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Presentation on theme: "BACK-TO-SCHOOL NIGHT SEPTEMBER 28, 2015 Mrs. Starnes."— Presentation transcript:


2 Welcome to our Classroom!!  20 students in our class  12 boys and 8 girls  Bachelor’s Degree in Finance  Master’s Degree in Elementary Education  26th year of teaching 1 st grade in the Prince William County, 18 th year at Bristow Run

3 Schedule  9:00-9:30 Morning Work/DEAR/Shared Reading  9:30-11:10 Guided Reading Groups/Literacy Centers * Daily Five: Read to Self, Read to Someone, Word Work/Spelling & Writing/ Learning Games *CAFÉ Menu Board: Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency & Expanding Vocabulary  11:20-11:50 Lunch  11:55-12:15 Bathroom Break/Recess  12:15-1:00 Social Studies or Science  1:00-2:00 Read Aloud/Calendar/Math  2:00-2:45 Encore (Mon: Music, Tues: PE Wed: Library, Thurs: Art &  Fri: PE)  2:45-3:40 Snack/EPIC Writing Workshop (Lucy Calkins model)  3:40 Dismissal (Changes in the dismissal should be called into the office)

4 Reading  Daily Five  Guided Reading  Nightly Reading/Reading Calendar  The pacing guide can be found on the class website.

5 Language Arts Curriculum *Reading Assessments *Reading Workshop *Daily 5 *Writing Workshop

6 Reading Assessments  Students in Grades 1-5 are administered the DRA2 in May/June. Teachers monitor reading level throughout the year with running records and comprehension checks.  Kindergarten students are administered the DRA2 when they know 40+ letters. Teachers monitor reading levels throughout the year with running records.  The DRA2 is used to find students’ strengths and weaknesses in reading.  Results are used to guide instructional decisions with flexible grouping.  Administered in September/October and May  Kindergarten students screened for reading readiness with tasks including rhymes, beginning sounds, alphabet knowledge, and concept of print  Students in grades 1-3 have spelling and sight word knowledge assessed  Students who have difficulty meeting the grade level benchmark work with PALS tutors during the school day to receive support with reading and writing. DRA 2 Grades K-5PALS Grades K-3

7 Guided Instruction  Teachers meet the needs of their students in a variety of ways throught guided instruction.  Guided Reading is used mostly in grades K-2 to build reading skills and decoding strategies. Small groups are formed based on information from the DRA 2.  Strategy groups are used mostly in grades 3-5 to explicitly teach comprehension strategies.  Teachers may also have reading conferences to work one-on-one with a student to provide instruction to meet the student’s reading goal.  All groups are flexible to meet the needs of students.

8 The Daily 5  The Daily 5 is a way of structuring Reading Workshop so every student is independently engaged in meaningful literacy tasks.  During this time students have the opportunity to work independently and collaboratively  Activities may include: Read to Self/Independent Reading, Read to Someone/Buddy Reading, Learning Games, Work on Writing, Word Work  During this time students may also be working collaboratively in book clubs or book partnerships. They may also be working independently responding to reading in their reader’s notebooks or sticky notes.


10 Writing Workshop  Students write daily using the writing process.  Teachers give instruction through short mini-lessons, followed by individual or group conferences.  Students have opportunities to share their writing.

11 Save the Date Family Reading Night and Book Fair Wednesday, December 9, 2015 More information coming soon!

12 Mathematics  Blended Approach to Teaching Math  This Includes: Math Connects Math Investigations Other Supplemental Materials Teaching the Standard Algorithms Memorization of Basic Facts

13 Classroom Expectations  Class Vision-We are a super team of Learners and Listeners and we are kind to everyone.  Class Mission-We will look at the teacher when she is speaking. We will raise our hand to speak. We will be kind.  Quality Student (classroom, cafeteria, hallway etc.)  Classroom Rules  Bucket Fillers/Stickers/Verbal Praise/Lunch in the Classroom

14 Homework  Nightly Reading-Can be guided reading book, library books, Raz-Kids, ebooks  Homework should be no more than 10 minutes per grade level. For example: 1 st grade- 1X10=10 minutes  Spelling homework will start the week of Oct. 19.  Each student will have an opportunity to be a “Star Student” and make a poster to display on the hallway bulletin board.

15 Forms of Communication  Panther Press-Every Friday via e-mail  Class Newsletters-Every Friday in your child’s folder  Class Website-

16 Technology Resources  RAZ Kids (Grades K-5)  Accelerated Reader

17 Assessment Information  Formative Assessments  End-of-Unit Tests in Math  DRA2-Spring  PALS-Spring  Writing Samples

18 Field Trips  Udvar Hazy Air & Space Center (9:15-1:00)- Tuesday, November 10, 2015  Hylton Center to watch “Seussical” (9:30-12:00)- Friday, April 29, 2016

19 Birthday/Celebration Information  Please remember that you may not bring celebration foods into the cafeteria for students in your child’s class. We will eat them in the classroom during snack time (2:45 p.m.)  “Happy Birthday Wishes” are announced each day on our morning announcements and a pencil from the office. Classmates sing Happy Birthday and we enjoy a special snack.

20 Classroom Parties  Fall Math Day-October  Winter Celebration-December  Friendship/Valentine’s Day-February  End of the Year Pizza Party-June

21 Parent Teacher Conferences  All conferences have been scheduled throughout October and on November 3 rd.

22 Contact Information   Call the school 8:15-8:45 a.m. or 3:40-4:00 at 703-753-7741  Can send notes to school in Panther daily folder

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