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Základní škola Třemošnice, okres Chrudim, Pardubický kraj 538 43 Třemošnice, Internátní 217; IČ: 70989176, tel: 469 661 719, emaiI:

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Presentation on theme: "Základní škola Třemošnice, okres Chrudim, Pardubický kraj 538 43 Třemošnice, Internátní 217; IČ: 70989176, tel: 469 661 719, emaiI:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Základní škola Třemošnice, okres Chrudim, Pardubický kraj 538 43 Třemošnice, Internátní 217; IČ: 70989176, tel: 469 661 719, emaiI:, Registrační číslo: CZ.1.07/1.4.00/21.2459 Název: Škola pro každého – kvalita a efektivnost ve využití lidských zdrojů Výukový materiál VY_22_INOVACE_34_ Past continuous and past simple in use Název materiálu (téma): Past continuous and past simple in useSada:Angličtina,2. stupeň Autor: Mgr. Alena Chaloupková Anotace: Past continuous and past simple in use (práce s interaktivní tabulí, pracovní list) © Výukový materiál je majetkem ZŠ Třemošnice, okres Chrudim, Pardubický kraj, 2012

2 Past continuous and past simple in use. Activities during Comenius partnership. Teacher: Mgr. Alena Chaloupková Class: 8 Date : 3rd April2012 Subject: English Topic: Past continuous and past simple in use. Activities during Comenius partnership. Reading comprehension. Key words: past continuous, past simple Type of interactivity: Interactive board and a worksheet. This exercise can be used for practicing of past continuous and past simple, for reading comprehension to show how interesting can be Comenius activities. We can also use it like a motivation for international cooperation and at the same time we can use it for grammar practice. It can be used for group work, competition or work in pairs.

3 Activities in Finland. Exercise. Part 1. Choose the correct form of verbs for A and B. 1 When we (A) _________to Lieksa in Finland, we (B)_________ our passports at the passport control. 1 A was travelling/ travelled/were travelling B was showing/were showing/ showed 1 2 3 4 2 When our pupils (A) ________, their host families with their schoolmates (B) _________for them at the station. 3 At 11 am the Turkish group (A) _________ and all other pupils(B) _________and watching. 4 When all groups (A) ________round the open air museum one girl (B) _________ her mobile phone but we found it soon. 2 A was arriving/were arriving/ arrived B was waiting/ were waiting/ waited 3 A was dancing/were dancing/ danced B was sitting / were sitting/ sat 4 A was walking/were walking/ walked B was losing/ were losing/ lost

4 Exercise. Part2. 5 Girls (A) __________their quiz when their teacher (B) __________and brought them some new information to help them. 6 We (A) _________in the schoolyard when the bell (B) _________. 7 Our international group (A) _________ English when a Finish teacher (B) ________ us to draw and describe the national flags. 8 When I (A) _________our workshop products my German friend(B) _________ me his help. 5 A was discussing/ were discussing/ discussed B was coming/ were coming/ come/ came 6 A was playing / were playing/ played B was ringing/ were ringing/ rang 7 A was learning/ were learning/ learnt B was asking/ were asking/ asked 8 A was preparing/ were preparing/ prepared B was offering/ were offering/ offered 5 6 7 8

5 Exercise. Part 3. 9 Mr Pöppönen (A) __________about ICT tools in his school when other teachers (B) _________ the classroom. 10 In the evening all the project partners and host families (A) __________ to the brass concert when I (B) _________ the beautiful solo player. 11 The teachers (A)_________the memory tree when one of Finish teachers (B) ________ Josef for help and gave him a spade. 12 Look at this picture. A Turkish boy (A) __________ the water drawing and everybody (B) _________at his work carefully. 9 A was talking/were talking/ talked B was entering/ were entering/ entered 10 A was listening/ were listening/ listened B was seeing/ were seeing/ saw 11 A was planting/ were planting/ planted B was asking/ were asking/ asked 12 A was presenting/ were presenting/presented B was looking/ were looking/ looked 9 10 11 12

6 Exercise. Part 4. 13 Eliška was teaching friends how to make a ceramic dove. When her friend (A) ________pottery it (B) _________ on the rolling pin. 14 When ceramic doves were ready, we (A) ________ them and then we (B) ________ labels with names of pupils on them. 15 When Josef (A) ________a picture using a new technology, his Turkish friend (B) ________ him a valuable advice how to make it better. 16 When we (A) ________on the peak of the mountain in Koli National park Mrs Thomas (B) _________ a photo of beautiful view behind us. 13 A was rolling/ were rolling/ rolled B was sticking/ were sticking/ stuck 14 A was displaying/ were displaying/ displayed B was putting/ were putting/ put 15 A was drawing/ were drawing/ drew B was giving/ were giving/ gave 16 A was standing/were standing/ stood B was taking/ were taking/ took 13 14 15 16

7 Key. Part 1. Part 2. Part 1. 1 When we (A) were travelling to Lieksa in Finland, we (B)showed our passports at the passport control. 2 When our pupils (A) arrived, their host families with their schoolmates (B)were waiting for them at the station. 3 At 11 am the Turkish group (A) was dancing and all other pupils(B) were sitting and watching. 4 When all groups (A)were walking round the open air museum one girl (B)lost her mobile phone but we found it soon. 5 Girls (A) were discussing their quiz when their teacher (B) came and brought them some new information to help them. 6 We (A)were playing in the schoolyard when the bell (B)rang. 7 Our international group (A) was learning English when a Finish teacher (B) asked us to draw and describe the national flags. 8 When I (A)was preparing our workshop products my German friend(B) offered me his help.

8 Key. Part 3. Part 4. 9 Mr Pöppönen (A) was talking about ICT tools in his school when other teachers (B)entered the classroom. 10 In the evening all the project partners and host families (A) were listening to the brass concert when I (B) saw the beautiful solo player. 11 The teachers (A)were planting the memory tree when one of Finish teachers (B) asked Josef for help and gave him a spade. 12 Look at this picture. A Turkish boy (A) was presenting the water drawing and everybody (B) was looking at his work carefully. 13 Eliška was teaching friends how to make a ceramic dove. When her friend (A) was rolling pottery it (B) stuck on the rolling pin. 14 When ceramic doves were ready, we (A) displayed them and then we (B)put labels with names of pupils on them. 15 When Josef (A)was drawing a picture using a new technology, his Turkish friend (B) gave him a valuable advice how to make it better. 16 When we (A) were standing on the peak of the mountain in Koli National park Mrs Thomas (B) took a photo of beautiful view behind us.

9 Fotografie - autorka

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