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Norwegian Financial Mechanism Setting up the SIRENE Bureau and training for participation in the SIS 9th November 2010 Lenka Kopačková SIRENE CZ.

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Presentation on theme: "Norwegian Financial Mechanism Setting up the SIRENE Bureau and training for participation in the SIS 9th November 2010 Lenka Kopačková SIRENE CZ."— Presentation transcript:

1 Norwegian Financial Mechanism Setting up the SIRENE Bureau and training for participation in the SIS 9th November 2010 Lenka Kopačková SIRENE CZ

2 Brief History  15.8.2005 project application submitted  14.7.2006 project approved  3.8.2006 terms and conditions accepted  9-10/2006 Grant agreement signed  1. 1.2007 start of the project activities  10.11.2010 end of the project activities  28.2.2011 official termination of the project Project applicant: Police Presidum of the Czech Republic

3 Purpose of the Project To strengthen the capacity of the Police Presidium of the Czech Republic (esp. of SIRENE CZ) to train police officers in Schengen co-operation To contribute to the full integration of the Czech Republic into the Schengen area without checks at internal borders

4 Objectives of the project  To train SIRENE staff and other police officers in Schengen issues  To create convenient conditions for training  training room  equipment for training at police units  educational and informational materials  To contribute to setting up SIRENE Bureau  equipment of the communication centre  further development of SIRENE work-flow system

5 Budget  Total project costs 552 000 EUR  Eligible cost 515 000 EUR  Non-eligible cost 37 000 EUR (van) Grant 437 000 EUR Grant rate of 85%  The project generates no revenue  Co-financing ensured from state budget

6 Norway funds in the Czech Rep. 2004-2009 Total amount of Norway grants alocated in CZ: 62,4 mln.EUR Priority no.7-Schengen and Judiciary: 2 137 595 EUR Project CZ 0005: 437 000 EUR, i.e. 20 % of the budget of Priority no.7

7 Budget structure

8 Management structure  General project manager – former Deputy Police President, nowadays Police President  Financial manager of the project - Deputy Police President for economics  Project manager - Head of Bureau of Criminal Police and Investigation Service  Project co-ordinator – employee of SIRENE CZ  Financial co-ordinator of the project - The Economic Administration Department

9 Monitoring and controlling system of the project  External monitoring system  Ministry of Finance  Authorities appointed by the Financial Mechanism Office  Other bodies entitled to carry out control activities within the Ministry of Interior (i.e. for example Supreme Audit Office)

10 Monitoring and controlling system of the project  Internal monitoring and controlling system of the project  ensured by the standard control mechanism of the Czech Police and the Ministry of the Interior  Subjects responsible for internal control o the Economic Administration Department o Internal Control Department o Internal Audit and Supervision Department

11 Monitoring and controlling system of the project – carried out controls  Departement of Financial control of the Ministry of Interior (3/2007)  Transparency International+ Scanteam (November 2007)  Monitoring visit of the Norwegian Embassy in Prague and Scanteam (January 2008)  Internal Audit and Supervision Department of the Ministry of Interior (10-11/2009)  On the spot control by Ernst &Young and Ministry of Finance (May 2009)

12 Project Implementation (January 2007–October 2010)

13 Project activities  Activity 1 - Training of the SIRENE staff and other experts  Activity 2 - Creating of appropriate material conditions for training  Activity 3 - Setting up of the SIRENE CZ

14 Activity 1- Training of the SIRENE staff and other experts  Training of SIRENE CZ staff in the Czech Rep. and abroad (study visits)  Study visits of SIRENE CZ staff focused on preparing of evaluation abroad  Consultancy on preparing for evaluation in the Czech Republic  Cosultancy during the time of joining the SIS  Courses on Schengen terminology in English language  Study visit of the Czech police IT experts abroad  Study visit of experts from the Ministry of Interior on regional airport focused on the control of the passangers from non-schengen countries  Training of police officers in regions & Prague  Study visits for Criminal Police and Investigation Service in accompaniment of SIRENE CZ staff abroad  Coordination meetings (initial and final meeting)

15 Activity 1- Study visits of SIRENE CZ staff abroad

16 Activity 1 -Training of police officers in the Czech Rep.  South Bohemia 17.05.2007 České Budějovice (75)  Central Bohemia 21.,22.,23.05.2007 Praha – Zbraslav (122)  East Bohemia 28.,29.05.2007 Hradec Králové (94)  West Bohemia 05.06.2007 Plzeň (99)  North Bohemia 06.06.2007 Ústí nad Labem (103)  Prague 13.06.2007 Praha (162)  South Moravia 14.06.2007 Brno (60)  North Moravia 20.06.2007 Frýdek-Místek (139)  Command Centres 14.06.2007 Praha (54)  Alien and Border Police 19.06.2007 Praha (35)  Criminal Police 18.07.2007 Brno (63) ═ Total number of trained police officers 1 006

17 Activity 1- Study visits of Criminal police and Regional police directorates abroad  Criminal police and investigation service  Regional police directorates

18 Activity 1- Training of SIRENE CZ staff in the Czech Rep. by foreign experts

19 Activity 2 - Creating of appropriate material conditions for training  Establishing of the training room  Educational and training materials  Equipment for training at police units in the Czech Republic

20 Activity 3 - Setting up of the SIRENE CZ  Adjustment of the current workflow (EVIN)  Partial equipment of the communication centre

21 Prolongation of the project  Planned termination of the project 30.9.2009  Substantials savings (176 000 EUR, i.e.34 % of the project budget)  Prolongation of the project activities till 28.2.2011  Prolongation of so far carried out activities as well as completely new activities

22 New activities of the project in 2010  Seminars for staff of the Regional Directorates of Police of the Czech Republic abroad  Seminars for the Czech police IT experts in the Czech Republic

23 The Project contributed to:  Training of more of 1000 police officers (training of trainers)  Successful evaluation (only country with no remark on further training)  All Czech alerts in the SIS during the first 3 weeks after connection  High number of hits in the SIS  Creating convenient working and training conditions for SIRENE CZ

24 Thank you for your attention Any questions? Lenka Kopačková phone: +420 974 834 451 fax: +420 974 834 716 e-mail:

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