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Daily Edit 1. Correct for grammatical errors: At the end of the novel Steinbeck describes Curleys’ wife as, “Very pretty and simple, and her face was sweet.

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Presentation on theme: "Daily Edit 1. Correct for grammatical errors: At the end of the novel Steinbeck describes Curleys’ wife as, “Very pretty and simple, and her face was sweet."— Presentation transcript:

1 Daily Edit 1. Correct for grammatical errors: At the end of the novel Steinbeck describes Curleys’ wife as, “Very pretty and simple, and her face was sweet and young” ( Of Mice and Men ). 2. Correct for stylistic issues: The intellectual incongruences between the two protagonists of Steinbeck’s classic American novel, Of Mice and Men are profound and significant to the plot of this critically acclaimed story.

2 Of Mice and Men

3 Allegory A story in which the characters and events are symbols that stand for ideas about human life or for a political or historical situation

4 Example of Allegory Dr. Seuss’s The Better Butter War is an Allegory for the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet union The two groups that condemn each other over seemingly meaningless differences are the U.S. and Soviet Union The Chief Yookeroo represents one of those country’s leaders The constant invention of newer and more ridiculous weapons represents the arms race The Boys in the Back Room represent the scientists that worked to develop new weapons The Big-Boy Boomeroo represents atomic weapons

5 Homework Review You were asked to draw or print out objects that you feel show what the characters from Of Mice and Men represent, and to explain why. Example: Curley’s wife I chose red lipstick because her character represents the way that society categories women based on what they look like rather than who they are.

6 Essay Prompt Describe how Of Mice and Men is an allegory by selecting three characters from the book and explaining the underlying historical, social, or political significance they have, and what abstract ideas they personify. Be clear about why Steinbeck would choose those particular characters and how he uses them to express a larger message.

7 Responding to a Prompt Do Now: Consider your homework and, on the back of your paper, write down what larger message you think Steinbeck is trying to send by making Of Mice and Men an allegory. For example: Dr. Seuss’s The Butter Battle Book is an allegory created to call attention to the self- destructive nature of the arms race that took place between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War.

8 Exchange with a Partner Exchange your homework assignment with a partner Read the message your partner believes Steinbeck is trying to send and identify the three characters on that person’s sheet that you think most strongly support your partner’s conclusion. (Identify them by starring them and writing the names of each character on the back of the sheet)

9 Write it Out Read your partner’s response and then, under “part one” on the essay worksheet, rewrite the larger message you think Steinbeck is trying to send and list the three characters you would like to use to prove that Of Mice and Men is an allegory.

10 Writing a Thesis Statement An effective thesis statement is specific, clear, and fully supported by evidence You’ve already written the first part of your thesis statement—you’ve identified the larger message Steinbeck is trying to communicate by making Of Mice and Men an allegory Now write the second part: identify how characters that support your claim stand for abstract ideas that are related to that larger message For Example: Through the characters of the grandfather, the Boys in the Back, and the Chief Yookeroo, Seuss shows how blindly obedient citizens, reckless scientific experimentation, and intimidation tactics create a dangerous and unpredictable future for the citizens of all nations involved.

11 To do: Develop your thesis statement When you are finished, you need to get it checked by me to get your next sheet After you have your thesis, begin to compile evidence that proves your thesis right You may use your book to do so You may use Amazon prime on your phone to do so After you have your evidence, re-evaluate your thesis Does your evidence point towards your original assertion, or can you make a stronger claim?

12 Homework Due by the end of class Tuesday : Fully developed thesis and completed evidence sheet Due by the end of class Wednesday: Fully developed outline with at least three pieces of textual evidence for every body paragraph Due at the start of class on Thursday: Final outline (to be submitted and counted as a quiz grade of 30 summative points)

13 Before you go, let me know: On a piece of scrap paper, write down your name and: What you are most worried about concerning this paper If there is anything that is unclear and you would like explainaed

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