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The Emergence of Human Communities. Paleolithic (“Old Stone”) Age.

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Presentation on theme: "The Emergence of Human Communities. Paleolithic (“Old Stone”) Age."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Emergence of Human Communities

2 Paleolithic (“Old Stone”) Age

3 Human Life in the Era of Hunters and Gatherers

4 First evidence of material and non-material culture and tool- making

5 Small bands of nomadic foragers

6 Egalitarian social structure

7 Creation of languages

8 The Spread of Human Populations (c. 10,000 BCE)

9 Neolithic (“New Stone”) Age

10 Transition from foragers to sedentary agricultural societies Europe China

11 Religion based on nature and fertility Farmers worshipped Mother Earth Megaliths were constructed for ceremonial and religious purposes

12 Major crafts: Pottery,

13 Metallurgy,

14 Textiles,

15 Plows, wheels, and wheeled vehicles

16 Traded in salt, metals, gems, stone, and grains

17 Important discovery: Obsidian

18 Cave art



21 The Neolithic (First Agricultural) Revolution

22 Why? Climate change

23 Domestication of plants

24 First occurred ≈ 8000 BCE in Fertile Crescent with wheat and barley

25 Agriculture emerged by independent invention in Africa, East Asia, Mesoamerica, Southeast Asia, and South America



28 Farming methods developed “Slash and burn” agriculture Crop rotation Fallow fields

29 Dogs were the first animal to be domesticated

30 Other animals were domesticated for meat, milk, hides, bones, fertilizer, and for work

31 People began to use selective breeding => differences between wild and domesticated species


33 Algerian rock painting of cattle herders Petroglyphs from near the Arctic Circle in Norway dating from 4200 to 500 BCE

34 Pastoralism became predominant in the arid parts of Africa and Central Asia


36 How did the Neolithic Agricultural Revolution change the world?

37 1. Natural population growth

38 2. Long work hours

39 3. Steady food supply but less varied and nutritious

40 4. Transference of diseases to humans from animals, water, or air

41 Farmers began to have long-term advantages because of survival rates => slowly absorbed other societies as they expanded

42 5. Created agricultural villages Specialization of labor Socio-economic class structure Some villages became the earliest cities => Development of civilizations => Extension of trade and influence

43 Jericho

44 Çatal Hüyük

45 Middle East/Europe

46 Africa

47 South/Southeast/East Asia

48 The Americas

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