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I’ll help clean up the city parks. Section B Phrasal verb 动词短语. 1. 定义 : 动词之后加介词或副词构 成短语, 表 达一种特定的含义 ; 如 果被拆开则不能表达这种特定的 含义. 2. 分类 : 及物的短语动词必须接宾语, 不及物的短语动词则不需接宾语.

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Presentation on theme: "I’ll help clean up the city parks. Section B Phrasal verb 动词短语. 1. 定义 : 动词之后加介词或副词构 成短语, 表 达一种特定的含义 ; 如 果被拆开则不能表达这种特定的 含义. 2. 分类 : 及物的短语动词必须接宾语, 不及物的短语动词则不需接宾语."— Presentation transcript:


2 I’ll help clean up the city parks. Section B

3 Phrasal verb 动词短语. 1. 定义 : 动词之后加介词或副词构 成短语, 表 达一种特定的含义 ; 如 果被拆开则不能表达这种特定的 含义. 2. 分类 : 及物的短语动词必须接宾语, 不及物的短语动词则不需接宾语.

4 3. 及物短语动词所带宾语的位置 : (1) 名词作宾语时, 对于 ” 动词 + 副词 ” 的短 语、名词既可以放在短语动词之后, 也 可以放在短语动词中间. 对于 ” 动词 + 介词 ” 的短语, 名词放在介词之后. (2) 代词作宾语时, 对于 ” 动词 + 副词 ” 的短语, 代词放在短语动词的中间, 对于 ” 动词 + 介词 ” 的短语, 代词放在介词之后.

5 本课出现的动词短语 : clean up set up give out cheer up come up with put off put up hand out call up run out of take after fix up give…away 打扫 建立, 建成 发放, 派发 高兴, 振作 提出 推迟, 延后 闲荡 打电话 用尽 长得象 修理 赠送 张贴

6 Match the sentences with similar meanings. meanings. 1a 1. I’ve run out of it. 2. I take after my mother. 3. I fixed it up. 4. I gave it away. a. I repaired it. b. I don’t have any more of it. c. I am similar to her. d. I didn’t sell it. b c a d

7 Guessing the new phrases The girl spent all of her money on clothes and ran out of her money.

8 The students gave away the money to the poor children in the remote villages.

9 The twin brothers both take after their father.

10 My car has broken down, so I will have it fixed up.

11 2a Listen and number the pictures in the correct order. 3 1 42

12 Listen again and circle “T” (for true) or “F” (for false). ll 1.Jimmy fixes up bicycles. T F 2.Jimmy sells bikes. T F 3.Jimmy takes after his mother. T F 4.Jimmy has run out of money. T F 2b

13 2c What do you do, Jimmy? I fix up bikes and give them away.

14 Last week everyone was trying to cheer up Jimmy, the Bike Boy. But this week, Jimmy is happy again. On Monday he told a radio interviewer that he had run out of money to buy old bikes. He also put up some signs asking for old bikes and called up all his friends and told then about the problem. Read the article and underline all the phrasal verbs. 3a

15 He even handed out advertisements at a local supermarket. Then he told the teachers at school about his problem and they set up a call-in center for parents. The strategies that he came up with worked out fine. He now has sixteen bikes to fix up and give away to children who don’t have bikes.

16 Make a note of the things that Jimmy did to solve his problem. 3b 1. He did a radio interview. 2. He put up some signs. 3. He called up all his friends. 4. He handed out advertisements. 5. He told the teachers at school.

17 Explanation for Section B  out of = use up “ 用完 ” 、 “ 卖光 ” 。句子 的主语是人或使用的物。注意不能用于被动 语态。  I am running out of my money.= My money is running out of.  We are running out of the gas. = Our car is running out of the gas.

18  2. I take after my mother. take after ≈look like,be similar to 3. I fixed it up. fix up = repair( 修理); fasten( 安装) 4.give away 赠送 up = ring up; give sb. a ring.; phone sb. 6.hand out( 散发); hand in( 上交); hand around/round( 传递) hand on ( 依次传递 )

19  out ( 结果、结果是)  The idea works out well.  那个注意的实施结果很好。  另外还有 “ 解答出、计算出 ” 的意思。  Can you work out the answer to this question?  See if you can work out this bill.

20 4 Group work Brainstorm a plan for helping out in your community. Make notes on where you will help and what you will do. Then tell the class about you plan 1.I will pick up the litter in the park near my home. Then the paths will become clean and beautiful. 2. I will work in the old people’s house and help wash their clothes and sing for them. where _____________________________ what ______________________________

21 Make sentences using the phrasal verbs below. come up with put off write down put up hand out call up cheer up clean up set up

22 Fill in each blank with the correct word given. Change the form of the word if necessary. Then make your own sentences with each word give away take after come up with give out hang out 1. Be quiet please, class. I’m going to your test papers. 2. My friend Dave a great idea! We’re going to make a pen pal website. 3. I some clothes to charity because they were too small for me. 4. On weekends I like to at the sports club with my friends. 5. Jim his father. They are both clever and a bit quiet. give out came up with gave away hang out takes after

23 Write an article using the notes below. Tell what happens to Sally. Sally Brown / a young woman / wants to be a professional singer / as a volunteer / sings at a local hospital / cheers up sick people / also sings at schools / ran out of money for singing lessons / came up with ideas for making money / put up signs asking for singing jobs / also called up parents offering singing lessons for children / now will be able to continue her lesson / become a professional singer

24 Sally Brown is a young woman who wants to be a professional singer. As a volunteer, she sings at a local hospital to cheer up sick people and also sings at schools. But after she ran out of her money for singing lessons, she came up with ideas for making money. She put up signs asking for singing jobs and also called up parents offering singing lessons for children. Now she will be able to continue her lessons and become a professional singer.


26 I gave away my old picture books to the poor children in the remote villages. Make sentences (1b: P63) 1.

27 The woman spent most of her money on clothes and ran out of her money. 2.

28 3. Lily and Lucy both take after their mother.

29 4. My bike has broken, so I fixed it up.

30 Brainstorm a plan for helping out in your community. Make notes on where you will help and what you will do. Then tell the class about your plan. where _____________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ what _____________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Task 3 help (sb) out 帮助摆脱困境 社区、集体

31 Self check give out came up with gave away hang out takes after 作状语: a bit = a little not a bit( 一点也不) not a little( 非常) 作定语: a bit of 和 a little of 都修饰不可数名词

32 Sample answers  Sally Brown is a young woman who wants to be a professional singer. As a volunteer, she sings at a local hospital to cheer up sick people and also sings at schools. But after she ran out of money for singing lessons, she came up with ideas for making money. She put up signs asking for singing jobs and also called up parents.

33 offering singing lessons for children. Now she will be able to continue her lessons and become a professional singer.

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