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CECS 347 Microprocessors and Controllers II Chapter 1 - An Overview of Computing Systems Instructor: Eric Hernandez.

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Presentation on theme: "CECS 347 Microprocessors and Controllers II Chapter 1 - An Overview of Computing Systems Instructor: Eric Hernandez."— Presentation transcript:

1 CECS 347 Microprocessors and Controllers II Chapter 1 - An Overview of Computing Systems Instructor: Eric Hernandez

2 Introduction General Purpose Microprocessor – CPU vs Microcontroller – MCU Whats the difference?

3 CPU vs MCU General Purpose CPU – CPU (Central Processing Unit) Microcontroller – MCU (Micro-Controller Unit) No Internal: RAM ROM I/O MCU Contains: CPUTimers RAMADC/DAC ROM I/O Ports Everything conveniently on one chip or IC – Integrated Circuit

4 We will be using a Microcontroller that has the ARM architecture Specifically the LPC2148 Even though the LPC2148 is made by Phillips, inside is an ARM processor

5 So now our MCU looks more like this Phillips pays for this Then Phillips adds what they want to and puts it all on one chip

6 Then and Now In November 1971, The first microprocessor, the Intel 4004, was introduced Today, of the processors produced about 99% are Microcontrollers! Initially 4 bit, then 8 bit (think of the 8051), then 16 bit and now 32 bit (ARM) architectures Of the 13 billion microprocessor-based chips shipped in 2007, nearly 3 billion were ARM based ARM chips are found in 95% of all cell phones

7 ARM Offerings Since 1994, ARM has continued to offer new generations of microprocessors ARM6 ARM7 ARM9 ARM10 ARM11 and then to the newer generations, Cortex

8 ARM Offerings

9 Our MCU The Philips LPC2148 uses the ARM7TDMI The ARM7TDMI is still widely used and will lay the foundation for us

10 Processor Architecture Overview - CISC Early processor architectures reflected the architectural concept of the time and were greatly influenced by the design tools available to support the development Complex Instruction Set Computers (CISC) were typically microprogrammed machines that would execute a sequence of microinstructions for every macroinstruction (machine instruction) Capability was increased by adding microinstruction to make more complicated instructions Performance was increased by increased speed and power (fans and even water helped to cool the system)

11 Processor Architecture Overview - RISC Reduced Instruction Set Computers (RISC) primarily came out of Stanford and Berkeley in the 1980’s (Hennessy and Patterson - 440 text authors) Goal was a simplified architecture that would rapidly execute the instructions - the goal would be that one instruction would be completed on every clock This is contrasted to the CISC architecture where one instruction could take over 30 clocks to finish RISC - rapidly execute simplified instructions

12 CISC vs. RISC CISC Multiword instructions Many clocks per instruction Microcoded control unit Operands available throughout memory space RISC Single word instructions One clock per instruction (goal) Pipelined architecture Hardwired control unit Operands always registers All memory interface through LOADs and STOREs (load/store architecture)

13 The ARM Processor History Acorn Computers were developed in the UK intending to service the educational demand Original computer utilized the 6502 (same as the Apple II and Nintendo) Desire for a more powerful processor and teaming with Apple led to the development of the ARM processor and the founding of ARM Ltd. Acorn RISC Machine became Advanced RISC Machine (ARM) Initially targeted for the Apple Newton PDA In 1993 ARM introduced the ARM7TDMI (T: THUMB (16 bits) mode, D: Debug, M: Hardware Multiplier, I: ICE)

14 Development Board &products_id=28&osCsid=ebe77041c1d2b14c1e6246593693 18f0 LPC2148 Development Board - $60

15 LPC2148 Contains 512KB of internal flash 32+8K RAM, 60Mhz Max Freq. USB 2.0 device, 2xUARTs RTC 2x10bit ADCs, 1xDAC, 6xPWM, 2xI2C, 1xSPI, 2x32- bit TIMERS, FAST I/0 support and WDT. In System Programming (ISP)

16 Two ways to program JTAG UART - Serial Port Programming through the Serial Port is similar to how we developed on the 8051

17 Where to get a JTAG To use the JTAG you must have a JTAG adapter. Ebay has clones for sale that cost $20 Benefits: Download programs to your target hardware Examine memory and registers Single-step through programs and insert multiple breakpoints Run programs in real-time Program Flash Memory On-the-fly debug

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