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Examples of KS1 Questions

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1 Examples of KS1 Questions

2 Tick the sentence that is a statement.
Tick one. What an interesting painting! Can you collect the crayons, please? James washed the paintbrushes. Check that your tables are clean.

3 Why do the underlined words start with a capital letter?
King Fred had a party at Greystone Palace on Sunday afternoon. Circle the verbs in the sentence below. Yesterday was the school sports day and Jo wore her new running shoes.

4 Look at where the arrow is pointing.
The children went home Josh had enjoyed his party. Which punctuation mark is missing? Tick one. comma question mark apostrophe full stop

5 What type of word is underlined in the sentence below?
Poppy held the baby rabbit gently in her arms. an adjective an adverb a noun a verb

6 Tick the sentence that is correct.
Tick one. Adam saw his friend in the park and wave. Adam saw his friend in the park and waved. Adam sees his friend in the park and wave. Adam sees his friend in the park and waved.

7 Here is a bottle of water.
What is the capacity of the bottle: two centimetres, two kilograms, two degrees Celsius or two litres? Write a digit in each box to make the sum correct. 7_ +_=83

8 Abdul goes to the zoo. He finds out the mass of some animals. Cheetah 58 kg Tiger 94 kg Lion 94 kg Compare the mass of the animals. Write < or > or = in each box. Cheetah’s mass Tiger’s mass Tiger’s mass Lion’s mass

9 Examples of KS2 Questions

10 Draw a line to match each prefix to the correct word so that it makes a new word.
Prefix Word re mature de understood mis legible im frost il do

11 Which sentence has been punctuated correctly?
Tick one. Immediately after, dinner we did the washing up. Immediately after dinner we did, the washing up. Immediately after dinner, we did the washing up. Immediately, after dinner we did the washing up.

12 Write the contracted form of the underlined words in the box.
That decision does not seem fair. Circle all the pronouns in the sentence below. They bought new jumpers for themselves and a warm scarf for Dad. Tick one box to show which part of the sentence is a relative clause. The table which is made of oak is now black with age.

13 Tick the option that shows how the underlined words are used in the sentence.
My baby brother was born in the hospital where my father works. Tick one. as a preposition phrase as a relative clause as a main clause as a noun phrase

14 Tick one box in each row to show if the underlined clause is a main clause or a subordinate clause.
Billie, who was nine years old, loved to play tennis. Billie’s mum bought her a tennis racket so that she could play more often. Billie could not play tennis with her friend Lana because Lana did not have a racket.

15 Circle all the conjunctions in the sentences below.
Once Harry had checked the weather forecast, he set off on his walk. Whilst climbing up the mountain, he was unaware of the dangers ahead. He needed to turn back immediately since a storm was coming.

16 Explain how the use of commas changes the meaning in the two sentences.
Mangoes, which are grown in hot countries, taste delicious. Mangoes which are grown in hot countries taste delicious. Rewrite the sentence below, adding a subordinate clause. Remember to punctuate your answer correctly. The children played on the swings.

17 Complete the sentence below with a possessive pronoun.
They are __________________. Underline the verb form that is in the present perfect in the passage below. Rachel loves music and has wanted to learn how to play the piano for years. She was hoping for piano lessons, and was delighted when her parents gave her a keyboard for her birthday.

18 The area of a rugby pitch is 6,108 square metres.
A football pitch measures 112 metres long and 82 metres wide. How much larger is the area of the football pitch than the area of the rugby pitch?

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