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The First Humans Chapter 1. History that has taken place before writing We can only learn about prehistory through artifacts Artifacts are items that.

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Presentation on theme: "The First Humans Chapter 1. History that has taken place before writing We can only learn about prehistory through artifacts Artifacts are items that."— Presentation transcript:

1 The First Humans Chapter 1

2 History that has taken place before writing We can only learn about prehistory through artifacts Artifacts are items that past societies have left behind

3 PREHISTORY Prehistoric

4 How do artifacts teach us about prehistoric people? Archeologists (scientists that study people from past societies) study artifacts to discover the past Artifacts such as tools, weapons, jewelry, art and household goods allow archeologists to discover how past people lived Anthropologists (scientists that study human life and culture) study fossils to learn about people of the past

5 Scientists use Radiocarbon dating in order to determine the age of an artifact based on the amount of carbon that remains in that artifact study DNA (genetic maps) to directly learn about humanity

6 Archeologists use context and association to reconstruct past life

7 Context – the relationship that artifacts have to each other and the situations / locations they are found Context – the relationship that artifacts have to each other and the situations / locations they are found Association – the connection to other archeological remains found with an artifact Association – the connection to other archeological remains found with an artifact

8 Archeologists use radiocarbon dating, study DNA and context / association of archeological finds (artifacts) in order to theorize what had happened in the past A theory is a proposed explanation based on facts and experience and prior knowledge Archeological theories are not 100% true and are often altered or discounted

9 Early Stages of Human Development The first hominids or mammals to walk upright appear 3 – 4 million years ago The first hominids or mammals to walk upright appear 3 – 4 million years ago Australopithecines or southern apes originated in Africa Australopithecines or southern apes originated in Africa

10 There was a difference between apes and man. Human-like hominids could stand upright. Apes could not. Their hands were different, too. Ape hands were made for climbing and clinging. Early man's hands were jointed differently, which allowed them to not only use tools, but to make tools. No one knows if these very early human-like people actually made tools, but remains of polished bones have been found in South Africa, which suggests they might have made simple digging tools from bone! Their diet was mostly vegetarian, along with some meat, probably obtained by scavenging.

11 You might wonder how we know anything about hominids who lived over 3 million years ago! How do we know they even existed? Lucy told us! In 1974, a skeleton was found in Africa. The bones were those of young female, approximately 20 years old when she died. Scientists named this "young lady" Lucy. About 3 million years ago, when Lucy was alive, she was rather short, about 4 feet tall, and probably weighed about 50 pounds. Her brain was about the size of an orange. Her bones showed she probably walked erect, although she still had the ability to climb trees easily.

12 The Ice Man

13 Early Stages of Human Development Homo Erectus appeared around 1.5 million years ago Migrated to Europe and Asia Used tools Learned how to make fire, by rubbing sticks together or banging “flint stones” together

14 Primitive fire making was no easy task!!! Flint Stones Bow Drill

15 Early Stages of Human Development Around 250,000 years ago Homo Sapiens appeared Homo Sapiens means “Wise Human” Also known as Neanderthals

16 Early Stages of Human Development Those who survived the Neanderthal age became to be known as Homo Sapien Sapien Wise Wise Human Lived 150,000 to 200,000 years ago Great use of tools Most like us Also known as Cro- Magnon

17 Sing It stone age song

18 Hunters & Gatherers The first tools were made of stone Stone Age or Paleolithic Age Stone tools were new technology Technology is what we make to keep ourselves alive, make our lives easier and control our environment A period of time from 2,500,000 to 10,000 B.C. Stone Age Tools String

19 Trepanadol

20 Technology helped us hunt and gather food hunt and gather food hunt and gather food The men hunted hunted The women gathered fruits, nuts, vegetables, etc. Women could not go far from the home Take care of the children People were nomads, they moved from place to place in search of food Their lives centered around obtaining food

21 Early humans lived in caves Later Paleolithic people fashioned huts using wood, bones, animal hides and various debris World of Stone

22 The Neolithic Revolution Neolithic or New Stone Age Neolithic or New Stone Age Hunting and gathering is not the most effective means of survival Hunting and gathering is not the most effective means of survival People had to be nomadic – move from place to place in search of food and water People had to be nomadic – move from place to place in search of food and water

23 Hunting and Gathering to Agriculture Stone Age Farming Stone Age Farming Food

24 A switch to systematic agriculture and the domestication of animals Systematic agriculture is the growing and storing of food Domestication is the taming of animals for human use Humans were now controlling their environment

25 Agriculture and domestication led to people settling down in one location Agriculture and domestication led to people settling down in one location No longer nomads, they can control their environment No longer nomads, they can control their environment People will stay in one place and start farming People will stay in one place and start farming Once people find good land to work with, others are attracted to the area Once people find good land to work with, others are attracted to the area The formation of the first communities The formation of the first communities Communities are a place where people live work and play Communities are a place where people live work and play

26 The First Communities Mesoamerica – a large farming community located in present day Mexico and Central AmericaMesoamerica Jericho – A farming community in present day Israel Catal Huyuk – The largest Neolithic farming community Located in present day Turkey

27 Catal Huyuk We know a lot of information about Catal Huyuk thanks to extensive archeological digs 12 different types of crops, were grown over 7,000 years ago Proof of a large surplus (more than what is needed) of crops and domesticated animals allowed others to do different jobs Why waste your time farming if you weren’t proficient at it? A specialized workforce

28 Specialized Workforce Now that there is a surplus, people can specialize on work they are good at became artisans (craftsmen) that crafted jewelry, weapons, pottery etc. Farmers can trade their surplus with artisans Everyone benefits, sense of community

29 The people of Catal Huyuk began to use metals like tin and copper They soon learned to mix the two and formed bronze – weighed little like tin and strong like copper Religion was gaining importance in the lives of early people Archeologist found statues of gods and evidence of shrines

30 The Start of Civilization Eight characteristics that make up a civilization 1.Cities or groups of people 2.Government – leadership 3.Religion 4.Social structure 5.Writing 6.Art 7.Specialized work force 8.Public works

31 Civilizations also….. are made up of complex cultures (way of life) Have governments that were led by Monarchs (king or queen) Organized armies and laws to protect their people Had Priests to organize religion and rituals Orchestrated with the Monarch (shared power) Believed power came from their Gods

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