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Unifirst is all about new account development which means prosperity is a constant sales activity.

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2 Unifirst is all about new account development which means prosperity is a constant sales activity.

3 Universal Sales PrinciplesUniversal Sales Principles 1 A salesperson needs a high number of prospecting calls to build or maintain a database. This database needs to stay accurate and currant! 2 1 account a week ($50 to $80), 1 medium account a month ($150+), And one large account a quarter ($500- $1000+) to achieve Presidents Club. 3 start working target accounts ASAP to help set you and so that you are not behind and to start setting up relationships with these accounts 4 have an internal compass, a reason to get up in the morning. HAVE GOALS!!

4 Universal Sales PrinciplesUniversal Sales Principles 5 Location Manager – Responsible to ensure the location’s market and database are worked and grown. Sales Manager- Responsible to ensure Salespeople work and keep their database current and have the necessary selling skills.

5 Skills to Work Target Accounts It is important during the first few months of tenure that a salesperson makes a high number of prospecting calls.

6 Two ways at looking at timing.  1- just happening to be at the right place at the right time where the Prospect is interested in finding a “uniform solution” AND is emotionally and legally in a position to change from his present service.  2- basically controlled by the Salesperson. Once they have called on a number of Prospects they begin to develop critical pre-call planning information, especially CXD, the name of KI, Etc.

7 Most of the time the CXD will be more than 1 year in the future for those Prospects who have a uniform program. Once a Salesperson is able to obtain the exact CXD or understand the Prospect “buy criteria”, they have a higher degree of “control” over when is the best time to call back for an appointment with the purpose of “getting the sales”. Most of the time the CXD will be more than 1 year in the future for those Prospects who have a uniform program. Once a Salesperson is able to obtain the exact CXD or understand the Prospect “buy criteria”, they have a higher degree of “control” over when is the best time to call back for an appointment with the purpose of “getting the sales”.

8 New Salespeople have closing averages of 1/12 where a vet might have a closing average of 1/3 or greater. An outdated database may make a Salespersons appointment setting skills appear weak when in fact it is the lack of current information in the database that makes it difficult to move toward and appointment. A vet Salesperson may appear to have a strong appointment setting skills when in fact their skills are really equal to others. They just have a database that is current. New Salespeople have closing averages of 1/12 where a vet might have a closing average of 1/3 or greater. An outdated database may make a Salespersons appointment setting skills appear weak when in fact it is the lack of current information in the database that makes it difficult to move toward and appointment. A vet Salesperson may appear to have a strong appointment setting skills when in fact their skills are really equal to others. They just have a database that is current.

9 The Bucket ConceptThe Bucket Concept Most Salespeople consider Cold Calling as a high rejection Sales activity when in fact it is creating future opportunities.

10 One way to view prospecting is the “bucket concept” of prospecting. If a Salesperson were to make 15 Cold Calls on a Friday, 1 might fall into the Sales bucket, 1 a callback in the 3 months bucket, 4 in the callback in the 6 month bucket, 2 in the 11 month bucket, 1 in the 14 month bucket, 4 in the 24 month bucket, 1 in the 37 month bucket, and 2 in the 45 month bucket.

11 Yes there are some Prospects that can be Sold on the spot or within a short Sales cycle due to some present “pain”; however the majority of Prospect relationships need time to develop.

12 The sales person starts making follow up Sales calls on large account Prospects (A) to establish a sales relationship while selling B and C Prospects weekly. Eventually the sales person makes several Sales in one week!

13 Building a Relationship with Large Prospects RULE CARD!!!

14 Target Account Focus Requires Planning.

15 Target Account Selling Strategy FIND an ally or friend! GUIDE your friend to lead you to the people with the “Pain” People with the “Pain” will lead you to the People that Make the Decisions Unifirtst’s goal is to close 1 in 12 Target accounts per quarter, per Salesperson

16 The PlanThe Plan Sales managers are to : ensure each salesperson has a sufficient number of “A” and “B” prospects to achieve a weekly sales average to achieve presidents club and enough “C” prospect contacts weekly to ensure 12+ weekly appointments and avoid/reduce $0 weeks.

17 Recap Important Details 1 - Focus on “touches” when building relationship with Prospects, especially large accounts. 2- In order to have 100 prospects with follow up dates some or all “C’s” will need scheduled follow up dates 3- Initially, per their TOPS plan, each Salesperson is to Cold Call each “A” prospect. Once a location has been made their “best effort” at determining if a Salesperson has an appropriate number of “A’s” and “B’s” via research, they can determine how many contacts will be needed each week you maintain the above average suggested contact, set 12 appointments, and exceed a $100+ weekly sales average.

18 No Elephant Hunting!!!No Elephant Hunting!!!

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