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Sevan Mazmanian Kyle Gamboa Jordy Zarrabal.  Isabella ruled Castile and Ferdinand ruled Aragon.  They united but kept separate constitutions.  Isabella.

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Presentation on theme: "Sevan Mazmanian Kyle Gamboa Jordy Zarrabal.  Isabella ruled Castile and Ferdinand ruled Aragon.  They united but kept separate constitutions.  Isabella."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sevan Mazmanian Kyle Gamboa Jordy Zarrabal

2  Isabella ruled Castile and Ferdinand ruled Aragon.  They united but kept separate constitutions.  Isabella enacted “One King, One Law, One Faith” which expelled all the Jews and forced Muslims to convert.  It also started the Inquisition.  They reduced the number of nobles in government and completed the Reconquista, consolidating their power.

3  Started by Tomas de Torquemada  Torquemada monitored the activity of the conversos, convicted Jews, and Moriscos, converted Muslims.  1492: Jews were exiled and confiscated their land.  Under Cardinal Cisneros, the Spanish spiritual life was successfully conformed.

4  Under the new Spanish power, Isabella and Ferdinand funded explorations, most notably Christopher Columbus.  Others include Ferdinand Magellan and Amerigo Vespucci.

5  Treaty of Tordesillas: (1494): agreed upon the Spanish and Portuguese where they established the line of demarcation at 1,770 km west of the Cape Verde Islands.  Portuguese gained territory east of the line and Spain receive the west.


7  Individualism  Resources  Spices and Gold  Cash Crops (sugar)  Spread Christianity  New Technologies (astrolabe, magnetic compass)

8  Spread of diseases (measles, small pox)  Center of European Commerce shifted to Atlantic  Native civilizations were wiped out (Incan Empire, Aztec Empire)  Mercantilism  Black Legend (Bartolomé de Las Casas)  Criticized inhuman actions against natives

9  Mining  Although gold was a primary interest, silver mining proved more economically productive  Spanish crown received 1/5 of revenues  Agriculture  Hacienda- large estates owned by creoles and peninsulares  Produced foodstuffs and leather goods  Labor  Encomienda- right to the labor of a specific number of Indians  Repartimiento- required adult male Indians to work a certain number of days a year

10  Ignatius Loyola- organized Jesuits in the 1530’s. After being wounded in battle, he went on a spiritual journey and read Christian classics; impressed by the self-sacrifice of the saints, he founded the Jesuits.  Wrote The Spiritual Exercises, which emphasized disciplined prayer  Jesuits combatted spread of Protestantism

11  At the time Spain was at the height of their power  Territory: overseas empire, Netherlands, Kingdom of Two Sicilies, Sardinia, Portugal (gained Portugal’s overseas empire)

12  New World Riches  Spain’s overseas empire provided them with goods (bullion) to finance nobility and wars  Population Increase  Triggered inflation due to lack of middle class  Supremacy in the Mediterranean  Defeated the Turks in 1571 to gain firm control of the Mediterranean Sea.

13  Netherlands was considered the richest territory in the Spanish Empire and most unexploited.  After Cardinal Granvelle attempted to impose a religious uniform Netherlands, Count of Egmont and William of Nassau, Prince of Orange led to rebellions against the Cardinal.

14  Philip II responded by sending Duke of Alba along with 10,000 to suppress revolts.  The Spanish forced the Dutch to pay for the suppression of their own revolt.  Thousands of suspected heretics were executed.

15  “Spanish Fury” (1576) After Requesens’s death, Duke of Alba’s successor, the leaderless Spanish mercenaries killed innocent civilians in Antwerp (7,000).  The union between 10 southern Catholic provinces and 7 northern Protestant provinces was known as the Pacification of Ghent

16  The British feared a Spanish invasion after the Spanish marched into the Netherlands.  Pope Pius V excommunicated Elizabeth I and favored a conquest of Protestant England.  Philip II was seen as the protector of the Catholics, while Elizabeth was seen as the protector of the Protestants.

17  A Catholic queen who returned to Scotland following the death of her husband, Francis II.  Public scandal forced her to flee to England.  Since Elizabeth feared Mary would take over the throne, Elizabeth executed her.  Philip II then ordered his Armada to attack England immediately.

18  1587: British Francis Drake attacked the port Cadiz, which destroyed Spanish ships and disrupted Spanish preparations (postponed until 1588).  May 30 th : 130 ships with 25,000 soldiers under the command of duke of Medina-Sidona, the Spanish set sail to England.  The swifter English and Dutch ships helped by the “English Wind” won a stunning victory.  Spain never recovered, and never became a major power again.

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