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Ocean/ENVIR 260 Autumn 2010Lecture 1© 2010 University of Washington Ocean/Envir 260 “The Puget Sound Ecosystem” –Science –Policy context, challenges –Current.

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Presentation on theme: "Ocean/ENVIR 260 Autumn 2010Lecture 1© 2010 University of Washington Ocean/Envir 260 “The Puget Sound Ecosystem” –Science –Policy context, challenges –Current."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ocean/ENVIR 260 Autumn 2010Lecture 1© 2010 University of Washington Ocean/Envir 260 “The Puget Sound Ecosystem” –Science –Policy context, challenges –Current initiatives –Distribution Credits: Natural World Individual and Society 1

2 Ocean/ENVIR 260 Autumn 2010Lecture 1© 2010 University of Washington Puget Sound Ecosystem You live in it Topical, current issues Practitioners involved –Puget Sound Partnership –Cascade Land Conservancy –Salmonpeople play –Envision Skagit 2060 2

3 Ocean/ENVIR 260 Autumn 2010Lecture 1© 2010 University of Washington Today’s Class Operational details Course philosophy Sell textbooks Notes available on class website: – Podcast available on class website 3

4 Ocean/ENVIR 260 Autumn 2010Lecture 1© 2010 University of Washington Two Sections Sponsored by UW-PRISM Section A, 3 credits, MWF lectures –Enrollment limit of 126 Section B, 2 credits, Tuesday pm –Labs, field trips (including overnight 10/26-27) –Enrollment limit of 24 –Richey teaches 4 Jeff Richey

5 Ocean/ENVIR 260 Autumn 2010Lecture 1© 2010 University of Washington Syllabus Updated readings next Wednesday Mid-terms after first two phases Diverse readings –Science, policy, history, poetry, drama Discussions –Small group and class –On-line –Individual Q&A

6 Ocean/ENVIR 260 Autumn 2010Lecture 1© 2010 University of Washington Grading Section A: 300 points Section B: 200 points (combines with Section A score for final grade) Section A: 2 mid-terms, 4 “regular” homework assignments, 4 “low risk” writing assignments, 2 GoPost conversations, 1 cumulative final Homework 1 and extra credit 6

7 Ocean/ENVIR 260 Autumn 2010Lecture 1© 2010 University of Washington Section A Grading Mid-terms: 50 points each Final exam: 100 points “Regular” homework: 10 points each Writing assignments: 5 points each GoPost conversations: 10 points each Homework #1: 20 points –From extra credit page 7

8 Ocean/ENVIR 260 Autumn 2010Lecture 1© 2010 University of Washington Grading Section B: 10 assignments, 20 pts each Scoring: –4.0 = 90%+ (270+ or 450+ points) –3.0 = 75%(225 or 375 points) –2.0 = 60%(180 or 300 points) Intermediate scores interpolated 8

9 Ocean/ENVIR 260 Autumn 2010Lecture 1© 2010 University of Washington Exams/Homework Exams –Short answer and multiple choice, some T/F –Lectures and readings –Review sessions “Regular” homework –Based on readings –WebQ on-line: multiple choice, some T/F –Due before class, Mondays 9

10 Ocean/ENVIR 260 Autumn 2010Lecture 1© 2010 University of Washington Writing Assignments “Low Risk”: Answers must be your own, intelligible, related to the question Purposes: –Reflection –Integration –Help teach course –Help improve course Due before class, Mondays

11 Ocean/ENVIR 260 Autumn 2010Lecture 1© 2010 University of Washington GoPost conversations Two: Oct. 6-15, Nov. 12-19 Topical questions set by instructor 12 “discussion boards”, 12 students each Three stages (staggered deadlines): –Initial answers (5 pts) –Questions/comments to each other (3 pts) –Responses (2 pts) Experiment this year

12 Ocean/ENVIR 260 Autumn 2010Lecture 1© 2010 University of Washington Extra Credit 20 points maximum (in addition to Homework 1) 40 points: Salmon Steward training 20 points: restoration events 15 points: perform Skagit Valley drama 10 points: Salmon Journey, Pier Peers 5 points: lectures, readings Short report due 12

13 Ocean/ENVIR 260 Autumn 2010Lecture 1© 2010 University of Washington Readings Saving Puget Sound ($20/$15/$10, purchase here, return for $10) Sound Science (on-line or $10 refundable deposit for hard copy) On-line, enrolled students only –$30 for permissions, due by end of quarter –$17 for hard copy, Copy Center, basement Communications Bldg 13

14 Ocean/ENVIR 260 Autumn 2010Lecture 1© 2010 University of Washington Teaching Assistants Section A: –Paul Rudell (A-K) –Shuang Zhang (L-Z) Section B: –Nick Ward 14 Paul Nick Shuang

15 Ocean/ENVIR 260 Autumn 2010Lecture 1© 2010 University of Washington Teaching Assistants Contact assigned TA first E-mail: provide 24 hrs to respond Contact any TA during office hours –Will be posted on course website If not satisfied, please contact teachers Feel free to contact teachers before or after class 15

16 Ocean/ENVIR 260 Autumn 2010Lecture 1© 2010 University of Washington Course website –Also Syllabus, on-line reading links Podcast links to lectures (by evening) Lecture slides (by 6 p.m. day before) Links to assignments, week in advance Policies: grading, absence/make-up Announcements through e-mail & in class 16

17 Ocean/ENVIR 260 Autumn 2010Lecture 1© 2010 University of Washington Lombard background Seattle native B.A., Politics, Philosophy and Economics –Art history, Shakespeare Worked in journalism, government, academia, consulting Influenced by father, mountains My father, 1971

18 Ocean/ENVIR 260 Autumn 2010Lecture 1© 2010 University of Washington Philosophy Have to experience to love If love, get involved Goal: thoughtful involvement –History –Complexity of issues –Moral complexity Students at Duwamish restoration event, 2008

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