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98 Newton’s First Law 97 11/12/2014 Starter: What do you know about Newton’s Laws? Application Notes – Put here Connection: Mini Poster Exit: ( Just write.

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Presentation on theme: "98 Newton’s First Law 97 11/12/2014 Starter: What do you know about Newton’s Laws? Application Notes – Put here Connection: Mini Poster Exit: ( Just write."— Presentation transcript:

1 98 Newton’s First Law 97 11/12/2014 Starter: What do you know about Newton’s Laws? Application Notes – Put here Connection: Mini Poster Exit: ( Just write the explaination) Jennifer rides the city bus to school each day. One day, when she boards the bus, it is crowded and she has to stand in the middle. During the trip, she notices her friend standing at the front of the bus and tries to the friend’s attention by jumping up as high as she can so that her friend will see her. When Jennifer lands back on the bus floor, where will she land and why? 11/12/2014 Practice : Outer Space Push activity Newton’s First Law

2 November 12, 2014 AGENDA 8.6 C Students will investigate and describe applications of Newton’s first law of inertia by reading and writing during notes and an activity. 1 Starter 2. Notes 3. Activities 4. Exit

3 DateLecture/ Activity/ Lab Page Table of Contents 10/20 See Saw Poster 69-70 10/21 Balanced/Unbalanced 71-72 10/22 Law of Conservation of Mass Lab 73-74 10/23 Balancing Chemical Equations Activity 75-76 10/24 Balancing Chemical Equations Writing 77-78 10/27 Evidence of Chemical Reactions 79-80 10/28 Chemical Reactions lab part 1 81-82 10/29 Test Review 83-84 10/30 Chemical Reactions lab part 2 85-86 11/3 Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration Notes 87-88 11/4 Speed and Velocity Lab 89-90 11/5 Interpreting Graphs 91-92 11/6 Walking Lab II with graphing 93-94 11/10 Balanced and Unbalanced Forces 95-96 11/12 Newtons 1 st Law 97-98

4 Newton’s First Law Notes TEKS 8.6C Investigate an describe applications of Newton’s law of inertia

5 Newton’s Law of Motion… Newton’s First Law of Motion… INERTIA

6 If an object is in motion, it will continue moving in the until a force changes its motion. If an object is in motion, it will continue moving in the same direction until a force changes its motion.

7 If an object is resting it will stay If an object is resting it will stay resting.

8 Inertia is an object’s to a change in. Inertia is an object’s resistance to a change in motion.

9 Some objects have more of a tendency to resist change than others.

10 It takes force to change an objects motion if it has a mass. It takes more force to change an objects motion if it has a large mass.

11 It takes force to change the motion of an object with a mass. It takes less force to change the motion of an object with a lower mass.

12 is the amount of matter in an object… Mass is the amount of matter in an object…

13 … and a measure of an object’s tendency to which is called. … and a measure of an object’s tendency to keep doing what it is doing which is called inertia.

14 What will happen to the skateboarder if he hits the block?

15 He will fly forward!!

16 How does Newton’s first law apply here?

17 Your 1 st Law of Motion Poster 1.Choose a scenario 2.Draw an illustration of the scenario. 3.Explain what is happening in the picture. 4. Put your name on the back of the poster 1. Newton’s 1 st Law 2. Draw your scenario 4. Explain why this represent the law 3. Explain what your picture is showing. Connection

18 100 Newton’s First Law 99 11/12/2014 Starter: What do you know about Newton’s Laws? Application Notes – Put here Connection: Mini Poster Exit: ( Just write the explaination) Jennifer rides the city bus to school each day. One day, when she boards the bus, it is crowded and she has to stand in the middle. During the trip, she notices her friend standing at the front of the bus and tries to the friend’s attention by jumping up as high as she can so that her friend will see her. When Jennifer lands back on the bus floor, where will she land and why? 11/12/2014 Practice : Outer Space Push activity Newton’s First Law

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