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Strategic and School Improvement Plans: WPS 2021 Wareham Wakes up the World! Every Student Every Day.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategic and School Improvement Plans: WPS 2021 Wareham Wakes up the World! Every Student Every Day."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategic and School Improvement Plans: WPS 2021 Wareham Wakes up the World! Every Student Every Day

2 Mission & Vision Mission: Wareham Public Schools will create competitive advantages for students, positively impacting public perception, and demonstrate positive change. Vision: Wareham Public Schools will provide challenging, innovative, and engaging educational experiences that create a competitive advantage for our students, our schools, and our community.

3 SIP: Scholarship (Teaching & Learning) A: Promote students creativity and their ability to collaborate, communicate, and think critically through open-ended and inquiry – based learning experience. M: Data will be obtained through teacher observation. Criteria will be established ahead of time and data regarding the amount of times observed engaged in the above will be collected. Decas A: Through the implementation of a new model, student learning will encompass not only acquisition of content knowledge but also 21 st Century skills such as collaboration, communication, creativity, innovation and critical thinking. M: Will see an increase in student achievement, engagement and challenging expectations. Minot A: Provide rigorous, student- centered experiences to gain 21 st Century skills and dispositions to be ready for college, career, and life. Increase opportunities available for teachers to develop a variety of instructional strategies. Increase in PLC and peer observations. M: Data collected through teacher observation to see when and how technology is integrated, update curriculum guides for all content areas to support field studies, community involvement, partnerships, social and emotional wellness. WMS A: Expand students’ capacity to learn by setting rigorous tasks, posing familiar and unfamiliar problems and encouraging perseverance and effort through conventional and innovative solutions. Develop student skills for self-reflection, self- motivation, self-direction, self-advocacy, and personal responsibility. M: Implementation of IB curriculum, expand and add vocational / technical programs. WHS

4 SIP: Scholarship: (Assessment & Accountability) A: Increase student and staff access to technology to create organic, authentic formative assessments to gather student data to inform instruction. M: Data will be obtained by evaluators to determine frequency of use of technology. Data will continue to be collected and assessed through FAST. Student work will be collected and celebrated. Decas A: Through the implementation of competency-based assessment tools a balanced system of formal and informal formative, interim and summative assessments will be in place and continuously evaluated. M: Increase is student engagement, decrease in negative behavior. Minot A: Create a balanced system of formal and informal formative, interim and summative assessments as well as competency-based measures that provides accountability for students, staff and administration. M: Complete assessment system embedded in curriculum guides, analyze on line resources, track PD opportunities WMS A: Create student-centered classrooms and competency- based assessments that follow an experiential, interdisciplinary approach and provide multiple pathways to a rigorous learning goal. M: Implement technology and add culinary 1 & 2. WHS

5 WPS 2021 Strategic Initiative: Scholarship A: Will support schools in the success of transformative learning results as students prepare to become college and career ready graduates instilling lifelong learning. Will support instructional strategies and overarching approaches to teaching, as well as ongoing development of teaching professionals. Office of Beyond School Time will support during and beyond school day academic/enrichment programs, community partnerships, family engagement and global education. M: Evaluate various learning management systems, provide time for PD, continue to provide curriculum / technology embedded PD, actively participate in PD for staff members to attend IB training, continue to gather feedback and make adjustments. Scholarship (Teaching & Learning) A: Will support the use of valid and reliable tools to measure, monitor and optimize learning, alongside efforts to improve the effectiveness of the organization through ongoing measurement, analysis and communication. M: Continue work with school personnel to develop, implement and assess various assessments. Closely look at all district data and become a facilitator of careful analysis, making collective decisions as we proceed. Scholarship (Assessment)

6 SIP: Leadership & Citizenship A: Leaders will develop shared responsibility for and commitment to the vision and mission by engaging all stakeholders in meaningful ways. M: Provide community outreach opportunities, create a social media presence, monthly community service projects for students, invite volunteers from the community to present at school, and participate in surveys. Decas A: Leaders will empower, excite and support student engagement in their own learning supporting mastery of content skills and encourage global literacy, innovation and risk-taking. M: Increase student engagement, decrease negative behavior, increase communication between school and home. Minot A: Leaders will create a safe, student-centered environment that engages students beyond traditional classrooms. Students learning will be vibrant, principled, caring and contribute to the community. M: Observe and track development of 21 st C skills, provide innovative learning, include technology and global literacy, and create community partnerships. WMS A: Leaders will support students, teachers and families as the school shifts focus to IB and engaging 21 st Century vocational / technical programs. M: Observe teaching practices, provide the time necessary to support IB and Tech / Ed along with current program of studies. WHS

7 WPS 2021 Strategic Initiative: Leadership & Citizenship A: The organization will maintain clear philosophies and prevailing norms, influenced by its leadership and those who work for or influence its operation to support WPS in their work to provide engaging, challenging, innovative programs so that students can compete effectively in college, career and life. M: District will foster a distributive leadership model, actively continue to advocate for programs, processes and procedures that are in the best interest of students, teachers and the community. Leadership & Citizenship

8 Stewardship A: Continue through MSBA process. M: Collective decisions amongst decision makers. Decas A: Continue through MSBA process. M: Collective decisions amongst decision makers. Minot A: Continue to allocate funds for technology to enhance student-centered, personalized learning. M: Students and staff create dynamic learning opportunities with the integration of technology. WMS A: Continue to allocate funds for technology to enhance student-centered, personalized learning. M: Continue to build programs that are attractive for all students within Wareham as well as surrounding communities. WHS

9 WPS 2021 Strategic Initiatives: Stewardship A: The district will continue to support all programs implemented while considering budget restrictions. The District will continue to work collaboratively with all parties to effective analyze, organize and facilitate transparent, responsible, vision driven budget decisions. M: The district will continue to update and purchase technology for schools in order to create opportunities for seamless transition toward personalized, student-centered learning, provide funding for IB, meet with various Learning Management Platform vendors to find the one that meets the school’s needs and fosters easily accessible, relevant, rigorous curriculum for teachers and students to integrate with ease as well as open to families so that they are able to assist their children. Stewardship

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