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 An EU scheme which gives you the opportunity to spend a semester at a European University – Erasmus video–video  Comes with a grant provided by the.

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2  An EU scheme which gives you the opportunity to spend a semester at a European University – Erasmus video–video  Comes with a grant provided by the EU  With extra allowance for widening participation and disabled

3  The links are specific, only certain programmes at certain partners  Numbers are restricted, usually two students per partner  List of partners / programmes is on the Erasmus LN pageLN page  If you are a combined honours student (joint) you will need to negotiate with BOTH programme leaders

4  In either semester, in either Year 2 or Year 3  Prefer Year 2 - in Year 3, then there may be issues with your final year dissertation – up to you to get your programme leader to agree  Semester dates at the partner vary, but they more or less map onto before Christmas/after Christmas - but start/finish dates do vary  Their semesters can be longer

5  You continue to pay the tuition fee to Winchester  Travel costs  Housing at the partner  Grant paid in two instalments  Extra if you are registered disabled (DLA) or a WP student (under £25k household income)  You might get some of your travel paid by Student Finance  We pay for your insurance – but you also need an EHIC


7  You select classes from the partner university  You agree the classes with your programme here (it is important that they fit with your studies and are at the right level)  You take the classes, get the grades and credit and bring back to Winchester  They form part of your final transcript  We adjust the grades to match Winchester’s marking scheme

8  A fabulous opportunity to experience Europe as a student, not a tourist  You can experience how your subject is taught at a different university  You will demonstrate your independence and self-reliance  You will make friends across Europe  You will add something very significant to your CV and job prospects

9  Make an initial application to us (form is on the Learning Network page)  BUT – we do not know how much funding (how many places) we will get for next year  We will not know until May 2015  Can assume we will get a small number (5), but for more, we will have to wait  Means participation may have to be in S2 2015/6

10  If you are selected by Winchester, you will proceed through a process of applying to the partner  Involves organising and agreeing your module choices before you go  Finding accommodation – done by you with the partner university  Sign Erasmus + Contract for receipt of funding

11  You may need housing in Winchester – we help (it depends on the semester you go and the partner university’s semester dates)  You should select classes for next year at Winchester as normal  When you come back, you fill out various online report forms for the British Council and we pay the remainder of the grant

12  Alasdair Spark –  Alice Degei and Sarah Hanford via  Your programme leader/s or designated persons in your programme

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