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ENV 103 Assignment ( sec 01, group 08) Biodiversity of Amazon Forest Submitted to : Moushumi Zahur Submit by : Sadmeena Mahreen Promi (16104030) Manoka.

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Presentation on theme: "ENV 103 Assignment ( sec 01, group 08) Biodiversity of Amazon Forest Submitted to : Moushumi Zahur Submit by : Sadmeena Mahreen Promi (16104030) Manoka."— Presentation transcript:

1 ENV 103 Assignment ( sec 01, group 08) Biodiversity of Amazon Forest Submitted to : Moushumi Zahur Submit by : Sadmeena Mahreen Promi (16104030) Manoka Jalil Juthi (16104024) Fahima Mannan Priyanka (16104122) Date of Submission : 20 March 2016 Assignment Presentation Date : 6 April 2016 (Wednesday)


3 . gets 100 inches annual rain. have the richest biodiversity 2 nd longest river in the world

4  Stores 90-140 billion metric tons of carbon  400-500 tribal Amazonian exist here  World’s medicine chest  Houses 10% species of world  Lungs of The Earth

5 430 Species

6 1,300 species

7 400 Species

8 420 species

9 3,000 species

10 40,000 plant species


12  Deforestation  Habitat Destruction  Hydroelectric power dams  Oil development  Soy farming and cattle ranching  Logging and infrastructure  Mining

13  Loss of habitat  Increased greenhouses gases  Water in the atmosphere  Soil erosion and flooding  Destruction of homelands


15 Ranching and agriculture Commercial fishing Bio-piracy and smuggling Poaching Damming Logging Mining

16  20% forest destroyed and gone forever  50% forest destroyed by fire and logging  130 species lost everyday  By 2014 rainforest lost 760,000  By 2025, 40% rainforest will be destroyed

17  Alteration of ecosystem composition  Over exploitation  Pollution and contamination  Global climate change  Human population growth  Pollution  Forest fragmentation

18 1) Follow ‘Green Economy Initiative’ 2) Protect land animals and sea creatures 3) Implement ‘Multilateral Environmental Agreements’ 4) Increase Communication, Education & Public Awareness (CEPA)

19 5) Promote eco-tourism, bio-prospecting 6 ) Encourage conservation & sustainable development 7 ) Provide incentives for habitat protection


21  Picture source : Google  Information source : WWF ( World Wide Fund for nature ) Wikipedia The End

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