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“Bombardment” Vocabulary Scholastic Expert 21 Course II Workshop 2B.

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1 “Bombardment” Vocabulary Scholastic Expert 21 Course II Workshop 2B

2 spectator spec-ta-tor (noun) a person who is watching an event I enjoy being a spectator, but I’d rather play a sport than just watch it.

3 eliminate e-lim-i-nate (verb) to get rid or remove I wondered which mistake would eliminate me in the spelling bee.

4 phenomenon phe-nom-e-non (noun) an occurrence or event The rainbow is a beautiful natural phenomenon.

5 random ran-dom (adjective) without order or purpose There were so many cute puppies to choose from, we just picked one at random.

6 astonished as-ton-ished (adjective) very surprised or amazed Matt was astonished when he opened the door and saw Sophia standing on her head.

7 condemn con-demn (verb) to declare guilty and punish Those who came late were condemned to stand in the aisles for three hours.

8 destined des-tined (adjective) bound for, or having a certain fate Trey was destined to become a famous swimmer.

9 sympathize sym-pa-thize (verb) to understand or appreciate other people’s troubles I sympathize with people who get picked last for teams.

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