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Welcome to Miss Orso’s First Grade Class. My Experience Elementary PK-4 and Special Education PK-8 from Kutztown University Masters in Education from.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Miss Orso’s First Grade Class. My Experience Elementary PK-4 and Special Education PK-8 from Kutztown University Masters in Education from."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Miss Orso’s First Grade Class

2 My Experience Elementary PK-4 and Special Education PK-8 from Kutztown University Masters in Education from Cabrini College (in progress) 2013-2014: 2 nd grade at West Vincent/ 1 st grade at East Vincent 2014-2015: 3 rd grade at West Vincent 2015-Present: 1 st grade at West Vincent

3 Daily Schedule Morning Meeting Writer's Workshop Reader's workshop /Centers/ Guided Reading Tier time Recess and lunch Science/ Social Studies Specials Math Pack-up and dismissal

4 Writing Lucy Calkins Lessons on different writing strategies Conferencing with students throughout the writing process Students write many books throughout the year Author celebration at the end of the year First unit- personal narratives -talk with your child about memories to develop writing topic ideas Other writing units- informational and opinion writing

5 Reading Lucy Calkins reading Mini lesson on different strategies Students then practice this skill during independent reading and partner reading Read alouds and shared reading Daily Centers -word study -guided reading -writing center -listening center -read to self

6 Word Study New word sort every Monday Introduced in small groups Students sort words by pattern -use headers as a guide State the spelling pattern -discovery Quiz on Fridays Once patterns are learned, they should be applied to all writing

7 Math Everyday Math series Spiral approach- come back to different topics throughout the year and build upon skills -Addition/subtraction -Problem solving -open response -Time -Money- not reported on report cards in first grade -Geometry -Skip counting Online resources to use at home Family letters in Home Links explain the concepts being taught in that unit -always at the beginning of the unit -some others throughout unit as well Rocket Math- starts in December (basic facts practice that builds automaticity)

8 Homework Weekly packets start in October (come home on Monday) -word study (colored cards) -sight words (white cards)- students should learn to read these without sounding out -reading comprehension activity Reading- at least 15-20 min. a night (books at home and from book baggie) Math- Home Links- starts next week -Typically a nightly occurrence that is not listed on the packet Sticky note marks the page to be completed Do not go ahead in math book All homework can be found on my website


10 Snack We have a working snack in the morning during centers. Please send in a small, easy to eat (no utensils needed), healthy snack. No juicy snack please due to classwork and iPads in the vicinity. Peanut, tree nut free.

11 Star Student Designated week for each student Poster comes home Friday before to complete over weekend Monday- Bring in pictures and poster to share with class. Everything returned at end of the week

12 Classroom Management Daily Routines Behavior chart- individual behavior -Praise for good choices- moving clip up -Students are given at least 3 reminders before a clip change down -Fresh start every day -Parent contact will be made when necessary Paper clip chain - class behavior Yellow ticket system Subject to change based on the needs of the class

13 Volunteering All volunteers must have clearances and volunteer forms turned in to the office. -Free for parents right now Homeroom Parent -Plans and organizes classroom parties (Halloween, Winter holiday) -If interested please email me and I will select a homeroom parent at random from those who express interest Mystery Readers -Fridays to read aloud a story to the class -Sign up genius will be sent out for sign up Possible opportunities for volunteers needed to help out at writing center occasionally throughout the year.

14 Communication Communication between school and home is very important. I appreciate hearing from parents and welcome questions or suggestions. My School Webpage gives an update to what students are learning each week -Homework/Events -Weekly Newsletter -Websites and Resources for parents Email: (Best way to reach me)

15 First grade is a year of many changes. We have lots of things in store. By working together we can make each student as successful as they can be. It’s going to be an educational, productive, and fun school year!

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