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Biography of a Court Case A Short Project. The Basic Questions of the Project 1.When did the court case take place? (Specific Dates) 2.Where did the court.

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Presentation on theme: "Biography of a Court Case A Short Project. The Basic Questions of the Project 1.When did the court case take place? (Specific Dates) 2.Where did the court."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biography of a Court Case A Short Project

2 The Basic Questions of the Project 1.When did the court case take place? (Specific Dates) 2.Where did the court case originate? 3.Who was involved in the court case? 4.What was the court case about? 5.What was the result of the court case? 6.Why is the court case important?

3 Example

4 Gideon v. Wainwright

5 When did the court case take place? March 18, 1963

6 Where did the court case originate? Bay County, Florida Circuit Court

7 Who was involved in the court case? Clarence Gideon

8 What was the result of the court case? Gideon won his the supreme court case meaning that defendants would be entitled to legal representation provided by the state when they can not afford it?

9 What was the court case about? Was a defendant entitled to a lawyer in all circumstances

10 Why is the court case important? the Supreme Court ruled that the Constitution requires the states to provide defense attorneys to criminal defendants charged with serious offenses who cannot afford lawyers themselves. It further perfected the trial system and ended discrimination against the poor in court.

11 The Court Cases 1.Marbury v. Madison 2.McCulloch v. Maryland 3.Gibbons v. Ogden 4.Brown v. Board of Education 5.Plessy v. Ferguson 6.Reed v. Reed 7.Roe v. Wade 8.Bush v. Gore 9.Brandenburg v. Ohio 10.Near v. Minnesota 11.DeJonge v. Oregon 12.Engle v. Vital 13.United States v. Eichman 14.Gideon v. Wainwright 15.Miranda v. Arizona

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