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Chickpea production in Montana 13,000 acres of chickpeas grown in Montana in 2007 –Pre-emergence damping off –Ascochyta blight –Fusarium wilt and root.

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Presentation on theme: "Chickpea production in Montana 13,000 acres of chickpeas grown in Montana in 2007 –Pre-emergence damping off –Ascochyta blight –Fusarium wilt and root."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chickpea production in Montana 13,000 acres of chickpeas grown in Montana in 2007 –Pre-emergence damping off –Ascochyta blight –Fusarium wilt and root rot –Increasing interest in organic production Montana has the second highest number of certified organic cropland acres in US kabuli desi

2 Survey of pre-emergence damping off pathogens: What pathogens are responsible for pre-emergence damping off in Montana?

3 6 sites: Bozeman, Huntley, Sidney, Churchill, Forsyth and Big Sandy Pathogens identified using PCR amplification of ITS region and light microscopy Pathogens recovered from chickpeas affected by pre-emergence damping off










13 Field site 1, 2007: Bozeman, MT

14 Field site 2, 2007 : Huntley, MT

15 Field site 3, 2007: Sidney, MT



18 What have we learned so far about damping off in chickpea? Pythium and Fusarium are the most commonly isolated pathogens from rotting chickpea seeds in Montana Kabuli chickpeas are much more sensitive to damping off than desi varieties Apron is the best control for damping off in Montana Biocontrols were not effective at preventing damping off, reducing ascochyta blight severity, or increasing yield

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