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Lesson 3 T1 FOOD SERVICE …you are important ASSISTANT WORK AS A TEAM.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 3 T1 FOOD SERVICE …you are important ASSISTANT WORK AS A TEAM."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 3 T1 FOOD SERVICE …you are important ASSISTANT WORK AS A TEAM

2 Lesson 3 T2 “Coming together is a beginning, working together is progress, and staying together is success.” — Henry Ford

3 Lesson 3 T3 Work as a Team You will learn three or more benefits of working as a team. You will learn three or more ways to resolve issues and avoid conflict in the workplace. What you will learn in this lesson

4 Lesson 3 T4 There is no “I” in teamwork. A team is a group of motivated people who know what to do, and how and when to do it. enjoy working together. want coworkers to succeed. share a common goal. Teamwork is the ability of the group to work together. the fuel that allows a group to attain uncommon results. less “me” and more “we.” TEAM = T OGETHER E VERYONE A CHIEVES M ORE

5 Lesson 3 T5 Why Work as a Team? Teamwork divides the work and doubles the success. gives members a strong sense of self-worth and a feeling of belonging. helps FSAs see their tasks as a link in the chain of serving students healthy meals. promotes shared responsibility. PEOPLE WHO WORK TOGETHER WILL WIN. --Vince Lombardi

6 Lesson 3 T6 Conflict—Healthful or Harmful? Helpful, if it gets issues on the table for discussion. builds togetherness. helps people understand procedures and rules. encourages FSAs to discuss issues and find solutions. Harmful, if it diverts energy from scheduled work. points out differences in values. weakens or destroys morale. causes staff to form cliques.

7 Lesson 3 T7 Ways to Handle Conflict

8 Lesson 3 T8 A team works together to achieve a common goal. Team members perform their duties to the best of their abilities. Benefits of working as a team: –FSAs share responsibility and credit for successes. –FSAs support and encourage each other. –FSAs build esprit de corps, or team spirit. Conflict happens and can be helpful or harmful. Team members need to handle conflict in ways that result in win-win situations for the FSA and SNP. Team members are partners in serving healthy and appealing meals to students. What You Learned in This Lesson

9 Lesson 3 T9 Recipe for an Effective Team

10 Lesson 3 T10 This training was conducted by the National Food Service Management Institute The University of Mississippi 800-321-3054

11 Lesson 3 T11 National Food Service Management Institute The University of Mississippi Mission: To provide information and services that promote the continuous improvement of child nutrition programs Vision: To be the leader in providing education, research, and resources to promote excellence in child nutrition programs

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