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Coordinating Conjunctions Punctuations: Three Comma’s Rules Free Writing ( Must Start the task inside the class And then Checked by the instructor))

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Presentation on theme: "Coordinating Conjunctions Punctuations: Three Comma’s Rules Free Writing ( Must Start the task inside the class And then Checked by the instructor))"— Presentation transcript:

1 Coordinating Conjunctions Punctuations: Three Comma’s Rules Free Writing ( Must Start the task inside the class And then Checked by the instructor))

2 Revision for L3 is about??  1.  2.  3.

3 P:23-29 L3 is about: C Narrative Paragraphs P:23 Time Order.. Means what? Time Order Signals.. What are they? Sentence Structure(how) + Coordinating Conjunctions(what are they

4 Before L4- try Task C&D: P: 31 use: but, and, or, so to connect the sentences Try it out: P:31 choose one topic and write a paragraph 1.Folktale from your culture 2.a Children story you know 3.The plot of a movie you has seen recently

5 L4: P:33- Comma’s 3 Rules 1) Put it after the time order before a subject: last night, I saw a fearful dream Rule 1 Rule 2 2)Put it before the time order after the 1 st compound sentence not between the 2 parts of a simple sentence: I was so hungry, so I bought a sandwich

6 3.Put it between items in a series of 3 or more items (if the items are words, phrase or clause. I bought a book, 3 pencils, 2 erasers, and a bag. Rule 3 Do Practice 3 A:(1-5) in the class (6-10)at home P 33- B:P:34

7 Listen No Absent Quiz Next lecture For chapter 1-2

8 We finished using the following: Be ready to test them next week 1. Paragraph format 2. Paragraph process. 3. capitalizations 4. Simple sentence and compound sentence. 5. Time orders 6. Coordinator conjunctions 7. commas Attention please,

9 The Writing Process Free- writing P: 34

10 As you study Prewriting means: Prepare the first step in writing Process step: the ideas by listing ideas in 1,2,3, or a,b,c,d…etc

11 The second step in prewriting is Free-writing free-writing free-writing? Is to write sentences without stop and think about:  Time of occurring  Grammar- spelling Mistakes  capitalization  Punctuations(,)-(;)-(.) (!)- (?) or  Incomplete sentences or phrase

12 Why? Just to keep your pencil moving across the paper

13 Look at this example(P: 34) Memorable Event in my life See how she jump from topic to topic

14 P :34 Do as she did (write many ideas) Start now I will check

15 Remember never care about errors and mistakes P:35 What you studied in this chapter are: Narration definition Time order Compound sentence And-so-or- but Comma’s uses

16 Remember I will take the next free-writing copy at the end of this lecture

17 free-writing Assignment P: 36 or about celebrating a special day in your culture We will again Start using the 5 steps of writing

18 Step 1 Prewrite(get ideas)  Complete the ideas you start in free-writing  Unforgettable memorable or experience

19 Step 2: Organize your Ideas:  Use First, after that- then- meanwhile- finally- before- at that moment

20 Step 3: Write a Draft: begin with I’ll never forget

21 Step 4: Polish the draft Exchange papers with a classmate Use peer- editing worksheet 2- p200

22 Start exchange papers with your neighbor have 10 minutes

23 Step 4- Do the changes that your friend suggested, then use self-editing worksheet 2- p201

24 Step 5  Now Write the final copy Hand in (draft+ 2 nd draft+ final copy)

25 L5- will start by a Quiz For Chapter 1+ 2 To discover my way in preparing exams Be Ready

26 Chapter 3 L5- Paragraph Structure(parts) 1 Topic Sentence 2 Supporting Sentence 3 Concluding Sentence

27 4 Punctuation: 5 Apostrophes 6 The writing Process

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