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Mrs. Lucinda Hudson 2013-2014. Common Core and Academic Knowledge and Skills (AKS) Common Core is a curriculum that was adopted by Georgia in which.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Lucinda Hudson 2013-2014. Common Core and Academic Knowledge and Skills (AKS) Common Core is a curriculum that was adopted by Georgia in which."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Lucinda Hudson 2013-2014


3 Common Core and Academic Knowledge and Skills (AKS) Common Core is a curriculum that was adopted by Georgia in which 48 other states share the same curriculum. Students dive deeper into subjects for greater understanding AKS found on the website Please sign AKS booklet CRCT April 23 rd – April 29th CRCT April 23 rd – April 29th

4 Math Estimation Number Sense Data Analysis/Coordinate system Multiplication/Division Addition/Subtraction Measurement/Weight Order of operations Decimals/Fractions Geometry Measurement Algebra

5 Science Water, weather, forecasting Solar system, stars, and star patterns Phases of the moon Light Sound Force, mass, motion and simple machines Gravity Ecosystems Adaptation, survival, extinction

6 Language Arts Reading Sequencing Plot, theme, character Inferences/Predictions Summarizing Cause and Effect Vocabulary Nonfiction features Poetry Fiction and Nonfiction

7 Language Arts Spelling/Grammar/Writing Write 5 paragraph stories Know the different parts of speech Word Study (spelling) Use technology to produce and publish writing

8 Social Studies Locate landforms/regions Native American Cultures European Exploration Colonial America American Revolution New Nation Westward Expansion Reform Movements Personal Finance

9 A: 90%-100% Excellent Progress B: 80%-89% Above Average Progress C: 74%-79% Average Progress D: 70%-73% Below Average Progress U: 0%-69% Unsatisfactory Progress *You can access your child's grades at any time through the Parent Portal. Weekly Progress Reports are sent in the Friday Folder. Official Progress reports will be sent home at the end of each nine weeks.Parent Portal

10 CategoryWeightingNumber of grades Reading Comprehension38%4 Skills28%3 Fluency10%1 Reading Level20%1 Interim/Post4%1 Writing Grammar25%3 Assisted Writing30%2 Unassisted Writing30%2 Writer’s Notebook15%1 Spelling Spelling Patterns50%4 Spelling Roots50%4 Math Tests48%3 Classwork48%5 Interim/Post4%1 Science Tests48%3 Classwork48%3 Interim/Post4%1 Social Studies Tests48%3 Classwork48%3 Interim/Post4%1

11 Classroom Procedures and Policies Respect yourself, others, classroom equipment and furnishings. Raise your hand to speak. Bring the appropriate assignments and materials to class daily. Follow all other school rules. Discipline Procedures Warning = The student’s name is written on the board. √ = Time-out in the classroom and a note is written in the agenda. √√ = Time-out in another classroom to complete an Action Plan, and a parent will be contacted, Severe and Continuous Disruptions: Students will be sent to an administrator for severe disruptions such as fighting/hitting, blatant disrespect to a teacher, damaging school property, and etc.




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