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The Strategic Teacher Dr. Scott L. Roberts Central Michigan University.

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1 The Strategic Teacher Dr. Scott L. Roberts Central Michigan University

2 Introduction Today’s topic will be about the book/workshop The Strategic Teacher This will be an interactive session where we will be modeling one of these strategies based on a common topic and standards. Prior Experience with the Strategic Teacher Experience at the conference

3 Information about the Book 20 chapters based on a strategy Introduction page about the effectiveness of the strategy (pass out sample) Chapters are easy to read and broken up in the same sections each time. – Overview – The strategy in action – Why it works – How to use it – Planning it – Variations and extensions

4 Sample Lesson: The Circle of Knowledge My favorite strategy Have used it successfully in 8 th grade class, college classes, and professional developments. Teachers of 2 nd and 11 th grade students use it Adaptable for any subject/age group.

5 LA Common Core Standards CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.2.1 Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about grade 2 topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.9-10.1d Respond thoughtfully to diverse perspectives, summarize points of agreement and disagreement, and, when warranted, qualify or justify their own views and understanding and make new connections in light of the evidence and reasoning presented.

6 The Circle of Knowledge Offers students the opportunity to discuss what they read. Students should display high levels of participation, a clear content driven focus, and active in-depth thinking Silver, Strong, & Perini (2007).

7 Step 1-Establish a topic and purpose. Choose topic that are “magnets for controversy, are rich with implications, and will stimulate the highest degree of student interest” (Silver et al. 2007). Todays topic: – Today: American Symbols (Usually found in K-2 standards) –

8 Step 2-Develop a “Sparking Question” Develop a Sparking Question Make it a question that will making students interested in the activity (i.e. “buy-in”) Today’s question: – Do you know any symbols that represent the United States of America? Have you seen any of these symbols in person?

9 Step 3-Develop a “Focus Question” Develop a focus question – Open ended, controversial (to a degree for elementary students), and no right or wrong answer. Today: – If you were selected to meet with a group of students from different countries and could only bring one symbol to represent the United States what would it be? Why did you choose this symbol?

10 Step 4-Decide how students will obtain information Decide how students will acquire information: – Can use textbooks, informational texts, internet sources, movies, pictures, etc. Toady: Books and websites about US symbols. – Count off 1-3 – Statue of Liberty Group: all books – US Flag Group: books or internet sites – Liberty Bell: books and internet sites Once you select your source you have 15 minutes to analyze it and take notes

11 Step 5-Develop a kindling activity Develop a Kindling Activity: Once you come back from studying your source you will be put into a group with others who learned about your symbols. Develop a plan to persuade people who examined other symbols why your symbol best represents the US. (Use Handout 1) No more than 3 in each group (10 minute discussion) Then a group of three with members who learned about different symbols (i.e. 1 Flag, 1 S of L, 1 LB). Try to come up with a consensus about which symbol you group likes best. Cite your sources and fellow classmates. (Use Handout 2). 15 minute discussion.

12 Step 6-Create a synthesis activity Create a synthesis activity: Have students write a persuasive essay about topic. Today: Write at least one paragraph 5-7 sentences about which symbol you would bring to the conference that best symbolizes the United States. Cite your sources and classmates. I will post election results on Blackboard.

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