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Five Components of Fitness. Cardiovascular Endurance This is the ability of the body to work continuously for extended periods of time.

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Presentation on theme: "Five Components of Fitness. Cardiovascular Endurance This is the ability of the body to work continuously for extended periods of time."— Presentation transcript:

1 Five Components of Fitness

2 Cardiovascular Endurance This is the ability of the body to work continuously for extended periods of time.

3 Muscular Endurance The ability of the same muscle or muscle group to contract for an extended period of time without undue fatigue

4 Muscular Strength The maximum amount of force a muscle or muscle group can exert against an opposing force.

5 Flexibility A joints ability to move through its full range of motion

6 Body Composition The ratio of body fat to lean body tissue, including muscle, bone, water and connective tissue.

7 Group Video Project In groups of 4-5 you will be designing a video on the Five Components of Fitness. ESSENTIAL GOAL: Through the utilization of film the students will demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the Five Components of Fitness and the effects on lifelong fitness. Directions: Step 1: After you create groups you will need to brainstorm your movie’s “theme”. Step 2: Assign duties and jobs to each member of the group. (Director, editor, sound technician, costumes/props, etc.) Step 3: Create Storyboards that include the script of your movie and drawn pictures of what each scene of the movie will look like (all members are responsible for their own storyboards). Step 4: Get storyboard, costumes, etc approved by Mr. VanderWeerd BEFORE starting to video. Step 5: Create video – use creative camera shots, editing, and music to bring your vision to life.

8 Video (cont) Video must include: All members of the group must be in the video Video must have storyboards You must have a theme (game show, talk show, reality tv show, commercial, advertisement, infomercial, etc) The use of costumes is mandatory Videos must be 5-10min in length

9 Video Grading This project will have 2 grades; an individual grade and a group grade. Individual GradeGroup Grade - Your storyboard - Your script - The fulfillment of your duty - Your video’s end product.

10 Creating a Successful Video Planning This is the most important part of making a video. Once properly planned, preparing and actual shooting of scenes will be considerably easier, not to mention saving time and frustration. For every video make sure it has been carefully planned, scripted, and storyboarded.

11 Brainstorming Purpose – What is the purpose for the video? Why are we making this video? Why would people want to watch it? Why do we think its important? Audience – Who is your target audience for the video? Timeline – How long will the finished product be? Sketch – sketch a beginning middle and end.

12 Types of “shots” Pan – a good pan has to be the right speed. Panning with a zoom in or out works well. Steady cam – standing and holding the camera while you use the LCD screen to see what you are filming Framing – try to fill the middle third of the screen for most shots Exposure – be aware of your lighting and your transition from light to dark and dark to light. Follow – a good follow has to be smooth. The correct approach is a “heel-toe” step – roll the foot with each step. Keep the upper body still – motion is from the waist down. Tripod Shots – Use the tripod as much as possible Watch the Pros – always keep a watchful eye when watching T.V. or movies

13 Video Roles Director – the director has to be aware of the concept and then make sure its carried out by coaching actors and the camera crew. The director evaluates the each take and makes the decision when to move to a new scene. You are ultimately responsible for getting your group to work together to produce a final project. Camera – the camera person is responsible for shooting the take. He/she must be able to determine the proper framing of the scene. (It is important to use the same device for all takes) Sound – the sound person plays a very criticle role in filming. In some cases students will come back from a “shoot” with unusable footage because the sound is inaudible (low levels, wind, traffic, etc.). Remember what your ear hears and what your camera mic picks up are two separate things. Props – you are responsible for all props and costumes that will be used in the filming. This does not mean that you will have to make or get all of the props it just means that you are in charge of making sure it gets done.

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