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Author Gorobej Angelika This grammar reference has been created to help students of the Mariupol Machine – Building College to better understand English.

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2 Author Gorobej Angelika This grammar reference has been created to help students of the Mariupol Machine – Building College to better understand English grammar.

3  There are four such forms. They are:  PARTICIPLE I or PRESENT PARTICIPLE  PARTICIPLE II OR PAST PARTICIPLE  GERUND  INFINITIVE All of them are mixed parts of speech because they combine verbal features with features of some other part of speech. Author Gorobej Angelika

4 TAKE A LOOK AT THE DIAGRAM. Angelika Gorobej. All rights reserved.


6  Participle is a non – finite form of the verb that combines features of a verb and an adjective and an adverb.  Possessing the features of an adjective participle is an attribute to a noun. A broken cup lay on the table.  Possessing the features of an adverb participle is an adverbial modifier. He sat at the table thinking.  Possessing the features of a verb participle can: a) Have an object: Signing the letter the manager asked the secretary to send it at once. b) Be modified by an adverb: Packing his things very quickly, he hurried to the station. c) Have tense and voice forms (see slide 2) Author Gorobej Angelika

7  When forming Participle I we add –ing to most verbs: To read – reading, to stand - standing, to study – studying.  When forming we should follow the rules of spelling: 1. If the verb ends in –e we drop it and add –ing To make – making, to give – giving. 2. In one – syllable verbs we double the last consonant: To sit – sitting, to get – getting, to permit – permitting. BUT: to open – opening, to order – ordering. 3. If the verb ends in –l we double it not paying attention to the stress: To compel – compelling, to travel travelling. BUT: to cancel – canceling. 4. Remember!!!! To die – dying, to lie – lying, to tie – tying. 5. We form Past Participle by adding –ed to the regular verbs, and using the table for irregular verbs. To ask – asked, to buy – bought. 6. Negative particle NOT is put before the Participle: Not asking, not having asked. Author Gorobej Angelika


9 After such verbs as to see, to feel, to observe, to notice, to hear, etc. we use the so called “Complex object”. him running. I saw him running. the work done He wants the work done immediately. An objective pronoun or a noun in a nominative case Participle I Author Gorobej Angelika

10 According to the rule constructions that have their own subject are called “The Nominative Absolute Participle Construction”. The student knowing English well, the examination did not last long. MY SISTER HAVING LOST THE KEY, we could not enter the house. Author Gorobej Angelika

11  Form Participles I and II of the following verbs. To stop, to cut, o forget, to begin, to charter, to study, to open, to play, to give, to tie.  Translate the following sentences into Russian. 1. A person bringing good news is always welcome. 2. While skating yesterday he fell and hurt himself. 3. Having lived in that town all his life, he knew it very well. 4. Being told of his arrival, I went to see him. 5. Books read in childhood seem like old friends. 6. The leaves lying on the ground reminded us of autumn. 7. When writing a telegram we must use as few words as possible. Author Gorobej Angelika

12 Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Переходя через мост, я встретил моего друга. 2. Машины, заказанные на заводе, прибудут через несколько дней. 3. Покажите мне список слушателей, изучающих английский язык. 4. Прожив несколько лет в Польше, он знал польский язык очень хорошо. 5. Вы должны быть очень внимательны, играя в шахматы. 6. Сдав все экзамены, он поехал в деревню. Correct the mistakes. 1.Stoping, writing, studing, lieing, giving. 2.I saw him to running. 3.The man in the room to watch TV is my brother. 4.A broked vase was on the floor. 5.Writing letters were sent yesterday. 6.Look! These runing boys is my friends.

13  Choose the correct variant 1. When … the text he used a dictionary. a) Having translated; Having translated; b) Translating: Translating: c) Translated. Translated. 2. Having … in the city most of his life, he wrote a book about it. a) living; living; b) Lived; Lived; c) Live. Live. 3. We saw girls … in the garden. a) Were dancing; Were dancing; b) Are dancing; Are dancing; c) Dancing. Dancing. 4. I hear him … something to his mother. a) Shouting; Shouting; b) To shout; To shout; c) To be shouted. To be shouted. Author Gorobej Angelika


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