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Age of Absolutism. Absolutism The Age of Absolutism takes its name from a series of European monarchs who increased the power of their central governments.

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Presentation on theme: "Age of Absolutism. Absolutism The Age of Absolutism takes its name from a series of European monarchs who increased the power of their central governments."— Presentation transcript:

1 Age of Absolutism

2 Absolutism The Age of Absolutism takes its name from a series of European monarchs who increased the power of their central governments.

3 Absolute monarchy or absolutism meant that the sovereign power or ultimate authority in the state rested in the hands of a king who claimed to rule by divine right.

4 Characteristics of Absolutism  Centralization of power  Concept of rule by divine- right  Ultimate authority

5 Key Figures  Louis XIV of France  Frederick the Great of Prussia  Peter the Great of Russia

6 Louis XIV—The Sun King  King of France (1643-1715)  “One King, One Law, One Faith.”  Represents pinnacle of absolute monarchy in France  Created court at Versailles as a symbol of royal power

7 France Paris

8 Palace of Versailles


10 Hall of Mirrors

11 Gardens of Versailles


13 Fountains of Versailles

14 Effects of Louis XIV  Wielded supreme authority in his kingdom  Palace of Versailles as symbol of royal power

15 Frederick the Great—Soldier King  Emperor of Prussia (1740-1786)  Emphasis on military power  Created 4 th largest army in world  Made Prussia the “Sparta of the North”

16 Prussia

17 Effects of Frederick the Great  Introduced economic reforms  Granted religious freedom  Created a strong bureaucracy  Created an efficient army

18 Peter the Great  Tsar of Russia (1672- 1725)  Westernized Russia  Built a new capital, St. Petersburg  Revolutionized the Russian army  Studied government and business models of the West

19 Russia Moscow

20 Westernizing Russia  Because European men were normally clean-shaven, Peter taxed Russians wearing beards.  Peter cut off the beards of the men in his court.

21 Effects of Peter the Great  Westernization of Russia

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