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SAFETY & SECURITY “Embracing A New Direction” March 25, 2010 Saturday – March 12, 2016 (11:00 AM – 1:00 PM) Carver High School  Leete Hall Auditorium.

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Presentation on theme: "SAFETY & SECURITY “Embracing A New Direction” March 25, 2010 Saturday – March 12, 2016 (11:00 AM – 1:00 PM) Carver High School  Leete Hall Auditorium."— Presentation transcript:

1 SAFETY & SECURITY “Embracing A New Direction” March 25, 2010 Saturday – March 12, 2016 (11:00 AM – 1:00 PM) Carver High School  Leete Hall Auditorium Information Session Facilitated By: Dr. Marquenta Hall, Executive Director – Safety & Security Ms. Felicia Collins, Strategic Services Director – Human Resources Ms. Keasha Copeland, Talent Management Recruiter – Human Resources

2 Agenda 2  Introductions  Overview  Key Objective  Video Clip  Background  Historical Context  Strategic Areas of Focus  Strategic Objectives  TRIAD Framework  Training  Key Benefits  Critical Success Factors  National Institute of Justice Grant Initiatives  High Level Timeline  Organizational Structure  Job Opportunities  APS Application & Hiring Process  Pre-Employment Guidance  Online Application Tips  Next Steps  Q&A

3 Re-structure the Office of Safety & Security into a more efficient and effective unit by re-scoping responsibilities, expanding personnel roles, and providing support resources to employees that will foster a safe, orderly teaching and learning environment in Atlanta Public Schools. 3 Key Objective

4 4 Video Clip REACH! Partnership School Police Officer Incident Source: WJZ News – Channel 13

5 5 APS Board Hires Safety & Security Executive Director March 2016 APS Board Approves New Positions December 2015 APS Georgia Crime Information Center Approval July 2005 APS Agency Identifier Issued by the FBI/National Crime Information Center March 2005 APS Agency Status Approved by the Georgia Peace Officers Standard Training Council November 2004 APS Agency Board Authorization & Approval November 2004 Historical Context

6 6 Strategic Areas of Focus Public Safety Technical Security Emergency Management Specialized Operations

7 Strategic Objectives  Develop a framework that is student/child-focused.  Implement Positive Behavior Inventions and Supports (PBIS).  Recruit, select, and retain highly qualified safety and security professionals who are a good fit for schools.  Develop a comprehensive professional development plan that is customized to the educational environment and aligned with district priorities.  Increase technical abilities for data integration of technical solutions to improve safety and security from a proactive perspective.  Strengthen emergency preparedness and crisis management beyond operational readiness.  Expand engagement strategy to include students, parents, and public safety professionals. 7

8 Law Enforcement Officer Support Services & Counselor Law Related Education Teacher Internal SRO Program Framework 8  National TRIAD Model  Full-time employees  Armed law enforcement personnel assigned to middle and high schools to support students, staff, and parents.  Training in school-specific topics. (e.g., Positive Behavior Intervention & Supports, Social Emotional Learning, etc.)  Not all POLICE are SROs, but all SROs are POLICE OFFICERS.

9 Training – Law Enforcement & Beyond 9 Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Restorative Practices School Law / FERPA (Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act) De-escalation Techniques Adolescent & Youth Development Athletic & Event Management Mental Health & Special Needs Cultural Competence

10 10 Consistency & Improved Services Scalable Focused Training Safety Model & Effective Partnerships Building Leadership & Management Safe Schools Key Benefits

11 11  All schools are staffed.  A fully pledged police department is in place that meets the Georgia Peace Officer Standard and Training (P.O.S.T.) Council Approval Standards.  Clearly delineated roles and responsibilities are defined for the new command structure.  All employees are trained based on function.  There are 360-degree collaborative partnerships with schools, central office, the community, law enforcement, and other public safety agencies. Critical Success Factors

12  Create an infrastructure to support systemic and strategic transformation in APS schools that create a safe and trusting environment for students to learn and grow into successful and productive citizens.  Create a multi-pronged approach to support students by redirecting their behavior through Positive Behavior Systems  Improve school policing – SROs, emergency preparedness, and new control technologies.  Develop data analytic capabilities to capture and access more data sources.  Create a strategic vision for school safety that increases cooperation of internal district departments for implementation and monitoring results.  Create and expand the community engagement strategy. National Institute of Justice $7.5MM Comprehensive School Safety Initiative Grant 12

13 High Level Timeline 13

14 Organizational Structure 14

15 Job Opportunities 15 Full-time 98 Part-time 136 Contract 50 Full-time Staff:  Executive Director  Chief of Police Chief of Police  Security Operations Director Security Operations Director  Lieutenants (2) Lieutenants  Sergeants (3) Sergeants  School Resource Officers (SROs) (55) School Resource Officers (SROs)  Investigators (3) Investigators  Alarm Response Officers (8) Alarm Response Officers  Dispatchers (7) Dispatchers  Lead Low Voltage Technicians (2)  Low Voltage Technicians (4)  Administrative Assistants I/II (3)  Training Officers (2) Training Officers  Building Systems Integration Manager  Crime Analyst  Crossing Guard Supervisor Crossing Guard Supervisor  Emergency Management Compliance Manager  Project Manager (NIJ Grant Funded)  Security Support Clerk Part-time Staff:  Crossing Guards (86)  Security Bus/Hall Monitors (20) Security Bus/Hall Monitors  PTO Officers – Sub/Traffic/After-school (30) PTO Officers – Sub/Traffic/After-school Contract Staff:  Security Guards (50)


17 APS Online Application Tips 17

18 APS Online Application Tips (continued) 18

19  Complete Hiring Process for New Positions – Assign SROs to Schools – Hire Part-time Personnel – Commence Training for Job Assignments  Draft Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)  Execute Service Level Agreements (SLAs)  Conduct Swearing Ceremony & Deployment 19 Next Steps

20 Questions & Answers 20

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