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Exploring the Core of Manhood Ian Crone Dain Gotto Michael Henthorne.

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Presentation on theme: "Exploring the Core of Manhood Ian Crone Dain Gotto Michael Henthorne."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exploring the Core of Manhood Ian Crone Dain Gotto Michael Henthorne

2 Objectives Gain an understanding of aspects of traditional male identity which contribute to problematic behaviors Understand theory surrounding male socialization and how it may contribute to male struggles Identify steps which can be taken to develop healthy gender roles for college men

3 Overview I.Welcome to Guyland (evidence of problem) I.Evidence of problem II.Relevance to our work (Connection to theory) I.Male Gender Role Conflict II.Guyland III.Breaking the cycle of socialization I.Harro’s Cycle of Socialization IV.Examples of real practice

4 Welcome to Guyland Evidence of a problem: (cite a statistic for each) Alcohol Abuse Decline in academic success and persistence Sexual violence Suicide rates Racism and bias incidents Homophobia and related violence Criminal activity Gambling addiction

5 Welcome to Guyland

6 Relevance to our work Male Gender Role conflict – “a psychological state occurring when rigid sexist, or restrictive gender roles learned through socialization, result in personal restriction, devaluation, or violations of others or self.” O’Neil J.M. (1990) Assessing men’s gender role conflict. In D. Moore & F. Leafgren (Eds.). Problem-solving strategies and interventions for men in conflict (pp. 23-38). Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association.

7 Types of Gender Role Conflict a) GRC within the man private experience of negative emotions and thoughts experienced as gender role devaluations, restrictions, and violations. b) GRC expressed toward others men’s expressed gender role problems that potentially devalue, restrict, or violate someone else. c) GRC experienced from others men’s interpersonal experience of gender role conflict from people interacted with that result in being personally devalued, restricted, or violated. d) GRC experienced from role transitions Gender role transitions are events in a man’s gender role development that alter or challenge his gender role self-assumptions and consequently produce GRC or positive life changes. Jim ONeil’s GRC Page at Uconn; O'Neil (2008). Summarizing 25 Years of Research on Men's Gender Role Conflict Using the Gender Role Conflict Scale: New Research Paradigms and Clinical Implications. The Counseling Psychologist, 38, 358-445 positive life changes

8 Relevance to our work Male Gender Role conflict associated with… Correlated with…. Higher levels of anxiety Lower capacity for intimacy, Negative attitudes toward seeking help Low self- esteem, Negative attitudes and intolerance towards homosexuals, Depression Endorsement of traditional masculine ideology. Davis, T.L. (2002) Voices of gender role conflict: The social construction of college men’s identity. Journal of College Student Development, 43, 508 – 521.

9 Relevance to our work Male Gender Role conflict associated with… Correlated with…. Higher levels of anxiety Lower capacity for intimacy, Negative attitudes toward seeking help Low self- esteem, Negative attitudes and intolerance towards homosexuals, Depression Endorsement of traditional masculine ideology. Davis, T.L. (2002) Voices of gender role conflict: The social construction of college men’s identity. Journal of College Student Development, 43, 508 – 521.

10 Relevance to our work Welcome to Guyland... Bros before Hos –The Guy Code Boys don’t cry Don’t get mad – get even Take it like a Man Beware the Gender Police It’s all Good Rites of Almost Men Sports Crazy Hooking up Kimmel, Michael (2008) Guyland: The perilous world where boys become men. New York, HarperCollins.

11 Breaking the Cycle of Socialization Strategies: Connect men to oppression theory and oppression reduction work (liberating self by liberating all people from oppression) Encouraging and organizing discussion of the nature of men’s oppression Encouraging men to speak out about what life has really been like for them. Reject the widespread belief that men and boys are by nature violent or aggressive.

12 Breaking the Cycle of Socialization Strategies (cont’d.) Restore men’s sense of their own goodness and worth. Adapt social environments to accommodate the reality that men are human beings who have feelings. Organize all men to assume primary responsibility for eliminating sexist oppression from the world. Organize men’s workshops and support men’s liberation groups

13 Examples of Real Practice Colorado State University – Men’s Program, Coursework National Coalition Building Institute (NCBI) – Men’s Constituency and Annual Men’s Conference Social Justice Training Institute (SJTI) – 4-day institute that focuses on in-depth teaching about oppression and privilege (advanced, not entry-level)

14 Examples of Real Practice ACPA Standing Committee on Men – seek to promote awareness of men's issues among both men and women. – supportively challenge men on campus to develop their full potential in spite of socially constructed gender role limitations. – encourage and support the creation and dissemination of knowledge about men's development. – actively welcome men and allies who are newer or new to male role exploration. – seek a balance between members' relationship needs for support and personal exploration and our professional responsibility to educate, organize and participate in the work of ACPA. NASPA – Bi-annual Conference on College Men: (Next conference is 2011) The goal of the conference is to provide a stimulating venue for educators to share and discuss cutting-edge research on college men's development and propose strategies that have proven effective in helping college men achieve successful outcomes.

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