grade level can’t be denied promotion based on unsatisfactory academic performance Districts must provide accelerated instruction for students who are absent or do not have valid assessment results Districts MUST notify parents within 5 days Copy of notification kept in permanent file 8

9 Required Accelerated Instruction (p.14) In parent notice, intervention plan MUST be outlined ARD committee determines accelerated instruction for Sp. Ed AI for ELLs must consider stage of language acquisition and LPAC must consult Group AI may not be more than 10:1 School responsible for providing transportation 9

10 Accelerated Instruction (p.14) Assessment of specific student need Research- based instructional practices Use of variety of instructional methods 10

11 Second Administration (p.16) Students not meeting passing standard on STAAR Absent for both 2 nd administration and make up days required to take 3 rd administration, unless parental waiver approved Absent 1 st and 2 nd administration, must have AIP GPC is formed for students who did not meet requirements 11

12 Notification Principal notifies teacher and parents of student failure Include description of purpose and responsibilities of GPC Time & place for GPC Notice should state student is automatically retained after 3 opportunities May not be promoted unless AIP requirements are met 12

13 ●Principal or designee ●parent/guardian ●student teacher(s) of the subject Members of GPC (p.17) 13

14 ●Review any waiver request fom the parent or guardian ●Prescribe accelerated instruction for the student ●Mark the report card with a designation such as “promotion pending” GPC Meeting (p.18) 14

15 GPC (p. 36) 1.If an appeal has been initiated by parent then GPC a. All required members are present b. student has participated in ALL AI required 2.Promoted only if unanimous decision and AI has been completed 3.Either parent agrees to promote; child is promoted 4.AIP for the next school year must be developed 15

16 Parental Waiver (p.18) District may not initiate a waiver process If waiver is granted, student automatically retained GPC still determines AIP for summer Upon completion of AI; GPC reconvenes to discuss parental appeal 16

17 Third Administration (p. 20) Student absent for administration & make up automatically retained GPC determines AI GPC reconvenes after AI is completed “School personnel may not appeal this decision unless the parent or guardian has designated the remaining members of the GPC as the decision-making entity for all purposes.” 17

18 1.Parents must be notified 2.Parent submits request within 5 days 3.GPC MUST: ●review all facts and circumstances, such as ●evidence of satisfactory student academic performance ●improvement in student assessment performance ●extenuating circumstances that adversely affect student participation ●consideration of whether student was enrolled in Texas Public School Determine grade placement Document with local policy Determine AIP Parental Appeal 18

19 Timeline for Accelerated Instruction Adjust timeline for providing accelerated instruction for students who failed 3rd admin. Granted if districts meet certain criteria ●Identifying and documenting intensive instruction ●targeting instruction to reporting categories on which the student was weak ●ensure instruction is completed 1st six weeks of school ●Must develop AIP for ongoing instructional support for the year 19

20 Requirements for Special Populations STAAR Alt 2 is NOT subject to SSI STAAR and STAAR A are subject to SSI requirements ARD determines appropriate assessment ARD makes ALL decisions regarding AI & promotion ARD serves as GPC for students not meeting standard Assessment decisions on INDIVIDUAL basis 20

21 Flowchart (p.27) 21

22 SSI for Special Education 1.Does not meet satisfactory performance of 1 st admin; MUST document AI a.Agreement to amend IEP or, b.Through an ARD meeting c.If determined student will not participate in 2nd administration then ARD committee determines promote or retain 2. 2 nd administration & does not meet satisfactory performance a.repeat above 3. 3rd administration & does not meet satisfactory performance a.ARD committee will determine retain or promote b.does not have to be unanimous 22

23 Dyslexia & Related Disorders p. 29 SSI requirements apply GPC ensures AI and promotion decisions are individually based Parental appeal a.GPC required to evaluate “all facets” b.Dyslexia should be considered, as well as c.Development of AIP for next school year 23

24 ELLs p.30 LPACs determine correct assessment ELLs are subject to SSI requirements a.exception special provision unschooled asylee refugee b.1st year granted exemption by LPAC c.2 or more years unschooled asylee refugee or 1st year not granted exemption MUST meet SSI requirements GPC to consult with LPAC member for decisions 3rd Administration- a.GPC determine AIP for upcoming year b.make promotion decisions IF parent has appealed c.decision to promote must be unanimous d.student must meet requirements of AIP to promote 24

25 Migrant & Mobile Students p.31 No minimum period of enrollment Students enrolled between Jan 1 and assessment date are subject to SSI requirements Student enrolled after 1st day of assessment not subject to grade advancement requirements, but still have to take the tests (p. 31) Migrant students who will be in another state for 3rd administration will be able to meet assessment requirements through: a.receiving state site through Texas Migrant Interstate Program 25

26 Accelerated Instruction REQUIRED & Occurs after EACH administration for students not meeting the passing standards GPC is responsible for developing AIP with ongoing support during the next school year (2016-17) Students that OPT OUT - these students are marked absent/receive ‘not met’ and require an AIP. AIP are for ALL students, no matter the grade level, who did not meet passing standards Document, Document, Document 26

27 Accelerated Instruction (p.33) Before or after normal school hours Participation at times of the year outside normal school operations Subject to state compulsory attendance laws Group instruction 10:1 Local or diagnostic assessment to determine AIP if absent AIP for next school year (after 3 attempts) No specified time to be provided Design of AIP (p.34) 27

28 Mathematics Instruction MSTAR ESTAR Texas Response to Curriculum Focal Points Identifies critical areas in math MSTAR/ESTAR universal screeners MSTAR/ESTAR diagnostic assessments 28

29 Reading Instruction Texas Teacher Reading Academies (TRA) Online TRA Texas Adolescent Literacy Academies (TALA) 29

30 Professional Development Texas Gateway Texas Math Support Center Online Teacher Reading Academies 30

31 Reading Math Parent Guide English Parent Guide Spanish Expedited Timeline Waiver Notification Forms and Letter Resource 31

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