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Respond to the following question for the next 5-10 minutes. Be prepared to discuss:  Last year I _____________, but this year I plan to _________. 

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Presentation on theme: "Respond to the following question for the next 5-10 minutes. Be prepared to discuss:  Last year I _____________, but this year I plan to _________. "— Presentation transcript:

1 Respond to the following question for the next 5-10 minutes. Be prepared to discuss:  Last year I _____________, but this year I plan to _________.  What would you like to do differently this school year compared to past years?

2 Welcome to 8 th Grade Language Arts!

3 Summer Reading  Due Today  May hand in tomorrow, 9/3 for full credit  *No summer reading assignments will be accepted after Friday, 9/4

4 Late Policy  1 day late = 10 points off  2 or more days late = automatic 50 (if the assignment is complete and well done)  1 week or more late = work will NOT be accepted / automatic zero

5 How to Use SchoolWires

6 Supplies  1 binder  1 pack of loose leaf paper (with 3 holes punched)  dividers for binder (at least 3)  1 pack of index cards (any size is fine)  pens and/or pencils (any color is fine as long as I can read it)  *OBTAIN THESE SUPPLIES BY TUES, SEP 8 TH *

7 Binder Sections  Vocabulary, Grammar, Reading, Writing  Index cards for vocabulary (keep these in your binder!)

8 Grading Policy  What is a bell curve?  92-100 Performance significantly above curriculum standard  83-91 Performance above curriculum standard  74-82 Performance at curriculum standard  65-73 Performance below curriculum standard  64 or below Performance significantly below curriculum standard (failure)

9 Numerical Grades  A+ = 98-100  A = 95-97  A- = 92-94  B+ = 89-91  B = 86-88  B- = 83-85  C+ = 80-82  C = 77-79  C- = 74-76  D+ = 71-73  D = 68-70  D- = 65-67  F = 64 and Below

10 Plagiarism and Cheating  First offense: meeting with student, teacher, and guidance counselor. Parent/guardian is notified. Assignment is re-done for a 74 (at best).  Subsequent offenses: meeting with parent/guardian. Zero on the assignment.  Cheating results in an automatic zero.

11 Do Now Schedule  Monday: Vocabulary  Tuesday: Current Events  Wednesday: Grammar  Thursday: Reading  Friday: Poetry

12 Class Units  Novel-based  Short Story  Argument  Literary Analysis  Drama  Memoir/Poetry

13 First Day Survey  Answer all questions (either on the handout itself or on a separate piece of loose-leaf paper)  After you have answered all questions completely and thoroughly, tell me one additional thing about yourself.  Are you allergic to something? Do you have a unique situation at home? Do you have any previous issues with one of your classmates? Do you have any fears/anxieties that might interfere with class?  Or, just tell me something fun about yourself, your hobbies, or anything else you’re willing to share!

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