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 Economically  Type of Government… democratic governments  Language groups… French-speaking countries  Geographically… Scandinavian countries (Norway,

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2  Economically  Type of Government… democratic governments  Language groups… French-speaking countries  Geographically… Scandinavian countries (Norway, Denmark, Sweden) Sub-Saharan countries


4  Countries decide for themselves  Other countries can challenge them  Several groups have criteria and/or create lists United Nations World Bank  For the World Bank, developing or least developed label gives countries special treatment in gaining loans and repaying the loans

5  Amount of industrialization  High Gross Domestic Production per capita or per capita income  Standing in the Human Development Index… this combines many features to rank countries  Labeling of developed/developing are controversial  Having some criteria of a developed country does not automatically put a country in the developed category

6  Developed  Newly Industrializing Countries (NIC)  Developing  Least Developed Countries

7  Highly technical society  High literacy rate  Economy is diversified  High per capita GDP (gross domestic product) per capita=per person GDP=income of a country during a year  USA—per capital GDP $46,400 (2009)  99% literacy rate  Great Britain—per capital GDP $34,800 (2009)  99% literacy rate

8  Representative or democratic government  Free market economy  General lack of corruption  Resources to invest in education, vocational training & universities  Large amounts of physical capital… factories, machines, equipment, tools  Low birth rate & low death rate  Examples… Belgium, Denmark, Iceland, Canada, Czech Republic

9  Countries that are not developed, are developing  There is a wide variety of economies so this category is subdivided into three groups  Newly Industrializing Countries (NIC)  Developing Countries  Least Developed Countries

10  A developing country whose economy most closely resembles a developed country  This category was first created in the 1970s  The first NICs were called “Asian Tigers”… Hong Kong, South Korea, Taiwan & Singapore  Have rapid industrial growth

11  Governments becoming more democratic, some governments are still autocratic  Today includes some former Communist governments who have a higher level of industrialization and are fighting corruption and working to establish a democratic government

12  Examples of NICs include…  Former Communist countries Latvia—per capita GDP $14,400 (2009) Lithuania—per capita GDP $15,500 (2009) Czech Republic—per capita GDP $24,900  Asian countries South Korea—per capita GDP $28,100 Singapore—per capita GDP $52,200 (2009)

13  Depend more on foreign investors for financial capital  Pay higher rates of interest to borrow money on international financial markets, such as World Bank  Lower literacy rates  Shortage of skilled workers; unskilled workers are less productive and receive lower wages  Less industrialization

14  Higher birth rate… children to help increase family income; take care of elderly parents  Higher death rate… lack of sanitation and clean water  Examples include… Bahamas—per capita GDP $29,700 literacy 95.6% Egypt—per capita GDP $6,000 literacy 71.4%  Philippines—per capita GDP $3,300  literacy 92.6%

15  Rely on primary resource, such as oil and foreign investment to develop resources  Kuwait… per capita GDP $52,800  Petroleum contributes approx. half of GDP  Contributes 95% of government income  Contributes 95% of export earnings  Saudi Arabia… per capita GDP $20,600  Petroleum contributes 45% of GDP  Contributes 80% of government income  Contributes 90% of export earnings

16  China, because their high population results in a lower per capita income  Chile  Oman  Bosnia & Herzegovina  Vietnam

17  Poor and underdeveloped  Government may be run by dictatorship  May suffer from conflict and political instability  LDCs have 10% of the world’s population but contributes less than ½ of 1% of world trade

18  The UN recognizes 49 LDCs  The UN has three criteria for determining a LDC (a) per capita GDP under $750 (b) great need based on nutrition, health, education and adult literacy (c) percentage of population displaced by natural disasters; agricultural production is unstable; economy relies on a high level of exports  To move from the LDC list, a country must improve in two of the three areas

19  Asian countries—15 Cambodia  per capita GDP $1,900 literacy 73.6%  Bangladesh  per capita GDP $1,500 literacy 47.9%  African countries—33 Central African Rep.  per capita GDP $700 literacy 48.6%  Latin America/Caribbean—1 Haiti per capita GDP $1,300 literacy 52.9%

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