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Day 3 – Mood Disorders, Depression, Signs of Suicide Kick-Off: why should we be sensitive while talking about depression and suicide? 1.Mood Disorders.

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Presentation on theme: "Day 3 – Mood Disorders, Depression, Signs of Suicide Kick-Off: why should we be sensitive while talking about depression and suicide? 1.Mood Disorders."— Presentation transcript:

1 Day 3 – Mood Disorders, Depression, Signs of Suicide Kick-Off: why should we be sensitive while talking about depression and suicide? 1.Mood Disorders Depression Bipolar Disorder Seasonal Affective Disorder Self-Harm 2. Teen Suicide 3.GUIDANCE PRESENTATION IN AUDITORIUM (45 minutes)

2 What is your Mood? Mood: – Is a temporary state of mind or feeling Ex: Happy, Sad, Scared, Etc.

3 Mood and Everyday life How does your mood effect the things you do during the day? Enhancers…. Can have a positive effect and can have a negative effect. : music, people that make you happy, topics  : hospitals, frustrations

4 How to Balance Your Mood Get Enough Rest Exercise the Blues Away Try a Balanced Eating Plan Get Plenty of Healthy Fat Avoid Stimulants and Other Chemicals Bask in the Sunshine

5 Mood Disorders An illness that involves mood extremes that interfere with everyday living. Depression and Suicide Bipolar disorder Seasonal-Affective Disorder Self-Harm

6 Depression A prolonged feeling of helplessness, hopelessness, and sadness. Effects the following:  Mood  self-esteem  ability to find enjoyment in normally enjoyable activates. The Science of Depression: 3:45

7 Signs and Symptoms of Depression  Depressed mood  Loss of interest or pleasure in things normally enjoyed  Eating too much or too little  Sleeping too much or too little  Fatigue  Being Bullied  Feeling of sluggishness or feeling hyperactive, restless  Inappropriate guilt  Inability to concentrate or think  Recurrent thoughts of death or suicide

8 Two Types of Depression Major depressive disorder (Longer than 2 weeks) Characterized by a combination of symptoms that interfere with a person's ability to work, sleep, study, eat, and enjoy once-pleasurable activities. Major depression is disabling and prevents a person from functioning normally Minor depression Minor Depressive Disorder is a type of depression with milder symptoms than Major Depression. Criteria for the diagnosis of Minor Depression suggests that a person must experience at least 2, but less than 5 or the depression symptoms

9 Depression Statistics Depression affects 121 million people worldwide At its most severe depression can lead to suicide and is responsible for 850,000 deaths every year. 80% of people are not being treated who have depression. Depression can occur is all people regardless of age, race, gender, and socioeconomic status. Black Dog: 4:18

10 Bipolar Disorder Bipolar disorder is a condition in which people go back and forth between periods of a very good or irritable mood and depression. The "mood swings" between mania and depression can be very quick.

11 Bipolar Disorder affects approximately 5.7 million American adults The average onset of symptoms is 25, but it can show up sooner than that. D7zA (Demi Lovato 7 minutes… bulimia, self- harm, and bipolar disorder) D7zA

12 Manic Episodes These episodes take the form of euphoria. People with mania may experience a decreased need for sleep, speak excessively in addition to speaking rapidly, and may have impaired judgment. Manic individuals often have issues with substance abuse due to a combination of thrill-seeking and poor judgment

13 Depressive Episodes Signs and symptoms of the depressive phase of bipolar disorder include persistent feelings of sadness, anxiety, guilt, anger, and isolation. Many of these symptoms will follow the same pattern and someone suffering from depression.

14 Seasonal-Affective Disorder Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is episodes of depression that occur at a certain time of the year, usually during winter M M (3 minutes)

15 Self-Harm is defined as the intentional, direct injuring of body tissue most often done without suicidal intentions.

16 Teen Suicide Statistics Suicide is the SECOND leading cause of death for ages 10-24. Suicide is the SECOND leading cause of death for college-age youth and ages 12-18. More teenagers and young adults die from suicide than from cancer, heart disease, AIDS, birth defects, stroke, pneumonia, influenza, and chronic lung disease, COMBINED. Each day in our nation there are an average of over 5,400 attempts by young people grades 7-12. Four out of Five teens who attempt suicide have given clear warning signs

17 Factors in Teen Suicide A recent or serious loss. A psychiatric disorder, particularly a mood disorder like depression, or a trauma- and stress- related disorder. Prior suicide attempts Alcohol and other substance abuse A family history of suicide Lack of social support Bullying Stigma associated with asking for help. One of the things we know is that


19 Suicide Warning Signs Talking about wanting to die or to kill themselves. Talking about feeling hopeless or having no reason to live. Talking about feeling trapped or in unbearable pain. Talking about being a burden to others. Increasing the use of alcohol or drugs. Withdrawing or isolating themselves. Displaying extreme mood swings.

20 Preventing Teen Suicide No one chooses to feel suicidal intentionally, but this feeling is a reality for many people.

21 Preventing Teen Suicide Feeling suicidal is not a character defect, and it doesn't mean that you are weak, or flawed. It only means that you have more pain than you can cope with right now. This pain seems overwhelming and permanent at the moment. But with time and support, you can overcome your problems and the pain and suicidal feelings will pass.

22 What to do? Acknowledge their feelings Listen to their story Be there for them when they need you Help them get help Tell an adult or guidance counselor “Suicide doesn’t end the chances of life getting worse, it eliminates the possibility of it ever getting any better.”

23 Who to Contact School Guidance Counselors Parent, Teacher, Coach, any trusted adult National Suicide Prevention Lifeline – Call: 1-800-273-TALK(8255) – Your Life Your Voice – Call: 1-800-448-30001-800-448-3000 – Text: Text with a counselor for free every day, 6PM to midnight CST. Text VOICE to 20121 to start. –

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