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ICER Innovative concept of Eco-accomodation Approach in Rural Regions ICER Best Practices from Gozo The Centre for Innovation in Rural Sciences and Environmental.

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Presentation on theme: "ICER Innovative concept of Eco-accomodation Approach in Rural Regions ICER Best Practices from Gozo The Centre for Innovation in Rural Sciences and Environmental."— Presentation transcript:

1 ICER Innovative concept of Eco-accomodation Approach in Rural Regions ICER Best Practices from Gozo The Centre for Innovation in Rural Sciences and Environmental Management, Xewkija, Gozo David Dandria

2 Part 1 - Gozo and its agriculture Part 2 – The Gozo Reseach and Innovation Centre

3 Part 1 – Gozo and its agriculture Gozo is a very small island with a high population density. The island faces the problem of having to support an adequate economic development to support its population, but at the same time, safeguard its nature, culture and identity of a rural area. Agriculture is an important economic activity - not for its contribution to the GDP of the island, but for the safeguarding of the territory, the landscape and the protection of the rural areas. After a period of decline in the last years, Agriculture is once again showing signs of renewal. With the appropriate support, innovation and openness to change, Agriculture can once again become a major economic player on the island together with other economic sectors such as tourism and the food processing industry.


5 Gozo’s Agriculture

6 Agriculture is an important economic activity, not only because it is a direct source of employment, but also because it makes available genuine agricultural products that are provided to the local market for fresh consumption as well as processing, resulting in the generation of more indirect employment on Gozo. It is also essential for the preservation of the island's high-quality rural landscape, and for the safeguarding of traditions and knowledge associated with the island's rural culture.


8 In the economic scenario of Gozo, although not a major player in terms of output, agriculture remains an important source of employment, and more so, an important source of part-time employment. Employment in the Agriculture sector: Total:3525 Full-time: 316 Part-time:3209

9 Eco- Gozo - a Better Gozo investmentsustainable jobsQuality investment for more sustainable jobs quality of life A better quality of life less pressure A society exerting less pressure on the environment naturalcultural environment A wholesome natural and cultural environment caring societyall A caring society for all identity Sustaining the island’s identity

10 Part 3 – The Gozo Research and Innovation Centre An important constituent of the Eco-Gozo project is the development of a Research and Innovation Centre in the agricultural and environmental sectors. Rather than starting from scratch it was decided to upgrade an existing institution, the Government Experimental Farm (GEF) at Xewkija. This Farm was set up in the 1960s with a number of objectives intended to improve agricultural productivity of the island both qualitatively and quantitatively. When work is completed the renovated Centre will be named the Centre for Innovation in Rural Sciences and Environmental Management (CIRSEM).

11 Gozo Centre for Innovation in Rural Sciences and Environmental Management (CIRSEM)



14 In order to achieve the aim of transforming the GEF into a modern research and innovation facility it was decided to seek the cooperation of the University of Malta. Agreement has been reached with the Institute of Earth Systems of the University of Malta to work in tandem with the Ministry for Gozo in order to set up this Centre. The Institute of Earth Systems was established in May 2010 through amalgamation of the International Environment Institute and the Institute of Agriculture. It offers degrees at diploma, undergraduate and postgraduate levels in fields related to agriculture and environmental studies.

15 The central mission of the Centre will be research, education and dissemination of knowledge and technological advancement in Mediterranean agriculture, food production and environmental management. Proposed sectors of activity include Mediterranean agricultural sciences, agri- ecosystem management, agri-tourism, food processing and specifications, water management, rural development, agricultural engineering and ecological restoration.

16 The Centre will be outward-looking and seek to develop and enhance relations with stakeholders, including farmers, food processors and the tourist industry. The Centre will provide space and support for undergraduate and postgradute research projects on agricultural and ecological themes. The Centre would also provide the opportunity for Gozitan, Maltese and foreign research workers to utilise the Island of Gozo as a “field laboratory”.

17 Ongoing projects Some activities are already being undertaken at the Centre. 1. Research into the husbandry and genetic characterisation of the Maltese Black Chicken, a local autochthonous breed.

18 2. Hands-on Farming – educational initiative aimed at familiarising primary and secondary level students with the agricultural environment.

19 3. Studies on Maltese breeds of sheep and goats

20 INFRASTRUCTURAL WORKS Establishment of scientific laboratories. Replacement of greenhouses. General upgrading Rationalisation of water storage and irrigation facilities. Upgrading of livestock rearing facilities.

21 Laboratories Three laboratories are planned. To provide facilities for teaching, biochemical research and genetics. The buildings have already been identified and refurbishing works are in progress Protocols for the use of the laboratory facilities by students and researchers are being established.

22 Greenhouses The Centre requires greenhouses to provide opportunities for research on protected cropping and propagation of plant material. The current dilapidated glasshouses have been dismantled and are being replaced with modern plastic covered structures.

23 Old greenhouses, now dismantled Erection of new Greenhouses in Progress

24 One 3-span greenhouse completed.

25 General Upgrading In order to increase the impact of the Centre on users and stakeholders, the Farm ambience needs to be modernised Tenders have been issued and work is under way

26 Current


28 Refurbishment of office buildings

29 Water Water catchment and storage facilities on the Farm need to be increased and rationalised. Works on upgrading existing reservoirs are in hand.


31 Irrigation facilities Currently irrigation on the farm is not rationalised. A computerised drip-irrigation and water distribution system is being installed.

32 Livestock rearing facilities. Works in connection with modernising and expanding current livestock rearing facilities are in progress. These include: Pens for sheep and goats Cow barn Poultry-breeding Apiculture unit

33 CONCLUSION The Centre for Innovation in Rural sciences and Environmental management is one of the promising developments in the island’s efforts to close the gap between agricultural producers,and the commercial and touristic sectors. When the Centre is up and running, the results obtained will make a strong contribution to the agri-tourism sectors They will help to maintain the highest quality standards in the offer to tourists looking for peaceful, quiet and healthy sojourns in this Mediterranean island.


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