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Nottinghamshire Children and Families Partnership (NCFP) Commissioned to provide Children’s Centre services in Nottinghamshire from 1st June 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Nottinghamshire Children and Families Partnership (NCFP) Commissioned to provide Children’s Centre services in Nottinghamshire from 1st June 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nottinghamshire Children and Families Partnership (NCFP) Commissioned to provide Children’s Centre services in Nottinghamshire from 1st June 2013

2 Have commissioned the partnership which includes

3 The service has been commissioned to provide Children’s Centre services across the County’s 58 Centres The age range the service works with is antenatal to 11 years and 11 months. (Under 12 year olds) There are dedicated Children’s Centre buildings but the service is delivered across a number of venues across an area for example Schools, community centres, local parks, leisure centres etc. Commissioned service

4 Centres have a basic core team structure which consists of - Family Support Workers Children’s/Early Years workers Community Involvement Administration workers Centre Coordinator SALT & Early Years Teacher Support A Children’s Centre is a community not a building.

5 Universal Service Offer includes – Play sessions e.g. messy play, baby groups etc…… Infant massage Breastfeeding support Adult Education Smoking cessation Job Centre Plus Volunteering training and opportunities Some services are developed depending on local need, examples include:- Twins support group Big Smiles – support group for families who have a child with a cleft lip and palate. Community based events e.g. play days Childminders support groups Autism support groups Sensory groups So what services are provided at Children’s Centres?

6 Centres offer some services to targeted / focused families examples include :- Incredible Years parenting programme Parent Child Game & Theraplay Home Talk Non Violent Resistance Therapy Freedom Programme Feel Good Club / Feelings in a box Kids Count / 123 Magic Family Support Drop-Ins Family Support Outreach Strengthening Families Our targeted offer

7 Some examples include:- Behaviour – e.g. Sleep, weaning, potty training, routines Challenging behaviour Communication difficulties Additional needs Support for mothers maternal mental health Diet and nutrition Domestic abuse Housing issues Debt issues Boundary setting Infant Feeding Solution Focus One to one support offer via the referral process

8 8.30am Centre opens 8.30am Call from a parent to ask about the baby weaning café 9 am Meeting with family support team and SPA panel to share local knowledge and allocate families for support 9.15am Mother comes to centre in distress re domestic violence incident overnight and asks to speak to worker 9.30am First TAC meeting for a family in the CAF process, chaired by the centre coordinator with family support worker in attendance 11am Centre coordinator attends local school to undertake a guest role in judging the healthy lunchbox competition as part of the partnership work with the school in healthy eating, 11.25amFather drops into the centre to pick a food bank voucher up 11.40am Social worker drops in to use touchdown area, has never worked from the centre before, so centre induction is carried out by administration worker 12.30pm Early years worker goes to the local nursery to undertake talking tables supported by the local SALT 12.45pm Family support worker undertakes home visit to a local family to support with their child’s behaviour 1pm Stay & Play session starts with early years worker leading 2.10pm Call from mother wanting advice around breast feeding – call connected to breast feeding lead 2.25pmCall from Social Care asking to book a room for a core group that is being held tomorrow 3.20pm Community involvement team meeting with local school extended services workers to discuss adult learning plan for the following term 4.30pm Health Visitor pop’s into deliver a new referral for family support 4.55pm Elderly couple bring round the neighbourhood stray to ask if the centre can re-house him?????? 5pm Centre Closes 5pm–7pm Hands are not for hurting supported by Children’s Centre family support worker and Women's aid twilight session at local school to support families with children age from 4 – 11 years who have experienced domestic violence A day in the life of a Children’s Centre

9 Partnership Working is strong Health Visitors Family Nurse Social Care Midwives Schools Schools

10 A referral can be made to the Single Point of Access. Referrals need written informed consent from families. Families can self-refer to the service. Appendix D of the pathway to provision is a referral form or you can use pages 1 to 5 of the new family CAF form How to refer into Children’s Centres

11 Any Questions

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