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Welcome to Writing Workshop! An Integrated Approach to Writing Ms. Trang 1.Please sign in on the “Sign in Sheet” next to your student’s name. 2.Take a.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Writing Workshop! An Integrated Approach to Writing Ms. Trang 1.Please sign in on the “Sign in Sheet” next to your student’s name. 2.Take a."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Writing Workshop! An Integrated Approach to Writing Ms. Trang 1.Please sign in on the “Sign in Sheet” next to your student’s name. 2.Take a look around the room. 3.Fill in seats closest to the front screen.

2 Writing Workshop Curriculum  An ambitious program that creates a student-centered approach to writing with a focus on a variety of genres  Designed to meet the needs of each individual writer through brief mini-lessons that address strategies, grammar, and style  Individualized attention to writing skills through conferencing (both peer and teacher)  Students will also be utilizing an online portfolio system as part of a district wide initiative that will compile their writing, allow for peer feedback, and focus on goal setting and reflection

3 This I Believe…  I believe in hard work  I believe that writing is a process  I believe students hold the key to their own success  Self advocacy  I believe in taking risks  I believe in your student

4 Types of assignments  Within each unit there are:  One or two smaller “projects/writing pieces” (15-50 points) that act as “warm ups”  One Major Writing Assignment (MWA)  (100 points)  There are other ways to earn points:  Do Now’s/Class Activities (3-20 points)  Pre-writing (15-25 points)  Draft Checkpoints (5 points)  Turning in necessary docs with MWA (points vary)  Drafting Logs for MWA (10-15 points)  Getting MWA rubrics signed (5 points)

5 Writing Workshop Grading  Final Grade  We will be working with a “Total Points” system  PowerSchool  MWA typically comes near the end of each marking period and has a major impact on their grade. Grades WILL fluctuate  Take-2-Re-do (revision opportunity)  Optional revision for all individual MAJOR WRITING assignments with less then a 75%  Must be signed by a parent/guardian  Revised piece will be due a week from the return date  The two scores will be averaged UP to a 75%

6 Grading  Class Work Any class work (worksheets, drafting, editing, etc.) that is not finished in class becomes “homework” if the student used their his/her time wisely in class. It is the student’s responsibility to complete the unfinished work outside of the class AND turn it in the next day at the beginning of class to be considered “on time”.  Late Work -Time sensitive late-work will not be accepted for points (i.e. check points, work needed for class that day). -Non time sensitive late-work can earn up to half-credit based on quality of work and timeliness of turning it in *There will be 10% deduction each day a writing piece is late.

7 How can you best help your students  Praise hard work  Encourage independence  Cultivate an appreciation for reading and writing  Promote self-advocacy  Know what is going on…  Sign up for Remind 101  Check out Google Sites  Utilize my Teacher Page  Visit PowerSchool

8 Remind 101  Safe, easy way to receive due date reminders for drafts and final writing pieces.  Receive by text or email  Some of your students have “opted in” but have not signed up yet. Please do so if they have not!

9 Remind 101  You can find the instruction page on my teacher website under “Housekeeping”

10 Extra Help  I am here to help your student succeed. Students are encouraged to seek help if they are struggling or need extended time.  Students can make appoints to see me before school from 7:30-8:00 or after school from 2:45-3:30.  If students feel they need more reinforcement, all they need t do is ask!

11 Parent/Teacher Relationship  Communication is the key to success!  Contact Info:  *Best way to contact*  Main Office: (908) 322-4445  Conference requests through counseling

12 One sentence letter Dear Parents and Guardians, Though I am not an “easy teacher” and I have high expectations for each of my students, there is nothing I want more than for each of them to succeed; they need only want it for themselves half as badly as I want it for them. Sincerely, Ms. Trang

13 The Writing Process  Brainstorm and thought growth  Drafting  Revising  Editing  Polishing  Publishing

14 Integrated Writing Tasks  Identity  Informative  Creative  Narrative  Perspectives  Explanatory  Power  Persuasive/Speech  Ethics  Editorial  Research  Change  Narrative (time period research)  Global Awareness  Magazines

15 Thank you for coming!

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