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10/8/14 1. To what areas did Phoenician traders sail in their journey? 2. How did Phoenicia’s location help it become a major trading society?

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Presentation on theme: "10/8/14 1. To what areas did Phoenician traders sail in their journey? 2. How did Phoenicia’s location help it become a major trading society?"— Presentation transcript:

1 10/8/14 1. To what areas did Phoenician traders sail in their journey? 2. How did Phoenicia’s location help it become a major trading society?

2 Answers 1.Egypt, the Mediterranean coast of Europe, and Northern Africa. 2.The location on the Mediterranean Sea made it accessible to traders.

3 Key Terms and People Judaism – the religion of the Hebrews

4 Torah – most sacred text of Judaism

5 Abraham – father of the Hebrew people

6 covenant – a solemn agreement

7 patriarch – ancestral “fathers” – Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, known as the Patriarchs, are both the physical and spiritual ancestors of Judaism

8 Moses – Hebrew leader who led his people out of Egypt

9 Exodus – the journey of the Hebrew people out of Egypt, led by Moses

10 Diaspora – the scattering of the Jews outside of Canaan

11 monotheism – the belief in one God

12 Origin of Judaism - Abraham & Sarah

13 In groups of 2 Read the excerpt from the Torah about the Exodus (page 46-47). Each group will use standard English to rewrite the story for a modern audience. Check for spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

14 Case Study Complete the case study of Abraham Read aloud as a group then work on the questions individually.

15 Flood Narratives Read as a class then work on it by yourself.

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